Sierra Leone Telegraph: 4 January 2016
Sierra Leone opposition politician Dr. Alie Kabba (Photo) has once again been sent to solitary confinement this afternoon by president Koroma, whose irresponsible dictatorial rule and abuse of power is threatening to return the country to another civil war.
Kabba was taken to court this morning from Pademba Road prison, where he has spent the last four nights in inhumane conditions, without access to medical care and visit from family members.
Hopes of an immediate acquittal of Alie Kabba were dashed today, after several tortuous hours in court for the second time, when magistrate Mohamed Seray Wurie, who is increasingly showing his gross incompetence and party political leanings, refused to grant bail to Kabba – a political prisoner of conscience.
President Koroma’s use of administrative and procedural bungles to deny Kabba his civil liberty was seen today, when the court was informed that bail could not be granted because of the absence of the registrar and clerk.
Alie Kabba who is a fierce critic of the Koroma government’s poor record in office, like hundreds of thousands of Sierra Leoneans living and working abroad holds a dual citizenship – citizen of Sierra Leone as well as the USA.
The Sierra Leone Telegraph has learnt tonight that the American Embassy in Sierra Leone, has today strongly expressed its concerns to the Koroma government, over the continuing detention of Kabba and the unnecessary delays in bringing the case to a conclusion.
It is understood that the opposition SLPP party of which Kabba is a grand chief patron, are planning to stage a protest march tomorrow to demand the release of Dr. Alie Kabba.
The Sierra Leone Telegraph was unable to obtain official confirmation from the SLPP.
Supporters of Dr. Kabba say that they have exercised enough patience, waiting for justice to be dispensed by the court, and they will do whatever it takes to ensure the release of Kabba.
“Justice delayed is justice denied, and we will not sit by and allow this APC government to bring another war to the people of Sierra Leone,” a supporter told the Sierra Leone Telegraph. (Photo: Former APC strongman and military junta leader – Johnny Paul Koroma still wanted by the ICC).
Fifteen years ago, saw the end of a brutal rebel war in Sierra Leone, which took the lives of over 200,000 people, caused by the tyranny and oppression suffered by many, under an APC one party state, led by the brutal dictator – Siaka Stevens, an icon of president Koroma.
And is president Koroma provoking a return to chaos and civil disturbance that will provide him with the pretext to declare another state of emergency, which could effectively see the cancellation of elections in 2017 in order to stay in power for another term?
Sierra Leone is on the path once again to becoming a failed state, as president Koroma and his cronies appear to be slowly dismantling the very fabric of democracy and good governance that was laid down by the international community, after the war in 2001.
Tonight, as Dr. Alie Kabba spends his fifth night in solitary confinement, the question that must be asked, is whether the ruling APC party can be trusted to protect not only the lives of all of the citizens of Sierra Leone – irrespective of tribe, political persuasion, religion and regional origin, but act as a guarantor of liberty, freedom and justice.
This is a statement issued tonight by the global campaign group set up to demand the release of Alie Kabba:
“Dr. Alie Kabba Returned to Solitary Confinement”
“This morning President Ernest Bai Koroma and his APC government, brought Dr. Alie Kabba to court yet again without any written complaint. The magistrate refused to dismiss the case despite the lateness of government prosecutors and their witnesses.
“The case resumed after hours of delay. But again, the government failed to present their case.
“Dr. Kabba was denied bail once again, and returned to solitary confinement at the notorious Pademba Road prison in Freetown, in violation of the Constitution of Sierra Leone and against Dr. Kabba’s right to due process under the law.
“We must therefore continue to persist with our global campaign to FREE DR. ALIE KABBA.
“We plead with the international community especially, to impress on President Ernest Bai Koroma – a beneficiary of a hard-won democratic process in Sierra Leone, to abide by the Constitution of Sierra Leone and ensure Dr. Kabba’s right to justice.
“Thank you for your continued support, as together we fight for justice and the rule of law in Sierra Leone.”
Well said
President Ernest Koroma: Without mincing words, sack Ms Diana Konomanyi from your cabinet or step down. And let the people of Sierra Leone decide who to continue the office of the President.
This her bigamy charge against Dr. Alie “Muslim” Kabba is unfounded, ridiculous and despicable. Please Sir, do not let yourself be caught up in this political mess of hers. Or you will regret it in due time.
You did it against Sam Sumana, your Kono brother-in-law, and went scot-free. But not this time around. You are far bigger than this. And much more is expected from you. Enough is enough!
If you cannot sack Ms Diana Konomanyi since she is a Kono woman like your wife Mrs. Sia Koroma, then please remember that the Late President Mandela did not hesitate to dismiss his legally wedded wife Winnie Mandela, from being the Deputy Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology of South Africa, following allegations of corruption. You have been warned.
If Dr. Alie Kabbah has simply been arrested by President Ernest Bai Koroma for no reason, then the state of Sierra Leone is in a real anarchically mess for another civil war.
But is this another ploy for the current government to stay in power after tampering with the national constitution relating to removal of the Vice President, for which the people of Sierra Leone did nothing but gave total blind eye?
This level of analysis is carefully required before jumping into any form of action, to avoid the condition getting worse.
Democracy and the APC are perennially uneasy bedfellows. Here’s a party, whose leader President Koroma, largely came to power through the very democracy, whose door they’re bent on shutting tight.
As the Opposition in Parliament is all but dormant and ineffective, it would take Global pressure to convince President Koroma and his ruling APC cabal to free Dr. Alie Kabba and do the right thing.
Yet this illegal detention of Dr. Kabba and the myriad cases of repression and unconstitutionality, are precursors of the ruling APC Party’s determination to use violence in the forthcoming elections in order to retain power.