Politics & Law

Another political crisis in Sierra Leone as opposition APC suspends engagement with the Tripartite Committee

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 15 June 2024: Sierra Leone’s main opposition All People’s Congress Party (APC) has announced it is suspending its membership and involvement in the Tripartite Committee established by the international community, in the wake of controversial presidential and general elections held in June 2023, which independent election monitors [Read More]

Economy & Business

Sierra Leone among other African countries launching or concluding oil and gas licensing rounds in 2024

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 13 June 2024: With a strong slate of exploration and production activities and competitive licensing rounds in 2024, Africa is well-positioned to realize its potential as the global energy frontier. These bid rounds are poised to cement Africa as a global hub for hydrocarbon development. Licensing rounds [Read More]

Education and Health

Gavi announces launch of preventive Ebola, routine multivalent  meningitis human rabies, and hepatitis B birth dose vaccination programmes

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 13 June 2024: Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance today announced that the lower-income countries it supports can now apply to introduce four additional vaccines: preventive Ebola, human rabies vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis, multivalent meningococcal conjugate and hepatitis B birth dose. These four vaccine programmes were previously approved by [Read More]