Sierra Leone Telegraph: 11 March 2018:
With 75% of the polling stations results now out, it is clear that voters in Sierra Leone are now heading for a run-off as predicted before the election last Wednesday, 7 March 2018.
Announcing the 75% results this afternoon – 11th March 2018, the National Electoral Commission declared as follows: SLPP – 848,438; APC – 833,519; NGC – 136,009; C4C 67,132; RUFP – 9,866; PMDC – 7,521; NURP – 1,816; PLP – 3,373; RNIP – 1.976; UDP – 4,477; UNPP – 2,369; and Unity Party – 2,891. The total number of votes announced today, is 1,958,191 out of the 3.2 million registered voters. It is not clear what the percentage voter turn-out was last Wednesday.
These results show that SLPP is leading the ruling APC by 15,000 votes. The remaining 25% of votes cast at polling stations across the country are expected to be announced later today Sunday.
The results announced so far, have come as a massive shock to the ruling APC whose confidence in winning at the first round had become palpably infectious to the opposition.
But it would seem now, that after declaration of 75% of results today, the ruling APC may be heading back to the drawing board along with their Chinese friends and financial backers to strategize for a runoff.
The opposition SLPP will now be hoping that they can extend their percentage lead later today, once the remaining 25% have been announced.
If the SLPP goes into a run-off with the ruling APC, they will need to open negotiations with the NGC and C4C parties to discuss power sharing arrangements in return for their support at the run-off.
It is expected that Dr Kandeh Yumkella and his NGC executive will hold direct high-level talks with Maada Bio and his SLPP officials, to discuss a negotiated power sharing arrangement for the next government.
The next parliament of Sierra Leone is once again expected to be dominated by the APC, possibly commanding 45% of the parliamentary seats; SLPP 40%; and NGC about 10%. This will not be sufficient to provide Dr Yumkella with the level of power he needs to leverage and influence the change he had campaigned for in the last three years.
Dr Yumkella will need to go into coalition with the opposition SLPP on a negotiated power sharing arrangement, in return for supporting SLPP at the run-off.
A coalition government is what the people of Sierra Leone so desperately need, so at to begin work on addressing corruption, poverty, poor health, a bankrupt economy, mass unemployment, poor electricity, poor water supply, and poor standards of education across the country.
Speaking to the Sierra Leone Telegraph, a strong supporter of Dr Yumkella said today: “We are heading for a run off between SLPP and APC. That being the case, it is very difficult to contemplate or entertain throwing our votes with the corrupt and heartless APC. We say we want change and we campaigned for change. We cannot afford to stay away from the run off either and watch APC and SLPP determine our destiny for another five to ten years.
“We need to be part of a power sharing block so we can influence and direct the affairs of the next government. We may not have enough MPs in parliament either to wield the power we need to make the change we want with our more than 200,000 votes.
“My view is that if pushed we must not shy away from going into a negotiated power sharing arrangement with SLPP on the proviso that we share the presidency and ministerial positions. Nothing less.
“As for APC, we must stay well clear from them at the run off. We don’t need APC. If we make the mistake of pitching tent with APC at the run off we will regret it forever. Let us learn from the mistakes of Sam Sumana and Charles Margai. Let us wish our NGC leaders God’s guidance in making a clear decision about the run off.
“Dr Yumkella cannot afford to sit back and merely watch his almost 200,000 votes melt away into the APC camp at the run-off. His voters will be looking up to him for direction. He must come out, once the run off has been declared and start negotiation with SLPP.”
Kandeh, stay away from both parties that destroyed Mama Salone and continue to preach and work to a road for a better Salone.
Let the will of God be done. All that I know is that with the current state of things, Sierra Leone will be heading for a run off between SLPP and APC and the best will emerge as the winner.
This message For all The SLPP support, that this is our turn. People really need change this time around after 10 years of suffering under the APC.
Thanks to all peace loving Sierra Leoneans who went to the polls to cast their votes. May the outcome of results be accepted in all spheres by all parties. May God Almighty save Sierra Leone.
Bravo, Bravo to the beloved and peaceful citizens of Mama Salone. Thanks for conducting yourselves during the first phase of the March 7th 2018 elections and wishing you a peaceful run-off.
Note that politicians are all the same, never compromise with any of them that try to create conflict in the nation, always remember to give them deaf ears and only vote your right. After the election, the positions will be shared amongst themselves? So why fight or hate your fellow citizens?
The secret behind the peaceful election in Liberia was based on the deaf ears we the citizens paid to those corrupt politicians and all our attention was to vote and we did. My people of Sierra Leone you can do the same, for we all are tired of suffering in Africa. Thanks!
Thanks to all Sierra Leoneans for their peaceful conduct throughout the elections. It is good that we have learnt our lessons well in the hands of these wicked APC politicians. And guess what, they want to use tribalism and sectionalism to gain votes. It will not work, because as a born TEMNE youth, I have suffered for more than ten years and will not wish to continue in poverty. FROM JOHN BANGURA.
I know that Sierra Leone belongs to God and that same God will not sit and watch our beautiful nation fall in the hands of those so-called APC gangs. But the determining factor in this transition period of our beloved nation is the KKY NGC (Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella) faction, Samuel Sam-Sumana of the C4C party who the APC neglected and if possible the ADP M. Kamaraimba
Their role in forming a coalition with either the opposition SLPP or the tyrannical rolling APC will either save us for the former or drown us for the later. May Allah guide the NGC, C4C and the ADP for a successful combination with the SLPP for victory for the opposition in the runoff. Thanks
We are talking about the good road because I knew that APC tactics so i don’t really care about the the corruption road that he made, our people are suffering in there, so you guys are saying nonsense.
Look at the Ebola and the flooding – lot of kids lost their lovely parents, no-one caring for them. We are looking at the hunger of the people, the corruption, joblessness, poor EDUCATION, foodstuffs are so high in price, poor road network, less electricity supply, no water facility and APC corruption party, I’m behalf of the SLPP but am not talking about politics; I am talking about the life of the people in my country.
Look at other African countries. we are all one people one country, I love APC, I love SLPP, NGC, all other parties, But I don’t like the corruption and the heartlessness of the APC party. That’s all i want to say, Love you all
It is important that African democracy is yielding fruit. The people of Sierra Leone very much followed the footsteps of Liberia in the manner in which they conducted themselves during their 2017 election. I support free and Fair elections.
Thank you thank you thank you to the true patriots of this fine nation Mama Salone. Indeed you have to start to form a coalition government now, and we are happy that this kind of progress had started raining down on the streets of the whole country Sierra Leone.
Even for a simple visit, we do not need Koroma in the State house anymore. APC is not to be trusted at all they are all betrayers.
We know what happened to Lawyer Margai and sacked VP Sam Sumana; APC does not have the gut to confront Chief Sumana for negotiation I wish that they attempt. The whole country knew what Sam sumana did for the APC….Run off? Sierra Leone people are ready.
We were colonized bythe British not China or the Chinese people we can’t even speak their language(Tin Tin Ton). May God bless Mama Sierra Leone.
The people of Sierra Leone Want Change And That Change is what we are expecting tomorrow
All we know is that, the A.P.C party will again come to power and breastfeed our beloved Mama Salone. When the S.L.P.P was in power, they did nothing good in nourish Mama Salone.
In fact good roads,adequate electricity,good standard of living and cheap source of human labour were not there; only the A.P.C party have started mending all those huge gaps. With no shame, the S.L.P.P was claiming to have started the job of closing all those gaps on paper, which the A.P.C government did the live practical for them to see and learn – action speaks louder than words. Dr Yumkella and others must reason out very well for Salone’s development and advancement.
From Osman Sesay in Kenema (student of Islamic Senior Secondary School)
Lord I Know U Have Chosen The Winner already
Yes, let God’s will be done in this our one and only beloved country Sierra Leone.
Let Allah’s will be done. He knows Sierra Leone has gone through a lot over the years. Allah says in the Qur’an that He will not respond to a suffering people’s situation until they are willing to mend their ways. And HE further said that IT IS FROM AMONG YOU THAT I AM GOING TO CHOOSE A LEADER.
So, your leader reflects the majority of the ways of your people at that time. Our political system needs an infusion of new leadership with new energy every five or ten years for development to continue at a noticeable pace. The energy driving a system (machinery) of governance, no matter how well-intentioned, and whether that machinery is using ‘Duracell’ or ‘Alkaline’ batteries, is unsustainable after more than ten years. The system will need a new set of ‘political batteries’ after five or, at maximum, ten years to continue to function with reasonable verve.
So, I welcome the multiplicity of political parties and Presidential candidates to create the atmosphere of genuine and functioning coalition governments in the foreseeable future, bringing about a vibrant democracy in which every district of Sierra Leone will be represented in its governance. Let us be appreciative of what little development has been done thus far, but let’s not gloat over and be complacent about it, for the finished line is still decades away in this marathon race toward the full and balanced development of Mama Salone.
Our leaders should not expect immediate explicit appreciation for whatever contribution they may have made during their tenure. That will come in due time. The politicians must show how grateful they are to the PEOPLE for giving them the opportunity to serve them and delivering services to them during their tenure, and not the other way around, as is often the case.