Joseph F Kamara (JFK): Sierra Leone Telegraph: 24 May 2020:
JFK wishes happy Eid -ul Mubarrak to all Sierra Leoneans. A Blessed Eid-ul-Mubarrak to our Brothers and Sisters: On behalf of the JFK Family and JFK Foundation, let me offer congratulations to you all for abstention from the vanities and trappings of life, to successfully complete one of the pillars of your faith in Islam.
Let me wish you all the promised blessings of Ramadan and the enduring mercies of Allah. As we joyfully celebrate, let us not forget the challenges of Covid-19 and it’s devastating consequenses. Please remember to stay safe and love one another.
What is the need of fasting? Some of those who have involved themselves in the exercise will soon start killing, murdering, mismanaging public funds, stealing government funds, idolatory and participating in all kinds of evil and social vices.
Allahu Akbar. Praise be to God, that our Muslim brothers and sisters, all over the world have concluded their fasting in these scary and difficult times of our lives. Eid Mubarak. May the blessings of Allah fill our lives with happiness, love for one another, compassion, not hatred and finally, open all the doors of success now and forever more. Ameen. Father God.
As Muslims around the world and Sierra Leone celebrate Eid, we should all take our time and reflect on where our country is and where it is heading under this Bio government. The one thing all Sierra Leoneans will agree on, in terms of Religious freedom, we are one of the most tolerant countries in the world. Compared to places like Nigeria and in the Middle East we are by far the most tolerant country. No other county comes even close. Something we as Sierra Leoneans should be proud of and shouting about.
I only wish our government can take a leaf from that tradition of tolerance that Sierra Leoneans are capable off, and known for and extend it to the media. These days media freedom feels threatened by this government that see enemies everywhere. They are even scared of their own shadows, in case they are plotting to make the country ungovernable. These days when I hear president Bio, use that term , I scratch my head and wonder out loud ,how that term found its way to Sierra Leone.
In terms of religious tolerance long may it continue on that tradition. To be honest it is the only positive thing that comes out of our country. The only country where Christians and Muslims celebrate Christmas and Eid Mubarak together. So in the interest of peace and stability, President Bio should use this occasion to pardon all political prisoners in the country. Nothing political – just common sense, so we open a new chapter in our country.