Sierra Leone Telegraph: 28 February 2024:
On Monday, 26 February 2024, the Freetown City Council had a productive meeting with the World Bank Country Manager Abdu Muwonge, the World Bank Team Lead on the Resilient Urban Sierra Leone Project (RUSLP), the members of the Project Implementing Unit and the Ministry of Finance FDD Director.
The World Bank is conducting a Mid-Term Review of RUSLP and the meeting provided a platform for updates and discussions regarding the RUSLP sub-projects that are relevant to Freetown City Council.
These sub-projects include FreetownTheTreeTown, a Solid Waste Management strategy and the construction of the Sanitary Landfill in Hastings, planned Community Upgrades in Moyiba, Coconut Farm and Rokupr and the update of the Freetown Structure Plan and the Western Area Region Spatial Plan.
“Our engagement with the World Bank Mid-Term Review Mission Team will continue during the course of this week as we seek to ensure that all the sub-project interventions are fully implemented for the benefit of Freetown residents,” Freetown Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr commented.
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