Unquestionable superiority of The Albert Academy – A light-hearted look at Freetown’s schools – Op ed

Dr. Doma: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 September 2024:

Ahhh!!!!… Freetown schools – each with its proud history, notable alumni, and unique traditions. We respect them all, of course, but let’s be honest: when it comes to true excellence, Albert Academy stands ahead and shoulders above all (AA).

Let’s start with one school that proudly claims to be the oldest not just in Sierra Leone but across sub-Saharan Africa.

“The Good Old School,” they fondly call themselves. And yes, they’ve been around for 179 years, but that “old” really sticks out, doesn’t it? Their best days seem to be gathering dust in the archives, though they do try to keep discipline alive to some extent. The past is nice to admire, but it’s the present and future that matter – and with its youthful 120 years, Albert Academy is still producing the brightest minds of today and tomorrow.

Age before beauty? Not when it comes to schools

Then there’s one of the May Park schools in Kingtom, celebrating nearly 100 years. They love to throw around phrases like “a century of excellence,” even suggesting they have royal connections. But let’s be real: Albert Academy’s motto, Esse Quam Videri – Rather to be, than to seem – fits the situation perfectly.

While they may aspire to wear a crown, Albert Academy has been sitting comfortably on the throne for quite some time. Sure, they’ve made waves in academics and sports, but they’re always reaching for something that’s already in Albert Academy’s hands – the crown.

Speaking of the other May Park school that’s been around for over a century. That’s no small achievement, but despite their trumpets and speeches, they always seem to be running just a step behind Albert Academy.

It’s not for lack of trying – they give it their best every year. But at this point, it’s like a tug-of-war where they’ve already lost their grip on the rope. (Den wan be lek we.) But hey, we respect their persistence!

Now, let’s talk about that other school on Wilkinson Road. They’ve been standing strong for over 100 years. But beyond that, what more can they boast of? They’re like that quiet neighbour who’s been at every block party but never really makes a scene.

Meanwhile, Albert Academy is always leading the parade, right in the centre of the action. Maybe one day, Wilkinson Road will have its moment to shine, but for now, they’re just quietly doing their thing.

And let’s not forget all the girls’ schools in Freetown. We admire their determination and “girl power” slogans. But while they’re busy chanting and marching, Albert Academy has been quietly getting the job done.

After all, real empowerment comes from results – whether in the classroom or in the whole wide world. And trust us, Albert Academy has always delivered. But we cheer them on, hoping one day they’ll catch up!

Then there’s that other school rumbling at Thunder Hill, 150 years and counting. You’d think with all that time under their belt, they’d have overtaken us by now. But maybe it’s being so close to the “Kissy Kraze Yard” that’s thrown them off. “And yes, the alumni recently built a new structure, allowing them to move to a single-shift system – an impressive feat.

While Albert Academy still operates with two shifts, it ensures we accommodate more bright minds, maintaining our tradition of excellence. After all, it’s not about the shifts but the quality of students we continue to produce. For all their years, they’re yet to match Albert Academy’s accomplishments in just 120 years.

But hey, there’s no shame in trying. To those proud of their single-shift system, we commend your efforts. But remember again, success isn’t about shifts systems – it’s about results.
Albert Academy continues to lead by producing the brightest minds, proving that true excellence lies in outcomes, not the system.

At the end of the day, we don’t look at these schools with disrespect – just a sense of camaraderie. They’re all doing their best. But whether you’ve been around for 179 years or are just approaching 100, the truth is clear: Albert Academy is leading the pack, and everyone else is playing catch-up.

As Albert Academy celebrates 120 years of excellence, we salute our fellow schools with respect and humour. After all, it’s all in good fun, and together, we make up the rich history of Sierra Leone’s educational system.

“Esse Quam Videri – Rather to be than to Seem.”



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