Sierra Leone Telegraph: 12 March 2025:
Many Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad are now seriously at risk of being declared terrorists, for simply criticising the government of President Julius Maada Bio who few years ago annulled the death penalty, only to replace it with extra-judicial killings by state sanctioned death squads and armed ruling party members.
Since coming to power through the ballot box in 2018, and thats after serving in opposition for many decades as a fierce critic of successive governments without being arrested or invited by the police for questioning, Julius Maada Bio (Photo – right) – a former junta soldier turned president, has killed over 200 innocent young protesters in cold blood across the country.
With the passing yesterday Tuesday, 11th of March 2025, of the new counter -terrorrism laws, the ruling SLPP party and its government, will now have the legal pretext not only to step up its blood thirsty campaign against opposition politicians but anyone using social media to criticise the government.
Critics say that the government has rushed this Bill through parliament with little or no public consultation, aided by the main opposition APC party who are currently in comatose, sitting on the lap of the government.
With the rapid change in the established world order ushered in by U.S President Donald Trump and the gradual erosion of respect for the rule of law, human rights and civil liberty, there is little doubt heads of state in poor nations like Sierra Leone will become more dictatorial and dangerous to their own citizens.
Sierra Leone has one of the most draconian Cyber Laws in the world and the passing of this new counter-terorisim law will surely harm the country’s fragile democracy, and end the hard won civil liberty that many died for during the decade-long rebel war.
Sierra Leone does not need tougher and dangerous laws aimed at muzzling freedom of speech. What the country needs is strong institutions that are led by patriotic, competent and incorruptible leaders and politicians who will stand up for the interests of the people to end abject poverty.
The country cannot have “incorruptible leaders” without leaders who are full of THE TRUE HOLY SPIRIT.
Let THE WILL OF GOD-ALMIGHTY THE GOD OF ABRAHAM Be Done About Sierra Leone. Amen. Ameen.