Sierra Leone Telegraph: 24 July 2021:
Sierra Leone’s High Court presided by Justice Simeon Allieu on Thursday convicted Mohamed Sheku Turay, a former Banker at the Rokel Commercial Bank on two counts of corruption offences.
Turay was sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred million Leones (Le 100,000,000.00) immediately or serve a term of ten years imprisonment.
The Judge also ordered Mohamed Sheku Turay to pay a restitution of three billion, nine hundred and twenty million, one hundred and forty-five thousand, two hundred and sixty-two Leones (LE 3,920,145,262.00) on or before the 30th September, 2021, which he stole from the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA).
Justice Simeon Allieu convicted Mohamed Sheku Turay after pleading guilty to Count 1 and Count 3 of the charges – Misappropriation of Public Revenue, contrary to Section 36(1) and Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1)(a), of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 12, of 2008 as amended in 2019 respectively.
According to the charges brough by the ACC, Mohamed Sheku Turay and seven others – Alimamy Sesay, Noah Winnebah, Abioseh Ola Barnes, Musa Momoh Lahai, Hawa Y. Kamara, Mary Bangura (Mrs Ngegbai) and Rugiatu Kalokoh were on 16th July 2021 indicted by the ACC for misappropriating three billion, nine hundred and twenty million, one hundred and forty-five thousand, two hundred and sixty-two Leones (LE 3,920,145,262.00) of electricity bills paid to EDSA for the supply of electricity.
Mohamed Sheku Turay is the principal accused person in the indictment.
The hearing involving Alimamy Sesay, Noah Winnebah, Abioseh Ola Barnes, Musa Momoh Lahai, Hawa Y Kamara, Mary Bangura (Mrs Ngegbai) and Rugiatu Kalokoh, continues at the High Court in Freetown.
Hahahaha….The Hopping Grasshopper Squad is at it again trying to sting like Scorpions; Its the same old story being played over and over again like an old broken record screeching out loud irritating sounds the gullible SLPP Cabal has been calling music to their undiscerning ears. Same boring stories that lead to nothing of value and substance being spewed out by SLPP propaganda merchants and auctioneers. Today’s Headlines – ACC Secures a Conviction; Yesterdays was – ACC Convicts Mr SO..so and So; And Tomorrow’s for sure will be ACC wins the War on corruption hands down.(lol) Benny
Boy and the Old soldier selling fake dreams of success to the naive poverty stricken masses of Sierra Leone. Its all a sham,nothing of great importance.
Mr Sheku is going to walk away a free man at the end of it all after greasing the palms of Corrupt SLPP political heavyweights, with close ties to the President. This is Sierra Leone; Here corruption is a widely accepted norm, a credible way of life to make ends meet. Everyone here is corrupt – State House leads the way; followed by a limping Parliament and a crippled Judiciary that has sold its integrity to the highest bidders for paltry sums of cash. Drip, drip, drip; those are sounds of the ACC’s achievements in a country that is being eaten slowly by corruption like a shark devouring its prey.
Drip, drip, drip…inaudible as those sounds may be they’re true symbols of the Presidents successes – little drops of progress dropping and dripping here and there – all over our little country,dripping and dripping like the tears of our abjectly poor struggling people.(lol)
Delighted to hear the good news that Sierra Leone has abolished the death penalty. Thank God. Hope it will never be reinstated.