The Great Sayedna: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 December 2020:
For countless decades, political scientists, pundits and ideologists that are well versed on subjects relating to ethical ideals, principles and doctrines affiliated with a class or a large group of people have been pondering over the best ways our societies must function and be organized, and the most appealing, uncomplicated ways to achieve such an admirable goal.
And strangely, as ideas were being exchanged by men and women of different cultures and social status from across the globe, African intellectuals stood aloof, watched in silence and did nothing, waiting for the end results of the keen efforts of others.
It will surprise you to know that one of the biggest advocates for Democracy world-wide is a successful ice cream company “Ben and Jerrys ” worth hundreds of millions of dollars who strongly believes without Democracy there is no hope for a safer, better and prosperous world.
Their efforts in using their staggering revenues and success to exert a positive influence on political institutions in the United States is all a calculated attempt to help fix a broken, crumbling democracy that is seen by many as neglecting much needed social programs and leaving millions behind languishing in poverty and despair.
So, despite the loud trumpets being blown from rooftops about the advantages of Democracy as the most credible form of governance, its shortcomings and weaknesses can be visibly seen all over the world in countries like Norway, Germany, France, Switzerland and the UK that are considered a true reflection of what any vibrant Democracy should look like in its finest forms.
But many people would agree that’s just one view of a shiny coin with two sides. Now let’s flip it over and examine the other side. It is a known fact that many academics and thinkers have firmly resolved themselves into accepting the popular opinion that Communism and socialism are strongly associated with China and Russia, names that are synonymous with oppression, abuse and maltreatment.
But the most ardent advocates of Communism have argued that it can mobilize resources more quickly, effectively create industrial power and is also a great enabler of government in its earnest desire to executive massive projects in record breaking time without interruption and unnecessary delays.
But critics insist it is very far from a perfect system, and neither is it the enchanting utopia that Communist leaders are claiming it to be. Its disadvantages are countless, and they stand imposingly face to face with her advantages like a vigilant sentry in a war zone staring down an aggressive enemy. Freedom of speech is non-existent, efficiency and productivity are low and difficult because there are very little incentives and motivations to inspire workers towards improvement. And the saddest part of all -corruption and abuse of power are rampant and widespread.
And now after examining the two sides of the coin judiciously, let us all take a clear and impartial look at our own reflections in the still and serene waters of truth.
Most pragmatic Africans have openly confessed that they are being haunted by a troubling imagination that gave them no peace, even after asking this troubling question: “Why didn’t Mother Africa create her own unique, innovative political ideology for the progress and benefit of her people instead of borrowing that which belongs to others?”
Why don’t we have a style of governance that was hatched from our own ancient traditions and customs that suit us perfectly like a hand in a glove or like a key into its rightful padlock?
Why be mediocre and try and imitate the lofty achievements of others?
Are Africans not aware that imitation always come with limitations? Here we are a gullible and naive people, flying on wings of paper given to us by others instead of striving to strengthen that which existence has given us.
The truth of the matter is there is no fate but what we make for ourselves, no need for us to strive and adapt our charcoal black African lives to a Democracy that was founded in the faraway caves of Greece in Europe, which the Americans have now transformed into something more well-defined, self-assertive and substantive.
The Legendary Pan African Ghanaian leader Kwame Nkrumah once proudly said; “We face neither east nor west – we face forward.” Ingenious! Those are the prudent words of a visionary leader that understood that for Africa to be able to stand gallantly on her two feet and make sustainable progress on her own, she must first be brave enough to resist the influences of all external forces.
Now let us dive deeper again into the ocean of his timeless words; “The forces that unite us are intrinsic and greater than the superimposed influences that keep us apart.”
Brilliant! Gentlemen – this is where you loudly applaud – Gone for sure but not forgotten.
Someone out there – answer me, what were those superimposed influences Kwame Nkrumah was warning us about? Here’s your answer – the influences and predatory tendencies of Western Democracy and the self-seeking intrusion of the Communist and socialist East, of course.
Africa must no long stammer but find her true voice and muster the courage she needs to arise from her very deep slumber, so that she can create a system of governance across board that works effectively for the interests and benefits of her struggling people; or we will forever be regarded as nothing but poverty-stricken puppets controlled by the greedy, domineering Western and Eastern Powers.
Fantastic and brilliant article there by Stargazer. African Leaders shout and talk about independence and sovereignty all the time. But are they serious about that? I don’t think so. Talking to myself. China is now the new colonial master for Africa. Colonialism all the way. Africa will never be independent, both politically or economically. I believe only one percent of African Leaders are serious about independence or sovereignty. The rest are busy selling the independence of their countries to the Chinese for debt that they will never pay. The Chinese will one day ask for land for the repayment of those debts, because of the overpopulation in China. Can you imagine what will happen? God bless Stargerzer. Happy New year in advance to you sir. Yeah.
And a Happy New Year to you also Mr Matturi and let me add also that your keen intelligence, discernment and ability to think quickly and effectively has helped us a great deal to raised the standards very high on the glorious forum.
Sincerest thanks for showcasing an enviable, admirable example for everyone to strive for and emulate. Stargazer – wishing a Happy New year also to Hon. Abdul Thomas and family, Alimamy “The Illustrious” Turay. Special Agent Young4na and Mr Abraham Amadu Jalloh – Gentlemen welcome to a prosperous 2021.
Sincerest thanks for your forthright attitude Mr Adewale John. I am quite sure we all know the answers to those sarcastic questions of yours, but if there is something in a broader historical context you wish to add and share with the members of this glorious forum, go right ahead, feel at ease to contribute further and illuminate us – I am all ears.(lol)
Now my brother is being philosophical. From Shakespearean doctrine to political dogma. That is the essence of humanity: the continuous refinement of the individual within the accepted norm. Discounting privileges, opportunism, chance and other factors, the possibility frontier is open to everyone to manoeuvre within its parameters. Individual limits are invariably related to one’s attributes and level of perseverance. Who knows what my brother could metamorphosised to in the next decade, or so?
Brilliant article from a different angle. Hopefully the Great Sayedna may like to come up with a sequel. He asserted that the two sides of the coin amid the current political ideologies are not compatible with the African perspective. Can Africa adopt the interface between the two dogmas; or perhaps define a completely different type of thinking? Over to you the Great Sayedna (or Saidu Conteh, or STARGAZER). With a little bit of research, I know you can do it.
When my elder brother the “Illustrious” Alimamy Turay speaks, I have no other choice but to sit up and listen to one of the brightest minds to have ever come out of Sierra Leone. My heartfelt thanks to you for your kind words Sir. The road to perfection is an ever-changing one – sometimes we crawl in the darkness in the midst of trials, then proceed to walk across vast arid deserts, after which we can ascend through storms and hurricanes towards unreachable heights.
Brilliant and thought provoking article here from the great SAYEDNA (professor Saidu Conteh), one of the ingenious, highly proficient handler of the queen’s language, with a gift of artistic nature, always delivering above expectation with insightful contributions.
Now, as much as many Africans crave for an independent thinking continent, free from the claws and influence of our colonial masters, the over-reliance of our leaders to these COLONIAL masters, preferring to go around with a begging bowl, rather than using natural talent and resources, makes accomplishing such a feat an herculean task. The only remote hope we have as a continent exists if like minded young Africans, decided to coalesce around such an idea, and chart the way forward. As it stands, the older generation are still stuck with the dependency and slavery mentality.
I never knew the voice of truth can be as loud as a Cannon that fires with a frightening noise, until I came across Special Agent Young4na on this glorious forum; he had opponents running for cover.(lol) The man is one of a kind, a rare gem of authority and sincerity that reflects a dazzling array of awe-inspiring insights never before seen. A million thanks to you Sir for your profound words of kindness.
Gentlemen – the incomparable Shaolin Kung Fu masters of the far-east embraced simplicity in the art of warfare because it enabled them to easily overpower opponents with a mindset of invincibility whenever they were engaged in mortal combat – “Simplicity is Brilliance,” said the legendary Kung Fu action hero Bruce Lee. But Bruce can speak with authority on such matters because Shaolin Kung fu originated in his backyard, in a Buddhist temple in China where he was born – it wasn’t something borrowed from the West like our Democracy so he was able to master its teachings with lethal precision, even the most deadly Kung Fu technique of all time known as the “THE BUDDHA FINGER.” Simplicity is brilliance, so let me now explain how our leaders ended up adopting a Democracy that resembles a father’s oversized trousers worn by a few of his under-aged sons.(lol)
There was once an English slave merchant that had a servant he loved very dearly because he was trustworthy and diligent. For many years the servant toiled day and night and made the merchant very rich, so when the time came for the merchant to retire he assembled all his workers and said to the one he loved;” Ask of me anything you wish and I will grant it to thee!” And the servant replied, “My Freedom is all I ask of you, my lord.” And the other servants gasped with fear and started murmuring. But the old Merchant raised his head and shouted, “silence!” then he asked his favorite servant – “You still crave your Independence even after all I have done for you and your people? Then so be it, but tell me when I make you master over your people how will you be able to rule over them and control their greed, strange impulses, indiscretions and insatiable appetite for power and wealth?”
And the servant replied with a warm smile, “O Master of the British Empire, in order to subdue my people, mould and shape them like clay in the hands of a sculptor I will use your enduring methods for you are as slippery as a fish in water, as cold as the freezing winter snow, and could be as scorching as the blazing desert sun. I have seen you bring stubborn horses to their knees in submission and none can command the wayward winds and they respond calmly like thee.” And the Master said to him, “Thou art a wise and faithful servant – Custodian over all that belongs to me, I now make thee ruler over all your people – maintain my ways over them, and only then will you find peace and rest.” And he touched him on his shoulder and made him KING.( Maintain my ways over them)
Stargazer said: “Thou art a wise and faithful servant – Custodian over all that belongs to me, I now make thee ruler over all your people – maintain my ways over them, and only then will you find peace and rest.” And he touched him on his shoulder and made him KING.(Maintain my ways over them)”.
My question is: Did the anointed servant keep his ‘holy oath or obligation’ to maintain the ways of his master over the people? Or did he turn out to be nothing but a benevolent thief – who turned the people into slaves; living off the sweat of their brows and natural resources?
Instead of maintaining the ways of his master, did the anointed servant create division and hatred among the people; and taught them slothfulness and how to steal from the collective purse, thus bringing poverty to the land?
The question then becomes – how did the British, the French and the Portuguese European powers manage to come to our shores and colonise us? Why were they successful in governing us peacefully, in which vast majority of cases there were hardly any tribal, religious or political strife as we see today and the millions of Africans that died immediately after the colonial powers left? Do white Europeans understand African culture better, and the way we do things than our own so-called black educated African brothers?
If yes, one will assume it is because they studied our cultures, and understood the way it works better than our black African leaders. You just have to look at how the British colonial authorities managed to govern Nigeria, a vast country with more than two hundred ethnic groups, with different political and religious traditions in a peaceful way with little or no tribal conflicts as we are witnessing today.
During their time, there was no such thing as Boko Haram. Same with vast French West Africa. No problems with living side by side with your fellow Africans that belong to different ethnic groups. We Africans need to revisit our cultural traditions and heritage and try to understand the way we used to run our own affairs peacefully amongst ourselves. Maybe a blend of the old and new will go a long way to bring about the changes needed in our continent.