Madagascar: Cyclone Batsirai response – February 2022

On 14 February 2022 at a temporary shelter for people displaced by tropical cyclone Batsirai in Ampasimandrorona district, WHO’s Dr Koné Foussen speaks to the grandmother and mother of twins about the importance of vaccinating the infants. Since January 2022, multiple extreme weather events have damaged homes and public infrastructure in Madagascar, leaving over 760,000 people without access to health and displacing over 168,000 people. WHO is working with the national health authorities and health partners for a coordinated response effort, including delivering essential medical supplies and medicines and deploying experts in the affected regions. Since January 2022, multiple extreme weather events have damaged homes and public infrastructure in Madagascar, resulted in the death of over 200 people, and left over 650,000 people without access to health care. WHO has been working with national health authorities and partners to respond, including by delivering essential medical supplies and sending experts to the affected areas.
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