Sierra Leone Telegraph: 14 January 2020:
Violence erupted this afternoon outside the opposition All People’s Congress (APC) party office, with at least one person – an APC supporter seriously injured.
It is not clear what started the violence, but from various video clips published on social media, large crowds of APC supporters could be seen shouting about being attacked by supporters of the ruling SLPP party, who they said were throwing stones at the APC supporters.
One adult male APC party supporter is said to have been stabbed several times on his head. (Photo).
The APC supporters are claiming that the minister of internal affairs – Lahai Lawrence Leema , who is responsible for the country’s police force, was seen driving past the APC party office at the time of the attack on their supporters. They are accusing the minister of orchestrating the attack.
A video of his vehicle driving past the APC office could be seen in the video shown below.
According to some eye witness reports, the attack on the APC supporters started when a funeral cortege carrying the remains of senior SLPP supporter – named as Yanka Dauda Sesay – believed to be the Chairman of the SLPP Sweissy traders, drove past the APC party office.
The photo and name of the deceased they said was on the SLPP banners draping the vehicle carrying the deceased.
As the search for answers as to how today’s violence could have started in one of the most sensitive areas of the city – the environs of the opposition APC party office, questions are being asked as to why the funeral procession could have been allowed to pass in front of the APC party office to get to the Kingtom Cemetery, given the political history and heightened tensions between the ruling SLPP and the APC.
Although some armed police presence could be seen in the area during the violence, there was no evidence of an attempt to arrest those involved.
A few months ago, similar violence erupted at the APC party office when police stormed the office in an attempt to arrest supporters who they said were throwing stones at the police and SLPP supporters.
The findings and recommendations of the investigations into that violence is yet to be made public by the police.
Supporters of the APC say they have lost confidence in the police. They are accusing the police of acting on behalf of the ruling party, instead of enforcing law and order impartially.
While there has been no official response from the police or the SLPP party bosses, supporters of the SLPP are denying accusations of involvement in the violence.
The late Mr Yanka Dauda Sesay (Aka YD) they say was the chairman of the SLPP support group known as “Vision for the New Direction”.
His laying out ceremony was this afternoon held at the SLPP party offices in central Freetown, with the party’s chairman Dr Prince Alex Harding (seen here at the centre of this photo above) and senior officials of the party – including its national secretary general – Napoleon Koroma , national publicity secretary and minister of internal affairs – Lahai Lawrence Leema, leading the mourners (Photo below).
How a funeral procession could have left the SLPP party office in central Freetown to make its way down to the APC party office – several miles away in the west of the city where this afternoon’s violence erupted, is the question the police would need to answer – and soon.
In the meantime, the US Embassy in Freetown has issued this security advice to its citizens in the country:
Security Alert – U.S. Embassy (Freetown, Sierra Leone) (January 14, 2020)
Location: Brookfields, Freetown
Event: Reports indicate there are currently violent confrontations between APC and SLPP supporters near APC headquarters in Brookfields. U.S. government personnel are advised to avoid the area today.
Additionally, there is an increased amount of police in the area tasked with maintaining order. Expect the increased personnel and confrontations to congest traffic in central Freetown. Exercise extreme caution in the Brookfields area.
Actions to Take:
Avoid the area of Brookfields. Avoid crowds. Monitor local media for updates.
Videos below showing the scene outside the APC party office; and the white government vehicle seen being driven past the APC office believed to be that of the internal affairs minister – Lahai Lawrence Leema:
A hell of a thing fear can be – it strangles its victims with uneasiness,doubts,insecurities, and gut wrenching feelings of despair.(lol) Ever since Sam Sumana returned to the folds of the APC,there has been nothing but anxiety, clamour, panic,and uproar everywhere.(lol) I can sense,and smell fear coming from directly State House,because they are fully aware that the game is already over without, it having even started as yet.(lol)
A failed President,and his failing crew of unproductive,delusional army of Professors,with reading glasses on,peering into the depths of books,still unable to figure out their left shoulders from right in 2 long,tedious,years(lol)Two years of being paid huge salaries for accomplishing nothing,while hardworking women struggle in the hot,arid markets trying to sell handfuls of onions,and pepper,for little amounts of pocket change. All their boasting,arrogance,and ceaseless bragging,when examined,and scrutinized,accounts for nothing tangible at all – absolutely nothing. But Saidu what about the theft of rice designed for the starving poor?Wasn’t that something they would be remembered for?(lol)
True,my friend – these thieves will always be remembered for what they have wickedly stolen from poor suckling infants, old, sick, and mentally disabled. Yep, clearly,that was something shameful,that leaves no doubt…it was a dubious,criminal act that will forever be remembered in Sierra Leone my only home. Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
Happy New Year to you Mr. Bilal Coleman. I trust your assessment about the peaceful situation in our beloved country but unfortunately some APC supporters are very confused about the rapid institutional development that is currently taking place – The Anti Corruption is now functional, the Parliament and Judiciary are now performing their duties instead of receiving brown envelopes, National Revenue Authority (NRA ) are enforcing tax laws instead of taking bribes, City Councils are doing a wonderful job by keeping our environment clean and healthy, our Girls are feeling safe and confident thanks to the “Hands off our Girls “ program and most polygamous families with more than 8 children no longer have to choose whether to send only boys to school thanks to the Free quality education and thanks to the law enforcement for keeping our people safe and sound.
Let’s continue to pray for our Leadership for wisdom and understanding and let the Almighty continue to give us the courage to count our blessings. Amen and Ameen.
One thing remains crystal clear to the people of Sierra Leone,and investors alike – our fragile,already backward country is on the brink of total collapse. Overnight,under SLPP rule,our neck of the woods,has become an unstable,volatile nightmare, waiting for a tiny spark,that will ignite a firestorm. And those SLPP supporters who are thirsting for such an outcome, sooner, or later,are going to get their wish, because as I see it, it is bound to come from the hands of these Gestapos, thugs, and Criminals.
The notorious, inept, inglorious, SLPP is not only a rag tag gang of thieves,but also a group of organised barbarians like the Visigoths,and Ostrogoths,that ruthlessly invaded,murdered,and took over most of Europe in the 300’s.They spill blood because of their dread,and hatred for red,and we all know that red is the official,enviable color of the legendary APC.(lol)
My brethren,a Barbarian kingdom is what the SLPP is aspiring to create in our lovely,peaceful Sierra Leone,where lawlessness, and mindless brutality will replace the rule of law,and order,and become solid foundations,and pillars on which our nation will finally stand. Since they came to power,they have been seeking,and looking for trouble,picking fights here,and there, displaying arrogance,and adamant,unchecked inordinate pride all over our peaceful country.
And now they’ve created a needless,meaningless confrontation,and an atmosphere of strife,and violence with the APC right there on our front door,intentionally looking for trouble,on territories,they are fully aware belongs to us. But its alright,its fine – for he that seeketh trouble shall find it,armed to the teeth,waiting for them….Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
Mr. Sahr Matturi, It’s fine to criticize but I implore you to carefully read and understand what you are criticizing. Let me reproduce what I wrote: “Does Boris Johnson get blamed for the police cracking down on lawlessness in the streets of London? Or does Donald Trump get blamed for every action of the police in the streets of New York City?”
Does the above necessarily imply political party violence? Doesn’t violence come in other forms? Also, do you know what the yearly homicide rates are in the big cities of the United States and the United Kingdom? Look, I lived in New York City for twenty years before returning home. I can argue that it would take Freetown about fifty years to match New York City’s one year homicide rate.
The so-called violence of Sierra Leone is a figment of the imagination of power hungry folks of your ilk to give the world the false impression that Sierra Leone is unstable. Truth is, when it comes to peace and non-violence, I will choose Freetown over any city in the world.
Come down here and join me in enjoying the peace and stability that the New Direction government has brought to Sierra Leone.
I am now happy for some of our brothers who have started coming up to this forum with their eloquent contribution to silence these grid locked supports for the APC party. If they’re in power you are not liable to live outside of the country, as a diasporan you have no place even to run for office. The APC party forced the former presidential candidate aspirant Dr. KKY to strip himself of his U.S. Citizenship to be eligible to run for president.
The APC party brought all dirty laws so that they can be victorious in the 2018 polls, APC attention was on Bio. Couple days ago, the former president Ernest B. Koroma in one of his speeches was so applauded by the audience saying “God chooses a leader whom He wants to” but nobody was thinking about Bio’s victory. They call him all sorts of names, thief, he beats his wife in USA and was deported, he would never step foot in the US bla bla, mass murderer steals $18million – all this from APC, but at the end God’s destiny was implemented folks.
I believe that KKY is smart, experienced and well educated. He would never abandon his NGC as some others did. Let’s love our country Sierra Leone and put it as our number 1 priority. Thank you
The two great parties system is propaganda, in the very nature that it exists. As it is simply designed – which I feel is by default of the democratic system we’re in – for the sole purpose of making every political development in any given nation automatically black or white, and vice versa. Here is a quote that highlights this phenomenon that I find stimulating.
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” — John Adams, Letter to Jonathan Jackson (2 October 1780), “The Works of John Adams
It’s rather unfortunate that since the APC party lost the 2018 presidential election which will go down as the first time in the history of the APC party through a democratic process – Sierra Leone has once again been considered as an unstable country for investors. I personally believe that the APC party office is now a REBEL TERRITORY which presently is occupied by the “WESTSIDE BOYS“.
The APC party office is a DANGER ZONE for even the police who defended themselves by tear gassing the APC rebels few months ago; and now its a provocation for any Sierra Leonean who is considered as SLPP member to walk or drive in front of the APC party office. Even during a funeral procession, the dead SLPP member is a legitimate target for the APC.
Let’s continue to pray for our country so that what happened to the SLPP during the first term of the late President Tejan Kabba cannot be repeated.
Alusine Fallay, happy New Year my brother. I spent the entire month of December 2019 in Sierra Leone. Although I found the country peaceful and safe (in vast contrast to what is portrayed on social media), I always made sure that I avoided Old Railway Line, the street on which the APC headquarter is located. As you correctly observe, “the APC party office is now REBEL TERRITORY”. I just wonder at what time the APC would come to the realization that violence does not help any country to grow and that APC has in multidimensional ways hurt the growth process in Sierra Leone.
APC’s bad governance caused the civil war, APC was responsible for the spread of EBOLA in Sierra Leone and the lack of APC oversight caused the largest mudslide in Sierra Leone. At what point in time would these folks come to realize the wrongs committed against their fellow countrymen?
All the violence in Sierra Leone during APC rule and since the SLPP assumed power has been the creation of APC. Since the party is no longer in power, APC folks want to render Sierra Leone ungovernable so that foreign investors would stay away from the country. But it is instructive that APC’s penchant for challenging the police to a duel does not produce good results. Why O Why APC? Wan APC Taye!!!
Mr. Matturi, facts don’t matter to these folks, deceptions and conspiracy theories is what they thrive on. These people claim they love mama Salone, yet they are supporting the very things that will bring demise to our nation. When SLPP was in opposition, and the APC was ruling with a heavy hand against opposition parties, these bunch of hypocrites were all over the place screaming as loud as they can to point out the injustices.
Now with their party in power doing the same things as APC, in some instances worse, they have suddenly change tactics. How unpatriotic can one be?
You are right Young4na. Vengeance for wrong doing is now the order of the day. To be honest, I was really disappointed the NGC, PMDC or C4C did not win the past general elections. Realistically, it was not possible because, they were new and they just can’t grow on one political event. I was thinking of a miracle to happen but, it didn’t. This revenge violence has increased under this administration. As you rightly said, the same people who were crying foul under the former APC government are now supporting these barbaric and savage acts under the SLPP.
But we are where we are now. In complete violence mode and total MESS economically and politically. The only thing to do is to continue putting the pressure constantly and responsibly with the facts through this glorious platform for the entire world to read. That’s why I believe very strongly that, all this will end in 2023, when this government will be voted out of power. Everyone in the country including the entire world are now tired with almost two years of constant violence, thuggery, land grabbing, misinformation, semi corruption, barbarity etc. Just choose the devil you know in 2023. That’s it.
It’s now left with the APC to sort out this unfortunate situation/mess by unifying and electing someone that will beat any SLPP leader come 2023 like a drum or “LEK BATA”. May God help peace reign in our country till 2023 election day. God bless and help APC unify and elect someone to take our country out of this time bomb all out violence by some lawless and hoodlum henchmen from the “SEL PEE PEE” party. God bless Young4na and our country.
Another episode of political violence with blood drawn yet again.The most distressing thing about it is that there is no end in sight;the two major political parties [SLPP and APC] seem to condone and abet it to score inexplicable political goals. Those caught in the middle of it are never the grown up children of the politicians or their extended family members, but the poor and down trodden in society who are unable to discern this fact – and so-called civil societies do nothing to educate them, drawing their attention to the idea that they can be APC or SLPP without being violent, and at election time go out and cast their vote peacefully – never to come out to demonstrate in favour of anybody or party.
President Bio is the enigma in this whole matter.He has the levers of power in his hands but does not know how to use them to foster stability in his country,thereby lending credence to my assertion that behind the scenes he condones and abets violence.
At constituency 110 in Freetown a few months ago,the allegation was that he sponsored the disruptive activities of “arrata”. This time his minister in charge of security,Lahai Lema,ironically stands accused of engineering the violence. APC are not innocent either; they are experts in goading SLPP into dastardly reactions.
For the American Embassy in Freetown to feel the need to put out a statement this time, warning Americans in the country to be cautious and aware of their surroundings because of the violence is a very serious development which should jolt President Bio to act swiftly,or all his traveling to generate investment from the outside world has just sunk into oblivion. Does he really believe that an investor would plow his money into a country that would go up in flames at any time? He should stop day dreaming or hallucinating – otherwise he should open a library to handle all the memoranda of understanding which he keeps signing all over the place.
Mr. Santhkie Sorie,
You are apportioning blame again in a development without getting all the information. Why would you blame president Bio for the actions of political party desperadoes and the police? Does Boris Johnson get blamed for the police cracking down on lawlessness in the streets of London? Or does Donald Trump get blamed for every action of the police in the streets of New York City?
We are quick to point out to the president that he should not micromanage the affairs of the country. Yet when he delegates responsibilities to agencies, we are all too quick to point accusing fingers at him when something goes wrong. Please give the president a break. Under the circumstances he is doing a great job.
In another posting, you had questioned the president’s inability to pursue any serious development project since he assumed office. Yet when I pointed out that there is already a $275 million Turkish rice project going on in Torma Bum, Bonthe district, you refused to comment. What about the free quality education program that has reached every corner in Sierra Leone in just two years?
I believe that many of the criticisms leveled against the Bio administration are unfair. There are studies that show that Africa lags other developing areas of the world in inward foreign direct investment. Thus, the slow pace of inward foreign direct investment is not unique to Sierra Leone. And the Bio administration unlike the Ernest Koroma clique only pursues investments that are beneficial to Sierra Leone.
Lastly, it is not violence per se that stops the flow of foreign investments. It is the inability to crack down on violence that turns off foreign investors. The big cities of the industrialized world have more violence on a daily basis that Sierra Leone would have in a ten year period. So, I take exception to the hypocrisy of alerting travelers about violence in Sierra Leone. What is the homicide rate in Freetown? I reckon that if APC wants to continue its lawlessness, the police have every right to fight back.
These are some of the reasons that most of the countries around the world, don’t take us serious, because of this too much hatred. How will this country go forward? I see no way for that happening sooner. Now some people even characterizing the SLPP party as NPRC part 3. Why all this, because of Bio as leader and president of Sierra Leone?. NPRC doesn’t exist any more brother. Let’s give this gentleman some credit though we hate him. He fought and sacrificed his life for this country in the line of duty.
This APC party you are defending today, has ruled this country for over 26 years before they were kicked out by junior officers in April 1992, thanks to the military officers at the time. This country used to be a one party state under late Pop Sheki. After being kicked out of power in 1992, APC party was already dead. Thanks to the late President Kabba – may his soul rest in peace, because of him APC succeeded in coming back to power. Thats what we call DEMOCRACY.
We the people would like to tell the APC party and their supporters that, Sierra Leone is for all Sierra Leoneans in and abroad. Violence cannot take you to State House any more. Criticizing the SLPP after two years now in power, the only development APC brought to the country is hardship, stealing rice destined for the poor, violence and so on, not even mentioning about the Hajj scandal that APC left behind. Where were you when this corruption took place on the former president’s watch?.
The 11 year APC mess, do you think Bio can fix that only within two years. I believed some of our fellow Sierra Leoneans in this forum are always praying for the failure of this president instead of offering prayers. Yes of course some of the investors are watching our behaviors before ever making a decision to invest. Now the world will come to understand that all the violence will stop when APC comes back to power in 2039?
Thank you so much Susan Yei Manga for your wonderful contribution. The question you asked was really in place and I applaud you for that. You must love this country; and for God’s sake, let us respect this president. Whether you like him or not, today he is the president of Sierra Leone and will never be there forever. Either you or one of your family and friends will rule this country tomorrow. Can you pray with me for the prosperity of this land? Thank you
OI, Mr. Bilal Coleman and Mr. Brima Sesay, are you around to make me take notice of your presence? Hey, how are you people doing? “Long time nor see”. Are you ready to join the APC and make Sierra Leone become the paradise of Africa? You seem to care about the APC these days. That is fascinating. This just tells me how worried you are with the progress the APC is making by the day on the political front. No panic now, would be comrades of the APC. That inspiring speech delivered by former President Ernest Bai Koroma is really affecting many people. Can you imagine? Some people want to join the APC but, they are ashamed. Don’t be ashamed my friends. Just walk into any APC office and register. Do you agree with me gentlemen?
Mr. Bilal Coleman and Mr. Brima Sesay must approach or face me directly instead of passing through third party sensible comments on this glorious platform or taking the Merry go round option.
I would like Mr. Bilal Coleman and Mr. Brima Sesay to approach me directly to discuss or debate the issues. But they seem hesitant to do so. No problems. God bless Mr. Bilal Coleman and Mr. Brima Sesay. May God also help them join the APC or at the very least, lend their votes come 2023 in voting the APC to power. God bless the APC.
Hey Mr. Maxwell Bakarr. How are you? Everything alright? Bless you. Thank you very much for your long pre historic autobiography and analysis of the President and the SLPP party. What a literature that I could not even understand till now. Also, there is some sort of off side on your suggestion concerning the British Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson and the American President Mr. Donald Trump. It’s a shame that, you try to mention their names with a suggestion that is not true with the MESS taking place in Sierra Leone. It’s really unfortunate for that to happen. How do you feel about that Mr. Maxwell Bakarr? Good, Good? I hope not.
Tell me, where have you ever seen barbaric and lawless clashes between political parties in the UK and barbaric and lawless clashes between political parties in the US? Please clarify your suggestion as soon as possible to save your credibility. Be aware of what you say here. People need facts and not fakes.
Hear Mr. Maxwell Bakarr somewhere there trying to lecture me on policing in the UK and the US. God bless Mr Maxwell Bakarr. God bless the UK and the US. God bless Mr Boris Johnson and President Donald Trump. God bless their CITIZENS for helping Sierra Leone. Amen and Amen.
I respect your views Suzan Yei Manga. Let’s first of all wait till Chief Sam Sumana is elected the next leader of the APC.
If that happens, then you would get all the information concerning the new order under a President Sam Sumana to “get SALONE sorted”. Thank you very much Suzan Yei Manga for your contribution on this glorious platform and God bless you.
You. Today, Maada Bio is making his comeback into mainstream politics and is on the process steering the economic vessel of the country, which he has renamed to the ‘New Direction’. As the name implies, the ‘new direction’ vessel is intended to steam directly against the route that EBK’s vessel, the ‘Agenda for Prosperity’ had taken. The ‘new direction’ displays a flagship of Free and Quality Education – a very good policy initiative albeit the hasty timing and poor implementation.
Coupled to this, there is a crusade in the fight against corruption, which is limited to officials of the previous All Peoples Congres (APC) party administration. Nevertheless, as the fight intensifies, corruption is pervading across the hierarchy of the ruling SLPP government. President Bio – who proclaimed many times that “corruption will fight back” – is now seen as an active agent in the revelation of this prophecy. The question is: did Maada Bio’s prediction came about amidst a a state of parody?
Of late, it seems President Bio’s ‘new direction’ vessel is being bombarded from all angles by waves of scandals in sufficient magnitudes to disrupt the course of its journey. Like the direct involvement of the Chief Minister, Professor David Francis, in the mysterious disappearance of US$1.5 million in his private account at the Eco Bank. It was not the surprise of many to see the investigation of this case, to be the fastest in the history of the Anti corruption commission (ACC) agency. A propaganda machinery of the ruling government – which has left majority of the populace squinting their eyes trying to determine the credibility of the ACC, especially when it comes to investigating their masters.
Notwithstanding, it was just the activation of the unravelling of the shady and corrupt activities of the paopa ‘new direction’ SLPP government. Then came the “investigation into allege financial mismanagement by parliament”; the loss of the by-election in Kasirie amid allegation of paopa activities by SLPP thugs; the embarrassingly total rejection of “President Bio’s request for his travel expenses to be written into financial law”; the failure to win an award in the much-trumpetted Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) programme; the apparent fraudulent claim of a premises leased by the Bio’s before coming to power; and then what seems like the final blow, in the discovery of the missing One Hundred and Forty-One billion Leones (Le 141,000,000,000) by the Auditor General in the accounting period Jan – Dec 2018.
Just when one would have thought Maada Bio’s government had had enough public outrage by now, then came the morally disturbing case of ‘Chinagate’ – a scam involving many government officials helping themselves on numerous tons of rice donated by the Chinese government to the Free Quality Education feeding programme. Violence everywhere! As the Ret’d Brigadier Julius Maada Bio struggles to enforce a paopa neo-junta regime to the suffering, happy-go-lucky people of Sierra Leone. Where is the Democracy that the nation sacrificed dearly for?
In spite of all these predicaments, scandals and ineptitude, you hope that the pendulum of blame swings towards APC or EBK. Within your inner conscience, you fear him having a contest in the political arena with your ‘champions’. Even the President feels asphyxiated in his presence; whether due to tribal sentiments or an admiration bordering to envy of the character and achievements of the great man, EBK.
You! You did not only seek to marginalize the North, where EBK’s influence is based, but you also wished to impoverish the region by confounding the right of people to live by what nature provided within their surroundings. (to be con’d)
What tension are you talking about. Just how far have we traveled this dangerous path. A political opponent should not get anywhere near another party’s edifice or ‘areas’. This is arrant nonsense – just a means of control from stupid political leaders.
I am APC but these sorts of silly behaviors need a national dialogue and must be condemned by everyone. No one owns anywhere in Sierra Leone, rather, tolerance and the knowledge that most of the times leaders misuse their power as a way of keeping their hold on us. APC and SLPP are almost the same, so whats the beef here, if not stupidity.
It is hard to judge as to who is to be blamed for the issue under preview. From the video clips shown, I only saw a white vehicle passing by, claimed to be Mr. Lahai Leema’s vehicle; and in the other pelting stones clip, I could not see whether it were APC or SLPP supporters that may have formented the riot. In fact it was just a commentary made by an anonymous person, saying the SLPP thugs who under the command of Leema, are attacking and pelting stones right before the police personnel, who failed to execute their State mandate (maintaining peace and order).
All I could say is, we are one nation; we should unite to fight against external forces and not infight. At this point in time, we don’t need money but patriotism.
Let the people stop fighting over parties. Let us embrace our Mama Salone and establish peace among ourselves, because God loveth those who love themselves.
This is just sad. These men/women, though mostly men, who are dwindling in poverty, and who will more than likely never live the privileged lives that the politicians they’re serving have lived and are living, are fighting/stabbing each other under the tutelage of maintaining a sense of belongingness to a political party!? Someone help me, but is that the ‘beef and yams’ of the matter we are dealing with here? If so, then Oh my…
I have tried but never have I been able to come to terms with this type of behavior – for the conundrum that is entangled in it, E too passmark for me to come to terms with. However, I am starting to think that there is something in the not too known saying that goes, “inclusion is a hell of a drug.” It has to be. Because given the trend of political unrest that we’re seeing in the country as of late, there are no other logical reasons that I can think of right now as to why these materially impoverished souls are willing to put their bodies on the line for these vagabonds who call themselves politicians. None, whatsoever.
I didn’t buy your comment Bilal Coleman, it’s all a bunch of baloney.
The SLPP Administration should be ashamed of themselves. This government has brought nothing to the people of Sierra Leone but untold suffering and hardship. Instead of them to create the platform for national integration to foster speedy development, they are constantly perpetuating violence everywhere. Your days are numbered.
Wow, wow, wow; how long is this going to persist? Political violence, thuggery, lawlessness, and chaos have become normalized in our one and only nation. Of what use is the police if they cannot enforce the laws or appear to be turning a blind eye to criminals and thugs? While the details are sketchy to this turn of events, clearly, it appears a provocation was started by someone from either party.
The police should always exercise their duties devoid of political influences. Whenever violence occurs, all parties involved should be arrested and brought to justice, not just opposition members. During the Hamilton election fracas, we witnessed how thugs alleged to be SLPP supporters carry out their vandalism right in front of the police. To date no one has been arrested despite the video evidence showing all of them.
It appears this is a repeat of the same thing, criminals displaying thuggery and violence in the midst of police, yet no one is arrested. Are the police only arresting opposition supporters? Is this the new strategy and mantra of the Sierra Leone police? Oh God, where is our nation heading?
I will conclude without bias that the SLPP were again the trouble makers of this NPRC Part III barbarity. Can you imagine? How on earth can a funeral procession from central Freetown to Kingtom find its way in front of the APC party office. Two years now in power, the only development the SLPP has brought to Sierra Leone is, hardship, stealing rice destined for the poor, violence, BARBARITY and semi-corruption.
These are one of the reasons why investors refuse to come and invest in our country. Look at what is happening in our country at a time when the President is attending a conference to convince investors to come. Those of us hoping the President will come with something are now fully confident that, he is going to return empty handed.
No one will invest in a lawless country commandeered by rogue, unscrupulous, violent, corrupt and barbaric politicians and shameless HOODLUMS.
Finally, what were the police doing? The police have some blame in this barbaric act perpetrated by the SLPP. God help all the injured get the best treatment. To be continued.
After a very successful meeting by former President Koroma with the APC and a success in connecting with the whole country through his powerful and inspiring speech, the SLPP see themselves outclassed and outsmarted. Some people even within the SLPP have started walking away from their party heading in direction APC. This is great news and victory for the APC. They should maintain that momentum and discourage any childish counter punches the SLPP is trying to provoke. Such provocation by the SLPP to create chaos and anarchy will not work. The APC is fudging ahead on all fronts to clinch the Presidency come 2023. No dice for the SLPP.
My only advice to the APC is to stay calm even how difficult it may be. All the SLPP is doing is to provoke and cause confusion and chaos so that the police will come and arrest APC politicians and supporters, especially when a lot of them from the diaspora who participated in that recent meeting in Port Loko are in the country. The best thing for the APC right now is to find a leader, someone like Chief Sam Sumana who will beat any SLPP leader like a drum come 2023. They should do so sooner rather than later. God bless former President Ernest Bai Koroma.
Mansa Maturi, can I ask you a honest question? What is your political affiliation? Are your with Sam Sumana based on political ideology or policy; or is it based on nepotism which refers to partiality to family rather than on ideology, policy or job performance?
I asked this because while we have heard about Sam Sumana tendering his resignation letter to the C4C and applying to join the APC, a considerate, reasonable and grown up man like you who switched his political allegiance just like an electric bulb that can be put off and on by the owner, raises eyebrows. Don’t get me wrong, you have the right to associate and become a member of any political party or association. However when it is done because of an individual you are affiliated with, then it leaves much to be desired from those whom you will meet in that organization or political party.
Now from what I have gathered, the SLPP had a layout of one of their members at the party office. From the Party Office the corpse was taken to the resident of the deceased at Brookfields. Provocation stemmed in. The result, confrontation and fighting. This is not good for the country.
Like you, I blame the SLPP supporters. They are in governance. They should resist all forms of provocation from non party members that is bound to bring the country into chaos. This is exactly what the APC want, to give the impression like you said that the country is not safe for investment.
I hope that Bio would come down hard on the senior party members that took this bait that was thrown at them. It is a shame that a fellow Sierra Leoen was not mourned as is expected of a pretentiously religious country called Sierra Leone.
So whats wrong with that, anything illegal about that? You’re part of this infatuation with violence – standing on straws to narrate the poverty of your thinking.
Ernest Koroma, Minkailu Mansaray and Osman Yansaneh must establish control over their thugs. APC youth attacking the police constitutes a serious breach of the law. The police are constitutionally mandated to maintain the peace. But if the APC believes that its youth can riot at any time that they deem fit, then the police should not be blamed for fighting back. APC’s thirst for violence must be checked.
Bilal Coleman, where exactly did you read or heard that the APC youths attacked the police?? Please corroborate your allegations sir!!
Mr. Bilal Coleman, hey, are you around? How are you? Are you saying that the APC is exercising maturity in politics and the SLPP is displaying violence, lawlessness and barbarity for the investors to see and reject us like the same poles of a magnet? Think twice Mr. Bilal Coleman and send me a reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much Mr. Bilal Coleman and may God bless you.