Sierra Leone Telegraph: 12 November 2019:
Sierra Leone’s main opposition All Peoples Congress(APC) party has informed its members that the party will be holding its National Delegates Conference (convention) in Port Loko, on the 10th to 12th January 2020.
This announcement was made in a Public Notice dated Sunday, November 10th 2019, signed by the party’s National Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Alhaji Osman Foday Yansaneh.
According to the public notice from Yansaneh, the conference is being called to adopt “the Draft Constitution of the All Peoples Congress (APC) Party”.
However, according to reliable information obtained by Awareness Times Newspaper, there is a burning issue that may cause the party to face a very serious legal challenge to its proposed January 2020 conference by at least one of its members. This concerns the “loyalty and legitimacy” of APC delegates to be accredited to adopt the new Constitution. (Photo: Dr Sylvia Blyden).
Another concern raised is that the final draft of the Constitution is still not yet released to the general public.
Commenting, Dr. Sylvia Blyden – one of the party’s famous stalwarts, speaking to the editor of Awareness Times: “Where is the final draft of the proposed new Constitution? It should be released to the general public so all can get a chance to read what is inside of it. The APC is not a secret society neither is it a communist party.
“It is a democratic party existing in a democratic country; and so the final draft of the proposed Constitution should be released to the public for perusal and this should now be done immediately,”
Dr. Sylvia Blyden said she is mainly concerned about what she regard as “the loyalty quotient” of those whom will be accredited to vote at the Conference in January next year.
She said that the repeated process, over the years, of selecting instead of electing officers has led to people like Victor Foh, Moijue Kaikai, Musa Tarawallie, Robin Faley and others to have ensured selection of their ilk to hold sensitive APC positions in Constituency, District and Regional levels.
‘Quasi-stakeholders’ she said, have now tainted the existing APC hierarchical architecture. Dr. Blyden is strongly insisting that “some so-called National Convention delegates are treacherous trojan horses, spies and moles amidst us inside APC”.
She is pondering how such “disloyal Trojan horses, spies and moles” can now go and take any decision that will then go on to bind the party’s true faithful. (Photo: Dr Victor Foh).
“My noble Comrades need to more carefully study what our current Constitution says. For example, all regional and all national officers shall be voted for or else they are illegal and can’t be accredited as conference delegates. All Constituency and District Chairmen shall be voted for or else they can’t be accredited as conference delegates.
“The raw truth is that our APC Constitution never mandated for a wholescale selection of all Constituency, District, Regional & National officers, so certain of our selected officers are illegally in office. They undemocratically got planted in to those positions so they are illegal and can’t be accredited as delegates,” she said.
“Trojan Horses, Spies and Moles of persons like Musa Tarawallie cannot go now and be the ones to adopt new APC Constitution for our party. That is total nonsense! It should not be allowed,” said Dr. Sylvia Blyden.
Those who have a compulsive habit of spewing out gibberish on this glorious forum,should seek the help,and expert advice of a Psychoanalysts as soon as possible.Be advised,the delusional mind is full of subconscious,deeply buried,harmful thoughts that could rapidly deteriorate into mental illness,without the help,and techniques of “indepth talk therapy”. What the Legendary APC does within its inner circles is none of the business of the tribalistic, SLPP – men with unproductive hands, soaked and dripping with gross incompetence. A government full of thieves, acting like Priests and Religious monks.(lol)
Every thing they touch becomes tainted: the Judiciary is in a chokehold, the Police are their hand puppets,reliable investors of substance,are being subjected to harassment,and the opposition is being pushed around,with ceaseless threats, and intimidation every damn day. Is this what responsible governance should look like? Absolutely not! The new Direction is a failed direction!
Who in their right minds wouldn’t appreciate the thoughtful contribution Mr Fatoma has made of this important issue of corruption by the Notorious SLPP? Only those with the same unthinking minds as the Sierra Leone Police. Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
I personally believe that the Foundation of the APC was built on Violence, Dictatorship , lies deceit and Corruption, and nothing will change that. These ideologies have nothing to do with tribes or region but it’s just a normal practice that they believe in. Unlike the SLPP ideology that believe in non violence, Democracy , Honestly and Integrity regardless of the tribes or regions but it’s just part of their nature.
In a matter of weeks, I believe that there will definitely be an implosion within the APC party since some members are planning to dethrone their chairman and leader for life through the proposed constitutional amendment from Selection to a democratic election.I hope that the security forces are on the alert because that delegate conference will definitely end in violence.