Sierra Leone Telegraph: 22 November 2018:
Next round of presidential and general elections are not due in Sierra Leone for another five years, but the country’s main opposition political party – the All People’s Congress (APC), today moves one step closer to achieving the much-needed reform that many in the party have been demanding.
As reported this morning by the Sierra Leone Telegraph, the party leadership this afternoon met in Freetown to announce the formation of a Constitution Review Committee to make recommendations for a new constitution that is fit for purpose.
According to report by APC stalwart – Chernor Ojuku Sesay who was present at the launching of the Constitution Review Committee, the National Deputy Chairman and Leader of the party – Alhaji Minkailu Mansaray, officially announced the names of “persons selected by the party to serve as Members of the party’s Constitutional Review Committee” as follows:
Ambassadors Dauda S. Kamara, Eddie Turay and Osman Foday Yansaneh (Photo) are chosen as Resource Persons. The other members of the Constitutional Review Committee are:
Lawyers Abu Bakarr Kalokoh esq. (USA), Africanus Sorie Sesay esq, Ambassador Amadu Koroma esq, Hon. Daniel Koroma esq, Ibrahim I. Mansaray esq, Elvis Kargbo esq, Ibrahim Sorie esq, Lansana Dumbuya esq, Lawyer Showers esq, Sorie Tarawallie esq, Roland Nylander esq, Sulaiman Kabba Koroma esq, Warah Serry-Kamal esq.
Mohamed Sheridan Kamara esq (Founder of the National Reformation Movement NRM), Alie Conteh, Dauda Tombo Bangura, Dr. Ibrahim Bangura, Dr. John Musa, Evangelist Samson, Hon. Patrick Kamara, Hon. Isata Kabia, Hon. Sidi Yayah Tunis, Hon. Tom Tucker, Mohamed L. Bangura (CEO of Rapid Hunt Unit), Mohamed Pope Kamara, Mohamed H. Kabbah (UK) and Madam Yabom Sesay (Chairman Tonkolili District Council).
According to Chernor Ojuku Sesay, “the Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Osman Foday Yansaneh informed the gathering that all the announced persons have consented to serve in the Constitutional Review committee and the report of this Committee must be submitted by 31st January, 2019.”
The Sierra Leone Telegraph contacted one of the party’s 2018 presidential aspirants to comment on the composition of the Constitutional Review Committee, but he declined and said he will wait to see how the review process evolves.
It seems the APC party leadership is trying to promote internal political inclusiveness, by involving some of its die-hard critics on the fringes of the party in the review process.
Whether this new politics of rapprochement will be enough to heal the wounds left behind after the party’s defeat at the March 2018 polls and create an open and honest dialogue for reform and change, remains to be seen
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