President Koroma succeed in re-branding Sierra
Leone’s image abroad?
The Sierra Leone Telegraph Editorial Team
5 May
A major
priority for President Koroma as he embarks on a
mission to rebrand the country’s image is to
eradicate ‘Sierra Leone’s greatest shame’ – the
inhumane settlements of Kroo Bay, Susan’s Bay
and all other similar settlements that are
languishing in filth, squalor, disease and
degradation. Eight years after the end of the
war, those make-shift settlements have become
the curse of modern Sierra Leone and the
greatest shame of our time.
Sierra Leoneans welcome the appointment of the
Reverend Kabs-Kanu, Chief Executive Director of
Cocorioko News, as the new Minister
Plenipotentiary to the Sierra Leone Permanent
Mission - United Nations, this decision is being
regarded as one of those ‘putting the cart
before the horse’ government policy flaws.
newly appointed minister’s main task is ‘to
rebrand and promote the country’s image
abroad.’ For those that understand the concept
of product image rebranding, any attempt at the
rebranding of a ‘matured product’, before the
product itself has been redesigned or
reformulated, is a waste of money.
In an
exclusive interview with reporters of Cocorioko
(1 May 2009), the newly appointed minister, said
that his “primary task will be to change the
negative perception the international world
holds about Sierra Leone.”
No one
will doubt that Sierra Leone has much potential,
which if developed, can compete with other
African countries as a tourist resort and as a
recipient of foreign direct investments. But
much work needs to be done to prepare Sierra
Leone for this challenge. That work has to start
Countries such as The Gambia and Kenya did not
have to increase the number of people working in
their Foreign Affairs Ministry, with the
objective of rebranding their countries’ image,
to attract tourists and foreign direct
investments. They simply and quietly got on with
the business of developing the basic and
essential infrastructures that are reliable -
electricity supply, well maintained roads, clean
and beautified towns and cities, supply of clean
and safe drinking water. Once completed, they
invited the World’s top travel and tour
operators and travel journalists, to visit and
witness the change first hand.
the end of the war in 2001, many potential
investors and tourists have visited and compared
Sierra Leone with other African countries or
Caribbean states. The outcome of this comparison
is obvious. They have not come back to Sierra
Leone, or taken up the opportunity to develop
the potential that Sierra Leone offers. So what
added value is the Reverend Kabs-Kanu going to
achieve, which former British Prime Minister
Tony Blair is not delivering for Sierra
a change of perception held by foreign investors
and tourists cannot be based simply on whether
we have rebranded the country’s image. It is all
about what they have been able to see for
themselves. This is the challenge for the
Government of Sierra Leone, which no Minister of
External Affairs or Ambassador can personally
deliver, irrespective of his/her charms or
Kabs Kanu in his interview mentioned that;
“under the wise and exemplary leadership of
President Ernest Bai Koroma…. ..Sierra Leone is
now the safest country in West Africa and it is
very safe for investment, commerce and tourism.”
let us be mindful of getting ahead of ourselves,
because the reality is that the government has
still got a lot of work to do with regard to
violence and armed robbery. The commercial
courts are yet to be established; the land
tenure and property ownership legislations need
to be strengthened; overcrowding in Freetown and
youth disengagement needs to be addressed.
Sporadic power cuts and the rationing of
electricity remains a problem and sanitation in
the capital city is poor.
whilst this optimism by the minister is a dream
that is shared by most Sierra Leoneans, care
must be taken not to ‘over-cook’ or misrepresent
the reality. As the Global economy goes into
deep recession, it is important for President
Koroma’s government to get its priorities right.
Those make-shift settlements at Kroo Bay,
Susan’s Bay and others, dotted in and around a
once beautiful City, are evident of a failing
nation, if not symbolic of a failed state.
Successive governments are guilty of the
systematic reluctance to address the immediate
need to resettle those communities that are
forced to squat in such desperate and appalling
conditions. Year after year, those poor citizens
sit and wait for the heavy rains and hurricanes
to descend upon them, with ferocious and very
often, fatal consequences.
As this
year’s rainy season begins, the inhabitants of
those settlements are bracing themselves for the
suffering that is to come. For many, death may
be just a few days away, and it is not a matter
of if, but when. The claim that the inhabitants
of Kroo Bay, Susan’s Bay and other similar
settlements do not wish to be resettled is
obviously untrue. They have been advocating for
far too long to be resettled into communities
where they can gain access to proper housing,
safe running water, and health care. This
aside, the negative impacts of those settlements
on Freetown’s economy, its social fabric and the
environment are immeasurable.
attempt at rebranding the image of Sierra Leone,
without first of all resettling those poor
people that have been abandoned in such squalor
and filth, is doomed to fail. No civilized
nation can treat its own citizens with such
contempt. The potential foreign investors and
tourists know that.
born children are left with the legacy of having
one of those settlements named in their birth
certificates as place of birth. Was Tony Blair
taken to see the settlements, in order to
solicit the help of his good office to resettle
the inhabitants? I guess not, because we are too
ashamed to let him see how badly we treat our
own kith and kin.
It is
often said that “to judge the level of
civilisation of a nation is to assess how well
her government treats the impoverished.” Eight
years since the end of the war, it beggars
belief, that people living in those communities
have not been resettled. The government can
commission a Clock Tower with pomp and frantic
passion, but cannot make the decision to
resettle its citizens living in squalor. Yet, we
talk about rebranding Sierra Leone’s image?
What is
more ironic about this systemic neglect is that
President Koroma would not have won the 2007
elections, if not for the votes of the hundreds
of thousands of poor people squatting in those
settlements. So let the President ask the UNDP,
the World Bank, the IMF, and the European
Commission, everyone including Tony Blair to
help in resettling those communities before it
is too late.
newly appointed Minister to the UN stated: “The
world needs to know that poverty, etc…are no
longer true of Sierra Leone as the country has
taken important giant steps towards the noble
ideals of peace, reconciliation and
regaining her old glory as one of the most
peaceful and progressive nations in Africa.”
What is mind boggling about this statement is -
if poverty is no longer true in Sierra Leone,
then why does the government go cap in hand to
international donors to ask for 40% of the
nation’s budgetary requirements?
United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) assessment of
progress in achieving the Millennium Development
Goals (MDG) disputes the assertion that poverty
is over (AWOKO NEWS, 2 May 2009).
This latest UNDP Report concludes that,
‘although the economy grew between 6% and 9% a
year from 2004 to 2006, poverty still remains a
very serious problem in Sierra Leone; with 70%
of the population living in extreme poverty.’
The Report also warns that, notwithstanding the
current economic growth trend, the MDG target of
halving poverty by 2015 will not be met.
President, his government, the opposition, and
indeed the UN Office in Freetown, are all sleep
walking into a time bomb waiting to explode,
jeopardizing the hard won peace, brokered by the
international community, whilst the people of
Sierra Leone watch helplessly.
the inhabitants of those settlements continue to
perish, questions are bound to be asked as to
the rationale for appointing yet another high
profile public servant, to rebrand Sierra
Leone’s image abroad.
Foreign Affairs Ministry is made up of top level
public servants, such as; Zainab Bangura
(Minister of Foreign Affairs), Shekou Touray
(Sierra Leone's Permanent Representative to the
United Nations), Rupert Davies (Deputy
Ambassador of Political Affairs), and all the
Ambassadors and High Commissioners representing
Sierra Leone abroad; this, notwithstanding the
role that Tony Blair and his ‘Africa Governance
Initiative Team’ play in promoting the country
to potential investors.
Kabs-Kanu’s expertise and conviction could be
better employed by the President, in a more
strategic role within the government. In
particular, as Coordinator of all government
ministries, to make certain that key policy
decisions of President Koroma’s cabinet are
communicated across all Departments. This will
also ensure that government objectives are
achieved and performance results monitored by
Reverend Kabs-Kanu. But unfortunately, this is
another classic example of putting square pegs
in round holes.
Leone will not be seen as truly open for
business by potential investors, nor will its
true beauty be seen by tourists, if those
settlements are not closed.
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