Sierra Leone’s Economic Prospects: Behind Every
Dark Cloud there should be a Silver Lining
Abdul R Thomas
Editor - The Sierra Leone Telegraph
18 January 2010
The Global economic downturn and financial crisis
has had a devastating impact on African countries
generally and Sierra Leone is no exception. But some
countries in Africa have been able to weather the
storm far better than most.
The Ghanaian economy was going through a programme
of diversification in 2008, when the global
recession started to bite; hence they have not
relied on just one industrial sector to maintain
their economic growth, not withstanding the
discovery of oil.
This is a lesson for the Government of Sierra Leone
that continues to pin all hopes for an upturn in the
economy, on the expected upsurge in mining
production and exports. In the last twelve months,
there has been much talk about reviving the tourism,
fishing and agricultural sectors. But too much
reliance has been placed on the decision of foreign
investors, to come to Sierra Leone, to take up the
Sierra Leone’s economy is suffering from serious
structural problems. The fall of the value of the
Leone against the US Dollar, is just symptomatic of
chronic underinvestment and decades of neglect and
poor governance.
The fact is that, no economy can survive on just one
industrial sector, no matter how lucrative it is.
The mining industry has suffered from under
investment; kick-backs from contracts; poor
declaration of profits; and the unofficial
writing-off of corporation and export taxes.
The current global economic downturn has merely
exposed the true depth of decay, prior to which,
Sierra Leone’s ‘trickle down’ economics had managed
to somehow, maintain an unhealthy societal
The government now has to establish a strong
economic development partnership with the key
industrialists, especially manufacturers in the
country, to map out a practical and credible ‘Joint
Export Growth Strategy’. This strategy should aim to
stimulate export production over the next five
years, so as to boost foreign exchange earnings and
create jobs.
The success of this approach would of course depend
on whether the manufacturing sector has the capacity
to increase production levels. Hence, provision
ought to made, for the capitalization of those
manufacturing companies in the country, whose
capacity needs to be developed in response to the
Joint Export Growth Strategy.
With the high cost of business capital finance in
Sierra Leone of well over 20%, it is important that
external sources of funding are sought through the
World Bank and The African Development Bank, to
establish a public – private sector revolving
Investment Capital Fund.
Recent initiative by George Soros to assist in
buttressing the country’s financial sector, through
a $5 Million capitalization of the United Trust Bank
will go a long way to providing small and
medium-sized businesses with some help. But this is
just not enough to support the levels of investment
needed by the large industrial companies in Sierra
Critics have argued that the government should have
been much more proactive in delivering its promise
to continue the privatisation programme, started by
the previous SLPP government, with the support of
DFID. By selling off costly and unprofitable state
enterprises, including the poorly managed airport,
the government could meaningfully begin to directly
invest in the nation’s productive capacity. This is
no time for political expediency.
Privatisation should also help in reducing public
expenditure and government borrowing requirement, as
well as easing inflationary pressures, especially
with the looming economic disaster, that could
follow the introduction of the new Goods and
Services Tax.
To suggest that the economy is running out of
control does not necessarily imply that there is
absolutely nothing government can do. Western
economies have intervened in the financial markets
through 'quantitative easing,' by increasing
government borrowing to inject into the economy. But
they can afford to do that, because of their huge
foreign reserves and capacity to raise taxation in
order to bring their economies under control.
Sierra Leone cannot afford 'quantitative easing' -
not with foreign exchange reserve down to the
appalling level that it is. Revenue from exports has
dwindled. Unemployment is at a significantly high of
70%. Small and medium sized private businesses, have
witnessed the fall of pre-tax profits, as commercial
interest rates charged by the local banks spiral to
well over 20%.
In 2009, much hope was raised when President Koroma
launched the Sierra Leone Stock Exchange, in an
attempt by his government to mobilise financial
capital to foster economic growth.
At the launch, the President mentioned that:
“Together we shall battle the bottlenecks; together
we can remove the remaining barriers to effective
mobilization, broadening and deepening our local
capital market; together we will ensure Sierra
Leoneans and friends of Sierra Leone, at home and
the Diaspora, effectively participate and invest in
securities traded on the floor of the Sierra Leone
Stock Exchange.”
But seven months on, not much is heard about the
Sierra Leone Stock Exchange. There is a deafening
silence from the Government, on the performance of
the Stock Exchange.
The economic outlook for Sierra Leone may be
overshadowed by dark clouds, but perhaps with the
signing of a deal just days ago, between African
Minerals Ltd., and the China Railway Materials
Commercial Corporation (CRM), could speckles of
silver linings be emerging from the horizon?
It is reported that, the China Railway Materials
Commercial Corporation, has agreed to purchase a
12.5% stake in African Minerals Ltd., valued at £152
Million, in support of the capitalization needed to
kick-start Sierra Leone’s Tonkolili iron-ore mining,
which could create thousands of jobs.
The Chinese State-owned company has also agreed to
buy a minimum of 10 million tonnes of iron ore
annually, for an initial period of 20 years,
commencing 2013. Although African Minerals has
invested over USD 100 Million on exploration in
Sierra Leone, there is a capitalization shortfall of
USD 2.5 Billion required, to enable the company
maximise its production capacity.
With royalties set by the new Mining and Minerals
Act 2009, at a low rate of between 5% and 6%, one
should not expect those dark economic clouds to be
full of silver linings in a hurry. And with the time
lag between business investments and job creation,
those thousands of potential jobs from the mining
sector may not be realised until 2014.
Sierra Leone needs more Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs),
like African Minerals and the London Mining Company
Ltd., but more needs to be done in the short term to
support the growth of the existing manufacturing
sector through a public – private capitalization
partnership programme, while we wait for the FDIs to
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