World Bank's Chief Zoellick In Town
Abdul R Thomas
Editor - The Sierra Leone Telegraph
23 January 2010
African leaders will be watching the P’s and Q’s of
not only their economic policies, but their
commitment to good governance, overcoming poverty,
promoting peace, transparency, and above all -
tackling corruption. The World Bank Group President
- Robert B. Zoellick – will be in Town.
After enjoying unprecedented economic growth of
above 5 per cent GDP in the last five years
preceding the global economic recession, African
economies have now gone into severe seizure, with a
2.8 per cent growth in 2009 - less than half the 5.7
per cent expected before the global financial
Although Africa’s economic growth is
anticipated to rebound to 4.5 per cent
in 2010, however, urgent steps need to
be taken to avoid Africa relapsing into
the bad old days of political repression
and dictatorship, as economic hardship
and poverty worsens.
With rising government budget deficits,
fall in levels of inward investments,
and downward pressure on donor aid
budgets, Africa faces enormous
It is predicted that, only a handful of
African countries are likely to meet the
Millennium Development Goal of halving
the share of their population, living on
less than one dollar a day, by 2015.
Hence, it is hoped that the visit by the Bank’s Chief,
will bring renewed impetus to reviving the fiscal
and monetary policy reforms, economic restructuring
and diversification programmes that most of Africa
had been embarking on before the start of the global
The World Bank Group committed a record $58.8
Billion worldwide in loans, grants, equity
investments, and guarantees in 2009 - a 54 percent
increase over 2008. $7.8 Billion was earmarked for
Sub-Saharan African countries – an increase of 36
percent on figures for 2008. But it is not yet
clear, what the actual spending in Africa by the
World Bank was in 2009.
As the World Bank’s Chief starts his eight-day -
three-nation Africa tour on Tuesday, 26 January,
2010, all attention will be focused on the work of
President Koroma of Sierra Leone, Laurent Gbagbo of
Ivory Coast, Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, development
partners and private investors. The Bank’s Chief
will call for ‘a renewed momentum in economic growth
and overcoming poverty.’
“I am visiting Africa to learn about how its people
have coped with the global economic crisis and to
see how the World Bank Group can work with them to
improve prospects for economic growth and expanded
opportunity. Much of Africa has a solid record of
economic growth, including in some of Africa’s
fragile states, and it has the potential to be
another pole of growth for the world economy,”
Zoellick said.
The conclusions and recommendations of the 2009
Africa Economic Outlook (AEO) Report, published
jointly by the African Development Bank, the OECD
Development Centre and the United Nations Economic
Commission for Africa, with support from the
European Commission, will feature highly in the
Chief’s talks with stakeholders.
Zoellick will discuss ‘the transformative impact
that information and communication technology (ICT)
can have on the continent.’
The 2009 AEO Report concludes that despite low
penetration rates for new technologies, innovative
application of ICT has been diffused in areas such
as; e-banking, e-payments, e-agriculture, e-trade,
e-government and e-education.
While many in Africa welcome the changes that ICT is
helping to foster, there are doubts as to its real
economic impact, with respect to job creation, job
displacement and the social fragmentation of African
Zoellick points out that “skeptics wondered whether
Africa was ready for a revolution in
telecommunications. But African entrepreneurs, with
the help of supportive government policies, changed
the facts on the ground,”
As a technology platform for business innovation,
however, very few will doubt the potential ICT has
in improving Africa’s business environment,
developing new markets, overcoming poor
infrastructure constraints and reducing the high
costs of doing business in Africa.
African leaders will be urged by the Bank’s chief to
lift barriers to private sector investment in the
ICT sector and take advantage of the opportunities
this technology platform can bring to advance
agriculture, education and the health sectors.
Zoellick believes that ‘a combination of policy and
institutional reforms and external resources are
urgently needed to help build capacity, generate
economic opportunities in fragile states, and lay
the foundation for stability and overcoming
A major concern of the World Bank is that after
enjoying average rate of growth of 10% since the end
of the war, Sierra Leone’s GDP growth has tapered
off to 4% in 2009. The Bank believes that President
Koroma’s ‘government must now develop new engines of
growth in agriculture, energy, mining, private
sector investments and tourism to bring Sierra Leone
out of poverty.’
Zoellick will commence his visit with a trip to
Bumbuna to see the 50 MW hydro-electricity plant -
the development of which was partly financed by the
World Bank. It is believed that the World Bank
invested approximately $200 Million to assist
President Koroma in realising his dream of
electrifying the country.
Although Zoellick will meet with President Koroma on
the second and final day of his visit to Sierra
Leone, it is his first day’s scheduled ‘tete-a-tete’
with the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission
that will attract much interest.
The media and opposition parties in Sierra Leone
have questioned the government’s sincerity in
tackling corruption, especially amongst those that
the President refers to as ‘sacred cows’. Critics
argue that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is
being arm twisted to avoid holding senior members of
the government and relatives of the President to
account for alleged misdemeanours.
The President of the World Bank will have a closed
session with the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption
Commission to discuss amongst other issues; the
World Bank’s support for the ACC in its efforts at
tackling corruption – while trying to maintain its
independence and integrity.
The Bank’s Chief will also offer support in
‘leveraging Sierra Leone's strong ratings for voice
and accountability, as well as political stability
to develop the demand for good governance’. He will
explore the role of the proposed Freedom of
Information Bill and review work in progress in
bringing the Bill to fruition.
Zoellick will meet President Koroma to discuss the
‘challenges of state and peace building in a
post-conflict environment’. No doubt President
Koroma will have plenty to say to the Bank’s Chief
about good governance, as he tries to build
confidence. Discussions will focus on the outcomes
of the recent Investors and Consultative Group
Conference held in London, in November 2009, as the
country awaits the arrival of foreign investors.
President Koroma will also have the opportunity to
discuss progress and challenges, in achieving his
vision of the country’s development, as articulated
in the Agenda for Change - Sierra Leone’s Poverty
Reduction Strategy Paper 2.
Before ending his visit to Sierra Leone, the World
Bank President will meet representatives of key
development partners, hosted by the UN Special
Representative. Discussions will focus on the
‘Challenges of a Post conflict state and the role of
the International Community’.
Sierra Leone’s donors and development partners will
brief the Bank’s Chief on the development challenges
facing the country, including the security
situation, donor coordination and aid effectiveness.
So, as the President of the World Bank embarks on
his trip to Africa, expectations are
very high,
as the global recession continues to bite. Will the
Chief’s visit herald the much needed impetus to
revive the economic reforms, restructuring and
diversification that will underpin Africa’s fight
against poverty? Only time will tell.
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