Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for Sierra Leone:
Laying down the Foundation for Economic Growth?
Abdul R Thomas
Editor - The Sierra Leone Telegraph
28 January 2010
The Government of Sierra Leone in a press statement
has announced the signing of an agreement, between
the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the American
- owned FIRST STEP Economic Opportunity Zone, Inc.,
to develop a fifty acre Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
near Waterloo, Freetown.
The aim of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is ‘to
spur economic growth and attract foreign investment
to Sierra Leone.’ Under the joint venture agreement,
FIRST STEP will build, operate, and in conjunction
with the Government of Sierra Leone, market the
fifty acre industrial park to international
investors and manufacturers.
The Sierra Leone Telegraph has been consistent in
making the case for growing Sierra Leone’s economy
through state intervention strategies that will
address crippling market failures or barriers to
economic growth. The provision of suitable
commercial and industrial properties is just one
such proposition.
On the 2 April 2009, in response to the launch of
Sierra Leone’s Private Sector Development Strategy,
the Sierra Leone Telegraph published an article -
‘New Private Sector Development Strategy Revealed as
Poverty in Sierra Leone is Predicted to Continue
into 2018.’
Whilst we agreed with the President, that: “Private
Sector Development is a fundamental principle
underlying economic growth”, we stressed that;
“clearly the market has failed in Sierra Leone.
Government’s intervention in the market to stimulate
business investment is now more than ever required.
Cutting the time it takes to start a business and
red tape is fine, but not many indigenous
entrepreneurs will embark on a new venture or expand
their existing businesses if the cost of doing so is
too high.”
We also emphasised that; “Government can provide
‘seed corn’ investment funds targeting the
manufacturing and agro - based processing sectors
that will create meaningful jobs. It should also
intervene in the industrial and commercial property
market, by providing access to suitable land and
buildings for industrial production, as a priority
for stimulating Private Sector led growth. “
Also, on the 18 April 2009, the Sierra Leone
Telegraph Editorial Team published another article -
‘Huge public sector borrowing set to haemorrhage
Sierra Leone’s Economy’, in which we advised that:
‘‘The government needs to guarantee access to
affordable finance; access to a pool of skilled and
trained workforce; access to suitable industrial
premises, managed workshops and business incubators;
provision of reliable energy and water supplies;
good roads and telecommunication network. These are
the building blocks upon which a modern economy is
built. Industry in Sierra Leone needs them NOW.’’
According to the Honorable Minister of
Trade & Industry - Mr. David O. Carew;
“The consummation of this agreement
marks a watershed moment for the country
of Sierra Leone that will build on our
recent eighth position improvement in
the 2010 Doing Business Rankings; and
shows that we are serious about
attracting investment and creating
prosperity for our nation’s citizens.
With this agreement, we continue to
announce that Sierra Leone is open for
business.” |
But is Sierra Leone really and truly open for
business? The government’s announcement is mute on
key elements, such as the cost of developing this
fifty acre Special Economic Zone (SEZ) near
Waterloo; the government’s (tax payers’) share of
that cost; and the number of industrial units to be
What are the quantifiable benefits of the
government’s equity investment in this important
public – private partnership venture – number of new
jobs to be created, number of indigenous businesses
to be established or expanded, number of foreign
investors expected to relocate to the Park, and the
expected Gross Value Added on GDP?
Furthermore, it is not yet clear what fiscal
incentives will be offered to lure foreign direct
investors and businesses to relocate from other
overseas locations, where they are already
According to World Bank’s 2007 estimates, there are
more than 3,000 similar projects taking place in
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) across 120 countries
For Sierra Leone to successfully compete with these
other SEZs, the government must be clear about the
‘unique selling proposition (USP)’ it will offer
potential investors. No doubt, FIRST STEP will be
hoping to yield a rate of return on their equity
investment of 10% - 20%, if not higher.
While FIRST STEP will offer consulting services to
potential tenants occupying the industrial park, it
must be noted that other competitor countries that
are succeeding in attracting inward investors to
their enterprise and economic zones, offer
significant and attractive relocation incentives,
such as:
100% tax allowances for
capital expenditure on constructing,
improving or extending commercial or
industrial buildings
exemption from Business
Rates for industrial and commercial premises
simplified planning
exemption from raw
materials import duty
faster processing of
export documentation
favourable export duty
The Government of Sierra Leone appears confident that,
‘a varied and diverse range of businesses from
around the world will locate their production
facilities within the SEZ to manufacture products
for export to the international markets.’
The Chief Executive Officer of FIRST STEP - Mr.
Richard Schroeder said: “We are eager to continue
our partnership with the Government in this
endeavour, and look forward to attracting ethical
investors and manufacturers to Sierra Leone in order
to encourage economic growth and to create jobs for
the people of Sierra Leone.”
Based in Alexandria, Virginia, USA - FIRST STEP is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of World Hope International,
an international relief and development organization
- the largest microfinance institution in Sierra
Leone - with a track record of operating in the
country, spanning the best part of 10 years.
According to Richard Schroeder; “FIRST STEP was
created with the expressly stated purpose of helping
to jumpstart the economies of developing countries
through public-private partnerships that attract
labor-intensive, export processing industry to those
countries, while building the capacity of local
institutions to provide services that enhance the
developmental impact of the industry and safeguard
labor rights and environmental protections.”
This major initiative has the potential to stimulate
Sierra Leone’s economic growth, if the optimum mix
of industrial and commercial property portfolio is
offered to indigenous as well as foreign investors.
But it must, once again be emphasised that there are
well over 3,000 similar projects, taking place in
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) across 120 countries
worldwide. This is the competition that Sierra Leone
is up against.
Success would very much depend on the range and
level of fiscal incentives that will be offered to
potential investors, especially to those businesses
that are already located in other countries, where
labour is not only cheap, but the availability of a
skilled workforce is abundant; road infrastructure
is good; water and electricity supplies are
reliable; the standard of living is higher; and
political insecurity is not an issue.
Notwithstanding this challenge, Sierra Leone needs
to begin to develop its manufacturing base.
According to the World Bank, ‘the government of
Sierra Leone must now develop new engines of growth
in agriculture, energy, mining, private sector
investments and tourism to bring Sierra Leone out of
This Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to be built near
Waterloo is certainly a step in the right direction.
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