Tackling Corruption is not a Game of Poker
Abdul R Thomas
Editor - The Sierra Leone Telegraph
26 February 2010
Fighting corruption in Sierra Leone is everybody’s
business, because for every $1 that is stolen from
the public purse, approximately $10 is lost to the
economy, as the country’s circular flow of income is
asphyxiated by greedy, selfish and rogue individuals
in society.
In a country where one in seven children dies before
they reach their fifth birthday and one in eight
expectant mothers also die, because of the lack of
appropriate maternal care; coupled with a very low
literacy rate – one of the lowest in the world; and
joblessness topping 70% amongst the youths; little
wonder the ordinary citizens of Sierra Leone have
become extremely cynical as regards the commitment
and seriousness of successive governments, in
tackling corruption.
This cynicism is of course, presently being
compounded by intense media speculation, intrigue
and suspicion of selective justice. But what many
people now find surprising, is the rather poor
timing of the unprecedented series of Presidential
decrees, pronouncements and orders, concerning the
naming and arrest of suspected corrupt individuals.
In the last month, President Koroma has seen it
necessary to twice take over – de-facto - the
functions of the Chairman of the Anti-corruption
Commission and the Inspector of Police; to name,
accuse and order the arrest of suspected corrupt
government officials. Some might say he is the
Commander-in-Chief, after all.
But, if it is true, as reported in an article
published in the Sierra Express Media (‘When Ernest
Gets Tough’ – 23 February 2010); that “the president
is not leaving the job to the ACC alone but is
boosting their effort through other intelligence
mechanism that report directly to him”; would it be
wrong to conclude that the President is seriously
usurping the role of the ACC and the chain of
command of the Police?
While this may be regarded as laudable in some
quarters, there are many progressive democrats in
Sierra Leone who disapprove of the President’s
action, which is reminiscent of the APC government
of old.
“The President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma should do more
to save his name and the image of his APC
government…. What the president did in the past days
should have been done by the heads of those
departments in saving the president any further
embarrassment.” – (Concord Times; 24 February 2010).
Indeed, there are also those that question the
legality of the President’s public disclosure of the
names of suspected corrupt individuals, whom the
Anti-Corruption Commission and the Police may wish
to invite or arrest for further investigations.
Notwithstanding the President’s good intentions, it
is absolutely important that his public utterances
are not perceived by the general public, as
prejudicial to any current and, or future
investigations, including the right to fair trial of
those accused.
Speaking to a retired Appeals Court Judge; “this
action by the President could easily bring the due
process of justice and the Anti-Corruption Laws into
disrepute” – he said.
But according to the Editorial of Cocorioko News (24
February 2010);”Mr. Koroma promised to launch a
determined battle against corruption. Today, Sierra
Leoneans are living in the reality of the
fulfillment of this promise. Today, clairvoyant
corrupt officials who used to walk with a swagger
are beginning to tremble in their boots.”
This perhaps may well be the justification for the
President’s unique, but questionable style of
single-handed war on corruption. While this strategy
may improve the President’s popularity rating, is it
really sustainable?
In view of the fact that the former Commissioner of
the NRA and indeed the NRA itself have been, and are
still under the investigative gaze of the
Anti-Corruption Commission, should this not have
signaled to all and sundry that; all public
discussion of NRA corruption cases, is sub-judice
and prejudicial to those suspected and accused of
corruption by the ACC?
Is it not also logical to assume that any
information in the President’s domain, which may
assist the Anti-corruption Commision in pursuing
their investigations, must be turned over to the
Commission, without any public disclosure of the
said information?
Section 74(1) (b) of the Anti-corruption Act has
been hotly debated of late. It states that:
“Any person who knowing or being likely to know that
an investigation for an offence under this Act is
taking place, without lawful authority or reasonable
excuse, discloses to any other person the identity
of the person under investigation or the fact that
such person is being investigated or the details of
the investigation, including the identity of any
informer in the investigation, commits an offence.”
Are there extenuating circumstances on this occasion
that gave cause to the President’s unprecedented
‘suspected breach’ of section 74 of the
Anti-Corruption Laws?
Has the principle of ‘innocence until proven guilty’
been seriously tarnished by this Executive action?
In the normal scheme of political governance, there
is very little that is wrong with the President’s
direct hands-on approach. But unfortunately, Sierra
Leone is not yet a normal democratic society, where
the rule of law at all times takes precedence above
all other interests.
Civil society and democratic institutions are
relatively new, and are still trying quite gingerly,
to find their feet on what can be described as a
slippery political landscape, strewn with banana
The ever looming climate of fear of political
repression and the curtailing of civil liberties is
as chilling as the country’s hamattan wind. The
recent outbreak of violence at the Tongo
bye-elections is a reminder of how fragile the
foundation upon which the country’s democratic
experiment is built.
Is it not ironic and eerily suspicious that, on both
occasions when the President had found it necessary
to name, shame and, or ordered the arrest of
individuals suspected of corruption, major foreign
dignitaries are expected to visit the country?
For example; on the 26 January 2010, the eve of the
President’s meeting with the Chief of the World
Bank, the President convened a meeting of ministers
and heads of government departments, to name and
shame those found wanting of corruption.
Similarly, just few days ago - on the eve of
ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s visit to
Sierra Leone, 22 February 2010, President Koroma
called a meeting of ministers, heads of government
departments and the Security Service, where he
revealed information that he had, of suspected
corrupt Officers of the National Revenue Authority
and Customs.
Tony Blair was in Sierra Leone to support President
Koroma’s Agenda for Change and to help attract
sustainable private investment into the country. The
two leaders also met to review progress following
the Investors conference in London last November,
and no doubt, talked about government’s effort in
clamping down on corruption. Was Tony Blair
The invitation of the Fisheries and Marine Resources
Minister for questioning by the ACC appeared to have
been perfectly timed to coincide with Tony Blair’s
visit. This really smells fishy – no pun meant
towards the Ministry of Fisheries of course.
But, was this a coincidence, or a genuine attempt to
respond to accusations of ‘sacred cows’ grazing in
the President’s backyard?
Similarly, was the President’s decision to ‘name and
shame’ ministers and heads of institutions as
corrupt, on the eve of the World Bank’s visit, aimed
at receiving brownie points from the Chief of the
World Bank?
Was the President’s decision to name and order the
immediate arrest of National Revenue Authority
Officers, suspected of corruption, also designed to
earn golden stars from Tony Blair?
The fight against corruption in Sierra Leone must
never become a political tool for waging vendetta,
nor should it be used as a public relations game;
otherwise the cynicism with which ordinary citizens
regard government’s actions in tackling corruption,
will deepen further and may prove impossible to
Whether coincidental or not, the suspicion
surrounding the rather apt timing of the
Presidential decree – a few days ago, to name, shame
and arrest public officials; and fallouts from the
previous State House naming and shaming meeting that
took place in January, have called into question the
motive, integrity, and independence of the ACC
What remains now, is for the President to change his
strategy and allow the ACC, the Police and the
Judiciary to carry on with their work unfettered,
and without fear or favour.
Why can’t the President sit down with both the
Chairman of the ACC and the Inspector General of
Police at least once a week, if necessary, to review
progress, share and exchange information, and
discuss strategies?
Or, as Regina Pratt suggested in the Concord Times
(24 February 2010); “The president should have
confidence in those that are in authority, who
should be sending him reports of their daily
This approach is by far better, than the President’s
de-facto micro management of the process of fighting
corruption - no matter how innovative, unprecedented
and laudable it may appear.
The public’s trust and confidence in the ACC and the
police need to be restored – and fast. The media
too, must create some space for this to take place,
in their understandable eagerness to see that
justice prevail.
Tackling corruption is not a game of poker, but a
highly significant pre-requisite for good
governance, that must not be politicised.
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