Allegations of Corrupt Ministers in Sierra Leone
Continues to Reverberate at Westminster
Abdul R Thomas
Editor - The Sierra Leone Telegraph
17 March 2010
Monday's proceedings in the British Houses of
Parliament (15 March 2010), have once again brought
into sharp focus, questions as to the management and
administration of British aid to Sierra Leone.
With continued claims and counter claims being made
in the House of Commons, regarding the allegations
of South Yorkshire British MP – Denis MacShane last
week, this saga is beginning to have a life of its
own. But this is British democracy at work.
The MP had accused ministers in Sierra Leone of
pocketing British funds meant to tackle poverty. He
made this accusation during question time in the
House of Commons on the 11 March 2010.
In his statement to the Sierra Leone Telegraph on
the 13 March 2010, to clarify his motivation behind
the allegations, the former Foreign Affairs
Committee Chairman – Denis MacShane MP, said;
“Had Mr. Edward Leigh said that the National Audit
Office had visited Sierra Leone and carried out an
audit, I would not have made my intervention. If
DfID is now saying that the National Audit Office
did visit Sierra Leone this year and carried out an
independent audit, then clearly the statement made
by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee –
which did not mention Sierra Leone, needs to be
corrected. That is a matter for DfID and the
National Audit Office.”
It is therefore obvious from Denis MacShane’s
statement that there was no malicious intent on his
part against the people of Sierra Leone; and had the
Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee been
informed of the Audit Office’s recent work in Sierra
Leone, the allegations perhaps would not have been
But it would appear that Hon. MacShane’s statement
published in the Sierra Leone Telegraph last week
was not enough to placate some of his colleagues in
Westminster. The genie was already out of the bottle
it seems.
In Parliament on Monday 15 march, the Member of
Parliament for the Crosby constituency, Claire
Curtis-Thomas, who is no stranger to Sierra Leone,
used the Points of Order Debate in the House of
Commons, to seek clarification from the Speaker of
the House as to the procedure for members to correct
what she considered as ‘wholly inaccurate
statements’ made in the House.
At the floor of the House of Commons, the Honourable
lady said: “On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. Last
Thursday, Mr. MacShane came to the House and
informed all Members of "alarming stories" of the
diversion of aid from the Department for
International Development into the pockets of
Ministers in Sierra Leone.”
“That hugely damaging statement was totally
inaccurate and, moreover, the DFID office has just
been subjected to a rigorous National Audit Office
audit, which went very well. Will you advise me, Mr.
Speaker, what means exist to enable Members to
correct wholly inaccurate statements in the House,
particularly that statement, which has unnecessarily
damaged reputations and undermined the good work and
offices of the presidential and DFID offices in
Sierra Leone?” - asked the Honourable lady for
But in his reply to Hon. Curtis-Thomas, the Speaker
of the House – John Bercow, said: “Order. I am
genuinely sorry to have to say to the Hon. Lady,
having heard her remarks, that that is not a point
of order. It is a very real expression of concern,
but what she is considering and commenting on is
ultimately a matter of debate. She has, however,
very clearly put her thoughts and concerns on the
record, which will be there for everyone to see.”
The Speaker then proceeded to inform the House;
“……If the enthusiasm for points of order has been
exhausted, we shall proceed to the main business,
which is a general debate on Defence in the world.”
It must be emphasised here, that the Hon. Claire
Curtis-Thomas did not call upon Denis MacShane MP to
apologise publicly for his allegations, as
erroneously reported in some of the local press in
Sierra Leone yesterday.
But it was during a separate Parliamentary debate on
‘Defence in the world’ that the Hon. Denis MacShane
took the opportunity, to once again express his
concern regarding the disjointed approach of British
foreign policy, towards countries such as Sierra
Denis MacShane said; “I am also very concerned that,
under this Government and without any clear thinking
from the opposition Parties, we do not have a
holistic approach to bring together all our foreign
policy players - the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office, the Department for International
Development, the different Departments that spend
money overseas and, of course, the Ministry of
He further went on to say that; “Our soldiers very
bravely stopped the most awful butchery in Sierra
Leone some 11 years ago, and today that country is
the biggest per capita recipient of DFID aid.”
“I am sure that the DFID people down there work very
well, but why, after 11 years, is Sierra Leone the
poorest country in Africa, despite the huge DFID and
modest military presence? We have to ask much harder
questions about our overseas aid. I say that to my
Honourable Friends, too, who to some extent just bow
before the contemporary political god of foreign aid
and do not ask searching and hard enough questions
about whether it delivers what we desire - not
simply the alleviation of poverty, which in many
Sub-Saharan countries has not happened - but better
governance and more stability.” – Said MacShane in
his contribution to the debate.
When asked
by the Sierra Leone Telegraph
to comment
on the Honourable Curtis-Thomas’ statement made
in the House of Commons on Monday 15 March; Denis
MacShane MP today, told the Sierra Leone Telegraph:
"I have nothing but admiration for Claire
Curtis-Thomas who is a good friend. She is a
marvellous champion of Sierra Leone. I have a wider
concern about DfID money over the years in a number
of African countries. When the poor get poorer
despite hundreds of millions flowing in aid then
questions have to be asked.”
“The best way is complete transparency and full
publication of where the nation's wealth is located
and full accounting of where every penny of DfID aid
has gone, who controls DfID money once it has been
handed over, and what the demonstrable outcomes are
from DfID aid" - Said the Honourable Member for the
Rotherham constituency.
Sierra Leone receives over £47 Million in aid
annually from Britain. With this huge spending comes
responsibility on both donor and recipient; to
ensure proper accountability, probity and
transparency, as to how and what this money is spent
The Honourable members of the British Parliament -
Denis MacShane and Claire Curtis-Thomas, are elected
by their respective constituencies to, amongst other
responsibilities, monitor the work of DFID and other
UK international agencies. While they may have
differences of opinion as to the accuracy of events,
make no mistake - they are singing from the same
hymn sheet - that calls for the utmost protection of
public funds.
What may appear to be a political row in the British
Parliament over the allegations of corruption
amongst ministers in Sierra Leone, must be seen in
the context of a liberal parliamentary democracy at
The elected Honourable Members sitting in the wells
of the Parliament of Sierra Leone can learn a great
deal from this episode being played out on the
floors of the British Parliament. They need to be
much more proactive and forthright in holding their
government to account.
In the meantime, we’ll all have to wait for the
conclusions of the comprehensive investigations,
proposed by Denis MacShane MP, into the management
and administration of British aid to Sierra Leone.
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