The 2012 Battle for Sierra Leone’s State House: The
Real Politic
Abdul R Thomas
Editor - The Sierra Leone Telegraph
9 April 2010
In 2012, President Koroma will go to the people to
request a renewal of his mandate to govern the
country for a second term. And, should the
opposition SLPP decide to elect Dr. Kadi Sesay as
their Presidential candidate, she will challenge
fellow Northerner - President Koroma, in the battle
to win the hearts and minds of the people of Sierra
Dr. Sesay, a highly qualified and experienced former
Trade Minister in the previous SLPP government, has
officially declared her intention to stand, and has
set out her vision for improving Sierra Leone’s
economic prosperity and social justice for all.
Voters will be faced with a clear choice of either
electing a new President that represents the
previous SLPP government, whose 2007 bid for
re-election was rejected by a narrow majority; or
the endorsement of President Koroma’s chequered
Progress Report Card in achieving his Agenda for
It is therefore rather surprising that based on his
current performance; supporters of President
Koroma’s government are already predicting the
results of the 2012 elections to be a landslide
victory for the government.
Electricity in the Capital City they say has improved;
health care for young children, lactating and
pregnant women will soon be free at point of access;
the Anti-Corruption Commission they say is now freer
than ever before in fighting corruption. But not
everyone is convinced, if daily media reports are to
be believed.
Despite the current economic hardship caused by rising
inflation, increasing unemployment and falling GDP,
which is forecast to continue well into 2012,
supporters of the government are confident of
electoral victory.
Government revenue from mining production is not
expected to show significant improvement until the
first half of 2013. Until then, major capital
projects, which are scheduled to bring huge
political capital for the government in 2012, may
either be postponed or scaled down.
Faced with the prospect of contesting against a female
Presidential opponent, the 2012 battle for State
House would be an all together different proposition
for President Koroma.
The usual clash of male testosterone would hopefully
have to give way to what is expected to be a less
aggressive and violent free contest, as women voters
in Sierra Leone are given the chance to realise
their 50:50 equality dream. But what are the odds
for a Dr. Kadi Sesay Presidential election victory?
There are many who would argue that Dr. Kadi Sesay’s
chances are as good as the level of support she can
garner from within her own Party – the SLPP. Some
may say that it is vital that she can first of all
succeed in bringing back into the SLPP family, the
splinter PMDC Party, which broke away with
disastrous consequences for the SLPP government at
the 2007 elections.
The devastating effects of the results of the 2007
elections on the SLPP have caused deep resentment
and distrust between the Charles Margai PMDC
leadership and the SLPP. Observers say that although
with the passage of time, the frost is beginning to
thaw, the thought of balancing political expediency
against pragmatism, is yet to be internalised by
both sides.
Within both Parties there are large swathes of
supporters who will not accept the necessity of what
is referred to as the PMDC “home coming”. For most
hard-line PMDC members, the sheer satisfaction
derived from denying the SLPP the chance of winning
the 2007 elections, thereby presenting the PMDC
Party as the `king maker’, is one they hawkishly
believe can be repeated in 2012.
But what can the PMDC gain from this strategy, if
their share of the popular votes gained in 2007
diminishes significantly by 2012? Observers believe
that with the increasing marginalisation of the PMDC
by the ruling APC, and the concerted efforts of
President Koroma to directly take votes in the
South-eastern heartlands of the SLPP, the PMDC – APC
alliance is becoming less significant.
The reality is that should this trend continue, it is
unlikely that the PMDC would be able to weaken
SLPP’s chances of gaining more than eighty-percent
of popular votes in the South-east. But it is their
2007 performance in the constituencies of Freetown
that is likely to cause most damage for the SLPP,
should support for the PMDC in the Capital remain
With the current leadership woes threatening to cause
the disintegration of the embattled PMDC, there are
many within the SLPP who are hoping that the
increasingly poor performance of the PMDC at recent
local bye-elections would speed up that process of
disintegration further.
SLPP supporters embittered by the 2007 election
results, view the decline in morale within the PMDC,
their increasing marginalisation by the Koroma
government, and growing apathy within the Party, as
an opportunity for disgruntled members of the PMDC
to rejoin the SLPP family.
But others are far more cautious. They regard with
trepidation, the thought of history repeating itself
in 2012, should Charles Margai and his supporters be
allowed back into the SLPP family. It seems there is
a lot at stake including pride and honour, beyond
the need for political cohesion and expediency.
The prospect of losing the 2012 elections on account
of a divided South-eastern vote, caused by the PMDC
factor, is one that the leadership of the SLPP will
have to tackle head on, if they are to improve their
chances of stopping the Koroma train from arriving
at its destination.
While the PMDC rank and file may acknowledge the harsh
reality of trying to survive as an independent,
viable entity - lacking critical mass, the extent to
which their Party may be needed by the ruling APC
Party in order to hold on to power in 2012, would
become increasingly questionable, if the popularity
of President Koroma improves, especially in key
marginal seats.
If President Koroma’s government is perceived by the
electorate to be succeeding in tackling corruption,
youth unemployment, economic decline, and poor
health; they may not after all need the PMDC as a
king maker, to give them a second term in office.
It is that worrying sense of vulnerability and
uncertainty amongst ordinary PMDC supporters, that
could pave the way for a PMDC policy of détente
towards the SLPP. This may well lead to a new
alliance for `real change’ should both sides be
prepared to bite the bullet and stomach the new real
Can Dr. Kadi Sesay act as the unifying and emollient
force that could unite Charles Margai and his
south-eastern supporters, with their estranged
brothers and sisters of the SLPP family? There were
rumours on the eve of the 2007 polls, that Dr. Kadi
Sesay had led a small delegation of SLPP Party
grandees for peace talks with the PMDC leader -
Charles Margai.
But with the obvious outcome of those talks, and
efforts since then to quietly establish a common
platform of mutual interest to both sides, it is not
clear whether the voice of reasoning and pragmatism
has faltered.
Decision making within the PMDC is becoming as
increasingly fragmented and disjointed, as there are
growing numbers of factions and cells within the
Party – each vying for control. This may hinder any
meaningful chance of a 2012 electoral pact or
partnership between the SLPP and PMDC.
The SLPP leadership may well have to forget about any
such alliance and focus instead on its strengths and
capacity to win, based on the credibility of its
elected Presidential candidate, its shadow cabinet
and a sound manifesto.
While the kadi Sesay factor is just as enticing,
strong and powerful as some of the other candidates
within the SLPP, the question for the rank and file
of the party would be the degree to which the Kadi
Sesay factor can be relied upon to lever and take
votes away from President Koroma’s stronghold in the
Northern half of the country.
SLPP needs to increase its popularity and voter
acceptance in the North, far beyond their 2007
performance. Cynics within the SLPP have started to
question the depth of Dr. Sesay’s Northern power
But sources close to Dr. Kadi Sesay's campaign team,
are highly confident of not only her popularity in
the North, but also in the Urban districts of
Freetown, where SLPP need to sway voters from the
ruling APC, with a majority of at least 80% to make
up for any shortfall in the Northern region.
This is a mammoth task, but not impossible, as it is
widely believed that the majority of female voters
in Freetown are yearning to see their first female
What difference will Dr. Sesay’s Presidency make to
the lives of Sierra Leoneans, should they desire a
change in 2012? It is not yet clear as to what her
manifesto pledge is likely to be, but her published
vision statement mentioned that:
“As a woman and mother, she will provide a strong but
caring leadership that will revamp the economy and
improve the living standard of the average Sierra
Leonean. Kadi will bring to the leadership arena a
new energy, freshness and innovation that inspire
The first and immediate battle for Dr. Kadi Sesay will
be to convince the grass-root members and rank and
file of the SLPP Party that she is a Presidential
asset and a leader that will inspire the majority of
Southerners and Northerners, as well as Freetownians
to take a leap of faith, and vote for SLPP in 2012.
Can she achieve this?
“The SLPP and the country require a visionary,
confident and enlightened leadership with experience
of how the grassroots people feel and live and what
needs to be done. The choice of the first female
Presidential candidate for the SLPP this time will
demonstrate the shattering of the proverbial glass
ceiling and give hope to young Sierra Leonean women
that they can attain any position in their country
including the highest political office” – says Dr.
Sesay’s campaign statement.
But the question now is; can she convince the SLPP
members that she is a Presidential asset with
immense leadership qualities?
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