Sierra Leone Needs a Comprehensive and Sustainable
Energy Policy and Strategy
Abdul R Thomas
Editor - The Sierra Leone Telegraph
21 April 2010
Sierra Leone is in desperate need of a comprehensive
energy policy and strategy that will meet the
demands of the country’s industrial development and
economic growth, as the global recession wanes. And
there is plenty of evidence that the recession is
slowly ebbing.
Thus it was good news when the Vice President – Alhaji
Sam Sumana met with stakeholders including industry,
parliamentarians, the international community and
civil society groups on Wednesday 14th April 2010,
to officially launch the ‘Sierra Leone National
Energy Policy and Strategic Plan’. Expectations were
high, but there were disappointments.
There are reports that the launching of the country’s
National Energy Policy and Strategic Plan was
replete with sound bites, but lacking in substance
and detail.
The government of Sierra Leone is hoping to encourage
resurgence in foreign direct investments, based on
its efforts at rebranding the country, with the help
of Tony Blair.
Sierra Leone is being promoted as a fertile ground for
industrial and business relocation and growth.
Industry needs a supply of reliable and sustainable
energy in order to thrive. But will the investors
come soon?
Potential investors will factor Sierra Leone into
their foreign investment scoping portfolio, if the
country can show that it has a comprehensive
strategy to develop, manage and guarantee the supply
of low cost and sustainable energy.
Investors waiting to see the new National Energy
Policy and Strategic Plan, unveiled by the Vice
President last week, were certainly left feeling
that the launch event was just another PR spin by
government ministers.
With the exception of the usual appeal for
international support, there were very few facts and
figures in terms of current and future energy demand
and supplies; or indications of the government’s
investment costs and budgets. Yet the Vice President
described the launch ceremony as “another milestone
towards achieving the government’s agenda for
The government of President Koroma has been in power
long enough to quickly extricate itself from the
mode of political rhetoric to the actual delivery of
its Agenda for Change.
Although media coverage of the event itself was good,
however, it seems that the document has been buried
in a dark cloud of conspiracy of secrecy – assuming
it ever existed. Not even the sympathetic APC
government media have given a full coverage of what
this new Energy Strategy is all about. Where are the
Similarly, in 2008 President Koroma launched his
government’s Private Sector Development Strategy,
only to be criticised for lacking in substance and
realism. Two years on, the country’s private sector
struggle along, as it tries to weather the
recession, without any clear vision and direction
from government.
Although Sierra Leone’s economic growth has in the
last two years been on the decline - as with almost
all other African economies, the level of economic
activity and investments in key sectors – excluding
mining, has significantly outgrown the available
energy supplies. The National Power Authority is
struggling to cope.
The country’s capital – Freetown, is heavily dependent
upon Bumbuna for the majority of its energy supply.
The plant which was commissioned just a few months
ago, is not meeting its planned 50 MW electricity
capacity, due to technical difficulties.
Plans to increase the availability of electricity, the
Vice President said; are now hinged on the
development of 27 smaller hydro-power dams,
harnessing the nation’s rivers, which scientists say
are slowly drying up. But this over-reliance on a
single energy source is highly risky, unsustainable
and environmentally challenging.
The irony is that although Sierra Leone boasts of
being one of the wettest countries in Africa,
rainfall is now becoming ever more unreliable – with
a dry season that is much more intense and longer
lasting. This climate change phenomenon makes an
energy policy based on hydro, to be less secure and
The government of Japan and the World Bank have all
chipped in, in support of the government’s need to
increase electricity supply in the capital, by
investing in the existing thermal power plants
located at Kingtom and Blackhall Road.
But the cost of replacing the old power transmission
lines and extending supplies to newly built suburbs
is growing, and sources within the government are
worried at the effect this increasing cost is having
on spending across other departments.
Energy experts believe that Sierra Leone should be
looking at a mixed portfolio of sustainable energy
sources, such as wind, solar, biomass, wave and
tidal power – all of which, are potentially in
abundance across the country.
Sierra Leone cannot afford to cherry pick and
prioritise those energy sources that are currently
being supported by the international community. The
government must be innovative in its response to the
call for a realistic National Energy Policy and
Strategic Plan.
Sierra Leone’s mining industry alone needs over 900 MW
of electricity, once the two main mining companies –
London Mining Ltd and African Minerals start
operations by the end of this year. The rest of the
country’s economy would require a minimum of 500 MW
to function fairly efficiently, if the economy is to
grow from the current 4% to 10% by 2015.
What is needed now is a comprehensive National Energy
Policy and Strategic Plan, that clearly spells out
the government’s intention and commitment in meeting
this economic demand, focussing on the wider range
of sustainable sources of energy – especially, wind,
biomass and tidal power.
The Vice President’s announcement of building 27 new
hydro-dams in Sierra Leone is simply not
sustainable. Nor will the absence of a realistic,
quantifiable and properly costed National Energy
Policy and Strategic Plan, gain the confidence of
potential investors. Innovative and clear thinking
is much needed.
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