Rebuilding Lives and Regenerating War Torn
Communities: Sierra Leone’s Finance Minister
Welcomes the Return of Direct British Intervention
in Governance
Abdul R Thomas
Editor – The Sierra Leone Telegraph
14 June 2010
When the Finance and Economic Development
Minister of a nation goes live on the BBC television
to tell the world that his country welcomes the
return of colonial rule, you know that the country
is in deep trouble and that the government has run
out of ideas as to how to alleviate the
impoverishment of its people. Is this the new
governance model being mapped out for Sierra Leone’s
Ten years ago, the BBC’s Alan Little reported on
Sierra Leone’s civil war and Britain’s military
intervention that helped in bringing that war to an
end. In his latest televised documentary –
‘Returning to Sierra Leone’ shown yesterday on the
BBC News 24, Alan was surprised to find that ten
years of peace have brought very little change in
the lives of the people.
But more of a surprise awaited the BBC reporter as
he discovered the level, depth and pervasiveness of
British post-war intervention in the running of the
affairs of state in Sierra Leone, with each
government ministry being supervised and controlled
by a British civil servant.
As Alan reports “Britain’s military intervention has
had a legacy that continues till this day, for
political intervention followed in its wake. Britain
the old colonial power is forging a new kind of
partnership with the colony it once ruled.”
Although critics would regard this level of direct
hands-on intervention as neo-colonialism, there are
many in Sierra Leone including senior government
ministers who welcome the return of British
government control. They regard it as playing a
vital role in stabilising and providing a system of
checks and balances, against government corruption,
profligacy and poor governance.
In the last ten years, since the end of Sierra
Leone’s civil war, Britain has contributed over £500
Million in humanitarian and development aid, through
DFID - its international development department. But
Sierra Leone continues to languish at the bottom of
the Global Human Development Index, with widespread
poverty, unemployment, high adult and child
During his visit to the northern province of the
country, Alan Little observed that “ten years of
peace haven’t done much to shift the stubborn,
entrenched poverty of this place. There is a
solemness that won’t lift. Freetown is only a few
hours drive from here but in a sense it might as
well be a million miles away, because although it’s
true that there has been peace for ten years, it is
also true there has been no discernable economic
development up here.”
“Generations after generations of kids are coming
out of school or college with no prospect of a job,
and so you can sense that the anger, the
frustrations and the despair that fuelled so much of
the conflict during the war, are all still in
place,” says the BBC reporter.
“A decade ago British intervention lifted them out
of war. Now they want continued British intervention
to lift them out of poverty. The ties that bind the
two countries they say here - are like the bonds
within a family.”
Sulaiman Kamara – the son of a Paramount Chief in
the northern province of Sierra Leone told Alan
Little, “well I believe the British are our colonial
masters, we have been together, are almost infused
into each other now, so we don’t want that to break
Although many in Sierra Leone would not disagree
with Sulaiman Kamara, however, most would want to
tread cautiously towards any strategy that would see
the wholesale transfer of power back to London’s
Whitehall, with the President of Sierra Leone
playing a ceremonial role. Such a policy would be
disastrous for both the UK and Sierra Leone.
As Alan Little remarked “there is something
unsettling; something counterintuitive in this
enthusiasm for foreign interference. In my own life
time, Africa freed itself from the shackles of
colonial domination.”
“It is fifty years since the British left” the
reporter observed. “Older people here still talk
with sadness of the bright promise of that time –
the rush of optimism, before the long relentless
Professor Eldred Jones – former Lecturer at the
University of Sierra Leone, told the BBC reporter
“the fact that the British had to come back does
mean that we had not been able to organise ourselves
as an independent nation, to the extent that we had
to rely on the British to return.”
“But I think that without making too many excuses
there are explanations for that. We were plunged
into one man – one vote practically overnight, and
we are still learning what all this is about” says
Professor Jones.
But many young Sierra Leoneans would disagree with
the Professor. They would argue that Sierra Leone’s
poverty and degradation are self-inflicted. They’ll
point at poor governance, the lack of political
will, corruption and over-reliance on the mining
industry for the nation’s survival as the root
causes of the country’s poor state of affairs.
Tony Blair’s Africa Governance Initiative team
working alongside the government of Sierra Leone is
responsible for some of the key decisions of state
policy of President Koroma’s government.
As the BBC report confirms “Britain has taken its
former colony by the hand. British aid comes with
strings attached. British government officials sit
in the main offices of state here, monitoring what
the ministers do; supervising, scrutinising, guiding
the country toward European style good governance.
Some say Britain is now in effect reshaping this
country for future generations.”
For Valnora Jones – Head of the country’s Campaign
for Good Governance, it is obviously clear that the
British government, through DFID is to some extent
running Sierra Leone. She observes some sense of
neo-colonialism creep in the country.
But what does the government of Sierra Leone makes
of it all?
One should really expect President Koroma’s
government to proudly present its ‘Agenda for
Change’ and all the economic achievements its
propaganda media are peddling about development in
the country since coming to power.
This is what Alan Little put to the Minister of
Finance and Economic Development – Dr. Samura
“It is quite odd isn’t it, that the old colonial
master should be playing such a leading role in the
“Yes, I want them to play more. They should take
leadership” says Sierra Leone’s Finance Minister
Samura – cheerfully.
“So Britain is playing a big role in shaping the
character and nature of this country and you want
them to take the lead?” asked Alan Little!!
“Yes, I want them to play a much bigger role”
answered Minister Samura. But the minister would not
accept the charge that this new British role that he
is advocating could be construed by many as
‘neo-colonialism’. He said that it is a kind of
partnership, which is based on the recognition that
the global architecture for development has changed.
This new partnership with the British would be
different from the old colonial master - servant
relationship, said Minister Samura. But what most
Sierra Leoneans would find rather unsettling is the
idea of a partnership not led by the elected
government of Sierra Leone, but by the former
colonial power. This change in power relationship
therefore lend itself open to be interpreted by many
as neo-colonialism.
There is little doubt most Sierra Leoneans would
prefer to see Britain’s role in Sierra Leone’s
development as that of an enabler, or better still
catalytic, as the country maps out a new development
strategy for the future. But, the importance of
Sierra Leoneans regarding themselves as masters of
their own destiny is crucial in this process.
As Alan Little concludes, “when the Victorians came
here, they believed they were civilising Africa.
Theirs’ was the civilising mission. Freedom, the
civilising mission – root and branch. It contains
within it the idea, that if you planted the seeds of
the eighteenth century enlightenment in the soil of
West Africa, somehow European institutions and
values would take root here and flourish.”
“The idea that Europe could, and therefore should
remake Africa in the image of Europe; the idea that
Europe could and therefore should somehow save
Africa from itself. Can you draw a direct line from
those early pioneers of empire to Britain’s
intervention today?” asked the BBC reporter.
There is no doubt that there are Europeans today who
are longing for the re-colonisation of the African
continent, with the support and blessing of a few
Africans. But the question that many Sierra Leoneans
and indeed Africans would ask is whether the bitter
lessons that came with two hundred years of
subjugation have been learned?
As Michael Barratt Brown - the British Economist,
mentioned in ‘Africa’s Choices’:
“While Africa leaders, many propped up by the West,
are often corrupt or incompetent, an impressive
range of regional initiatives and small-scale
co-operatives, fledgling industrial projects,
women’s organisations and peasant associations all
represent major signs of hope. These countless
initiatives, now springing from the grassroots of
African life, embody the realities of an African
road to development. They speak for good sense and
great courage against the failed miseries of today;
they challenge our failure to open up our markets to
African exports and our minds to African expertise.”
Africa does not want to be transformed in the image
of Europe. What Africa needs is a partnership with
those that respect its right to self-determination,
and those who can provide the capital investment
needed for Africans to exploit their own resources,
and to be paid fair prices by the international
markets for its goods.
In his first address at the State Opening of
Parliament, President Koroma told the nation that
the dramatic change occasioned by winning the 2007
Presidential and Parliamentary elections, through
the will of the people, clearly illustrated the
advantages and pitfalls of democracy.
This change, he maintained, is a reminder that when
a government fails in its principal duties of good
governance, reneges on it promise to effectively
serve the people, and fails in meeting the basic
needs of the country, that government is destined to
be rejected by the people.
President Koroma therefore stressed his
determination and that of his government to avoid
this ominous prospect by working hard to fulfil his
campaign promises to develop Sierra Leone through
his ‘Agenda for Change’.
According to the President, good governance will
require public accountability in every sector. But
the idea of sub-contracting the running of the
machinery of state to the former colonial power was
never one of his manifesto promises to the people of
Sierra Leone.
While the people of Sierra Leone are indebted to the
international community for the immense contribution
they are leveraging to the country, especially the
British government, the timing is now right for a
new development model and international donor aid
co-ordination strategy.
This new strategy should be based on Sierra Leone’s
decentralisation and local economic development
ambition. It should focus on the development of
Local Economic Development Partnerships, bringing
together the private sector, local communities, the
voluntary sector and Local Councils.
These new Local Partnerships should be empowered to
take responsibility for delivering development
programmes across the country that are designed to
address local development issues, through direct
funding contracts with international donors. THIS
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