Economy & Business

ADB President Adesina briefs African leaders on Bank’s success  mobilizing finance for Africa’s development

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 24 July 2024: The president of the African Development Bank Group, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, has outlined the Bank’s successes in mobilizing financial resources for the continent’s development needs at the African Union. Addressing heads of state and government at the 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the AU [Read More]

Politics & Law

Opposition APC’s National Advisory Council’s decision to sustain party activities: A closer look at the path forward

Aaron Papay: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 23 July 2024: In a significant move that has sparked discussions and speculation among political circles, the National Advisory Council (NAC) of the All People’s Congress (APC) has decided to continue with the activities of the party. This decision has left many questioning whether the [Read More]

Economy & Business

Heavy persistent rains in Freetown

Alhaji U Njai: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 23 July 2023: Sierra Leone suffers from the convergence of two wicked environmental problems, one not our doing and the other, the result of our reckless environmental stewardship. Climate change is not our doing in Sierra Leone; the shifts in climate and rainfall patterns [Read More]

Economy & Business

Blue or Green economy – How do people understand and measure it in Sierra Leone?

James Samba: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 19 July 2024: The concept of “blue economy” and “green economy” is gaining global traction as frameworks for sustainable development. However, in Sierra Leone, much like in many other African countries, understanding and implementing these concepts remain challenging. Understanding the Blue and Green Economy The [Read More]