
What a ratty state of affairs?

Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 28 October 2013 Two Journalists are in police custody for allegedly hurling abuse at the president of Sierra Leone. They will face trial because they wrote that our President is ‘behaving like a rat’. This action by the government has raised hue and [Read More]

Politics & Law

President Koroma is NOT a champion of freedoms

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 October 2013 Sierra Leoneans old enough to remember former president Siaka Stevens’ modus operandi and political Machiavellianism, would see similar traits in the dictatorial tendency and extremist methods being employed by president Koroma today. (Photo: Stevens). Both presidents share the same philosophy and ideology, which [Read More]


‘There should be limits to ineptitude, graft and sheer impunity’

Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 21 October 2013 Intentions, even the best of them, do not necessarily guarantee success. Our politics continues to thrive on the thickening stench of falsehood. The unintended consequences of spin, showing that we are making tremendous progress, is the continued elongation of the [Read More]

News in Perspective

President Koroma wields his axe at poor performing minister

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 21 October 2013 Barely a week has passed since we published “Don’t talk about my potholes stupid”, and no one expected the presidential axe to fall so quickly and so decisively. Latest news from State House is that president Koroma has sacked both his minister of [Read More]

News in Perspective

A year on – what has changed? More garbage – more early deaths

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 15 October 2013 The growing mountain of garbage welcoming tourists and visitors to Freetown at the Bai Bureh Road – Dockyard gateway junction is now a disgrace, after six years of rebranding by the government. Major roads in the capital Freetown, such as Fourah Bay Road [Read More]

News in Perspective

“There’s hope of a better future under the SLPP” – says Chief Kapen

Yusuf Keketoma Sandi (London) The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 14 October 2013 On his maiden trip to the United Kingdom, which can only be described as a diplomatic success, the chairman of the SLPP – Chief Kapen was at a well attended social event organised by the SLPP UK and Ireland [Read More]

News in Perspective

African finance ministers exude confidence at IMF meeting

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 13 October 2013 This year’s Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has ended today in Washington, D.C., with the economic performance of African countries once again topping the agenda. The Annual Meetings bring together central bankers, ministers of [Read More]

News in Perspective

“Don’t talk about my potholes – stupid”

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 12 October 2013 When an elected president of a democratic West African country begins to issue threats against those in society who are appointed to police the conscience of those in power, then serious questions must be asked about where the country is heading: A dictatorship? [Read More]