News in Perspective

“Poor governance undermining Sierra Leone’s fragile economy”

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 10 October 2013 President Koroma is yet to prove that his government is fit to manage the affairs of the country, as the abuse of office by ministers and senior officials continues unabated. While the international community may now be scratching their heads, thinking about whether [Read More]

News in Perspective

Government is our servant and the people are its masters

Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 October 2013 In an article published in August 2010, I wrote that Ernest Bai Koroma “has the potential of becoming a ‘constitutional’ dictator”. In that article I defined a constitutional dictator as a person who cleverly uses constitutional and democratic means to [Read More]

News in Perspective

Where is the money meant for providing clean water in Sierra Leone?

Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 4 October 2013 “Where is the money that is supposed to give us clean water gone to?” – asked the people of Lungi, after several years of living without clean, safe drinking water. Since my return to London from Freetown, I have posted [Read More]


Has the SLPP started to regain lost electoral fortunes?

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 3 October 2013 Since losing the general and presidential elections in 2012, Sierra Leone’s main opposition party – the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) has been struggling to regain its broken spirit, as internecine wars threatened to split the party. And after losing its Supreme Court [Read More]

News in Perspective

Sierra Leone aiming to tap deeper into China’s Africa policy

Austin Thomas The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 30 September 2013 The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs – Dr Ebun Jusu says that Sierra Leone would like to tap deeper into the Chinese African policy. Minister Jusu would also like to see Sierra Leone become the economic hub for Chinese private and [Read More]

News in Perspective

Warlord Charles Taylor loses legal challenge – heading for British jail

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 September 2013: The former Liberian president Charles Taylor, has today lost his appeal against a 50-year jail term, for war crimes at a special UN-backed tribunal in The Hague. Taylor will serve a year at a high security Belmarsh Prison in the UK, for every [Read More]

Economy & Business

Gender equality is smart economics – says new World Bank Report

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 September 2013: “The ideal of equality before the law and equality of economic opportunity isn’t just wise social policy. It is smart economic policy,” says World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. “When women and men participate in economic life on an equal footing, they can [Read More]


Gender equality in Sierra Leone is an economic imperative

Zainab Tunkara Clarkson The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 September 2013 Women in Sierra Leone face all sorts of obstacles when it comes to setting up their own business. A combination of cultural prejudices and harsh economic realities join hands, in making life particularly difficult for our ladies. (Photo: Market women [Read More]