Politics & Law

Sierra Leone’s presidential hopeful – Maada Bio weds in London

Yusuf Keketoma Sandi: The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 November 2013: Marriage is an institution blessed by all religions. According to the Bible Proverbs 18:22; “He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour of the Lord”. That same message is mentioned in the Quran Chapter 30:21: “And among [Read More]

News in Perspective

Sierra Leone hold talks with China on reform of Security Council

John Baimba Sesay The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 November 2013 Sierra Leone’s Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister, Dr Samura Mathew Kamara on Tuesday 5th November, told staff at the Sierra Leone Embassy in the People’s Republic of China, that though a small country, Sierra Leone is raising its voice [Read More]

News in Perspective

Africa’s biggest hydro-electricity dam on its way

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 November 2013 Several African countries have taken a bold step forward towards meeting their electricity needs. They have embarked on costly construction and management of hydro-electricity dams. (Photo: Sierra Leone’s Bumbuna dam). But few are fully reaping the economic, social and environmental rewards. Some countries [Read More]

News in Perspective

Obama strives to increase energy in Africa

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 November 2013 Africa’s economic development is showing much promise, but there are serious obstacles to progress. While several African countries blessed with natural resources, such as Angola and Ghana are doing fairly well, the challenges to increasing economic prosperity for all, are enormous. Good governance, [Read More]


What a ratty state of affairs?

Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 28 October 2013 Two Journalists are in police custody for allegedly hurling abuse at the president of Sierra Leone. They will face trial because they wrote that our President is ‘behaving like a rat’. This action by the government has raised hue and [Read More]

Politics & Law

President Koroma is NOT a champion of freedoms

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 October 2013 Sierra Leoneans old enough to remember former president Siaka Stevens’ modus operandi and political Machiavellianism, would see similar traits in the dictatorial tendency and extremist methods being employed by president Koroma today. (Photo: Stevens). Both presidents share the same philosophy and ideology, which [Read More]


‘There should be limits to ineptitude, graft and sheer impunity’

Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 21 October 2013 Intentions, even the best of them, do not necessarily guarantee success. Our politics continues to thrive on the thickening stench of falsehood. The unintended consequences of spin, showing that we are making tremendous progress, is the continued elongation of the [Read More]

News in Perspective

President Koroma wields his axe at poor performing minister

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 21 October 2013 Barely a week has passed since we published “Don’t talk about my potholes stupid”, and no one expected the presidential axe to fall so quickly and so decisively. Latest news from State House is that president Koroma has sacked both his minister of [Read More]