Racheal Ayodele: Nigeria Daily Post: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 20 March 2024:
Pelumi Nubi, a Nigerian lady, who embarked on a solo trip from London, the United Kingdom, to Lagos Nigeria, has been denied entry at the Sierra Leonean border.
DAILY POST reports that Pelumi had on January 30, 2024, commenced the two-month solo trip in a car.
However, updating her over 40,000 followers via her Instagram page yesterday Tuesday, Pelumi explained that Sierra Leone government officials denied her entry, noting that “right-handed drives” are not allowed in Sierra Leone.
“Access was denied so close to the finish line and I’m facing a tide of challenges that feels relentless. Each border crossing, a battle against multiple red tapes. This time Sierra Leone, they don’t want my ‘right-hand’ drive car to come into their country.
“This is a call to all my virtual family, to send words of encouragement because your support truly means so much to me, and I hope they let me in. For now we are here waiting for some good news.”
After driving for nearly two months, Pelumi is scheduled to arrive in Lagos on March 23.
Writing on Instagram, Pelumi said “THEY SAID ‘ACCESS DENIED’! so close to the finish line and I am facing a tide of challenges that feels relentless. Each border crossing, a battle against multiple red tapes, this time Sierre Leone they don’t want to let my ‘right-hand’ drive car to come into their country! It feels like for every step forward, I’m pushed three steps back.
“I am quickly reminded I’m not just on I am quickly reminded I’m not just on a physical journey but a spiritual one, too, so turning to prayer when the weight feels too heavy to bear alone.
“This is a call to all of you, my virtual family, to send your words of hope and encouragement. Becauseeee hmmm do I have stories for days! Your support truly means so much to me and I really hope they let myself and Lumi into Sierra Leone soon.
“For now we are here waiting for some good news..…”
May common sense prevail!
You can watch Pelumi’s plea to the government of Sierra Leone here
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