Education and Health

Dr. Modupe Cole has died 

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 13 August 2014 The family and people of Sierra Leone are today trying to come to terms with the shocking death of Dr. Modupe Cole, one of the country’s top physicians at the Connaught Hospital in Freetown. He contracted the Ebola virus whilst trying to save [Read More]

Education and Health

Ebola cases confirmed in Sierra Leone

World Bank Office – Freetown: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 28 May 2014: Ebola was first reported in Guinea in March 2014 in the four southeastern districts of Guekedou, Macenta, Nzerekore and Kissidougou. By March 27, four confirmed cases were found in Conakry, the capital of Guinea. Since then, the virus has [Read More]

Education and Health

Childhood diseases – a major threat in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 7 September 2013 Children in sub-Saharan Africa are now less likely to die from diarrhea and pneumonia. But these illnesses are still the most common causes of childhood death and sickness in most African countries, according to a new report published this week by the World [Read More]

Education and Health

Universal health coverage is not an option – but a reality

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 3 July 2013 “Poverty still remains a major barrier to healthcare access in Africa”, says Dr. Agnes Soucat, the Director of the Human Development Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB). This statement set the tone for the Africa-Asia dialogue on achieving Universal Health Coverage in [Read More]

Education and Health

“The Future Of Healthcare in Africa”: A report by The Economist Intelligence Unit gives high level picture of the continent’s healthcare challenges

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 1 March 2012 In preparation of the conference “Healthcare In Africa”, taking place in Cape Town on March 6 & 7, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), has published its report: “The Future Of Healthcare In Africa”, commissioned by Janssen Pharmaceutica NV. The report focuses on five possible [Read More]