News in Perspective

Sierra Leone’s Freedom of Information Act needs activating

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 10 February 2014 “What is the point of having a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) that cannot be implemented and enforced, if government has deliberately failed to establish the modalities and systems that will make this happen?” That was the question put to the Sierra Leone [Read More]

News in Perspective

Ivory Coast – which way now?

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 2 February 2014 Tensions are still high in the Ivory Coast, and political unrest is simmering at the edges, as the country’s economy struggles to make a comeback. Two regions, loyal to former president Gbagbo, responsible for a high percentage of the country’s cocoa production, are [Read More]

News in Perspective

Big boost for Nigeria’s power supply

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 31 January 2014 Nigeria’s economic growth is being seriously slowed down by insufficient electricity, despite its huge oil reserves and exploitation. Industrial production levels across various industries are less than satisfactory, as companies struggle to power production lines. But the government is facing up to the [Read More]

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News in Perspective

African countries such as Sierra Leone need more productive jobs

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 28 January 2014 “More productive jobs for the youths are vital for Sub-Sahara’s economic progress,” says a new World Bank Report. Most West African countries such as Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea are heavily dependent on their extractive industries for increased GDP. But this strategy is [Read More]

News in Perspective

Sierra Leone edges closer to a one party state

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 22 January 2014 Sierra Leone’s Parliament, yesterday elected former ruling APC parliamentary leader and head of government parliamentary business – Sheku B.B Dumbuya as the new speaker of the House. Former speaker and experienced lawyer – Abel Stronge, is said to have fallen on his own [Read More]

News in Perspective

More money poured into Sierra Leone’s big black hole

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 19 January 2014 In July last year, the World Bank signed a $16 million project financing agreement with the government of Sierra Leone. It said that: “The project will contribute to improving access to electricity in rural areas, through a pilot program for installing PV systems [Read More]