News in Perspective

Will Sierra Leone get a new airport?

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 21 December 2013 There is a strong argument as to whether Sierra Leone honestly needs a new international airport. Those arguing for a new airport, the cost of which is estimated at over $400 million – including the government, say that the existing airport at Lungi [Read More]

News in Perspective

Media responsible for government’s failure – says minister

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 21 December 2013 The minister at the helm of State House – Mr. Richard Konteh, is now believed to be blaming Sierra Leone’s media for the failure of the government in securing the Millennium Challenge (MCC) Fund. The minister who heads the team responsible for ensuring [Read More]

News in Perspective

Liberia’s Agenda for Transformation remains on course – says IMF

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 13 December, 2013 The confidence of the IMF in President Sirleaf’s ability and capacity to continue the economic and social reforms that are so vital to sustaining Liberia’s fragile peace and future prosperity, is no longer in question. The government is doing well. Her coalition government, [Read More]

News in Perspective

President Koroma’s anti-corruption credentials in tatters?

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 11 December 2013 If this week’s decision of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is anything to go by, then there is little doubt president Koroma and his ministers have lost the moral argument about their fight against corruption in Sierra Leone, despite media propaganda. The US [Read More]

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News in Perspective

President Koroma’s feeble reshuffle

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 December 2013 If good leaders are known by the promises they keep, and by the tough and resolute decisions they take, based on an ethos of good governance, then president Koroma is doing himself great disservice by continuing to fail to rise to the occasion [Read More]

News in Perspective

The world has lost its political moral compass – Mandela is no more

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 6 December 2013 Yesterday, 5th December 2013, Nelson Mandela the freedom fighter and custodian of global political consciousness, who stood up for human dignity, passed away peacefully in South Africa. He was aged 95. Nelson Mandela is more than a political icon for the people of [Read More]

News in Perspective

Former RUF Rebel Legal Advisor – Omrie Golley speaks

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 4 December 2013 The appointment into any democratically elected government, of anyone, directly involved in Sierra Leone’s ten year brutal civil war is bound to be controversial. And last week’s appointment of the former rebel leader – Foday Sankoh’s most senior adviser – Omrie Golley, has [Read More]

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News in Perspective

Is finance minister Marrah in contempt of parliament?

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 27 November 2013 It is the constitutional duty of every democratically elected government to ensure that their plans and performance are first reported to parliament, especially the government’s economic performance and budgetary plans for the ensuing year, prior to publication. (Photo: minister Marrah). And it is [Read More]

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News in Perspective

EU Finance to boost West Africa’s development

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 18 November 2013 Leaders of West Africa’s financial institutions, policy makers and economic development ministers were in Accra, Ghana on the 28th October, 2013, where they discussed the mobilisation of new sources of financing, particularly for infrastructure development. (Photo: Ghana’s President Mahama). Africa is at a [Read More]