Politics & Law

Sierra Leone government confirms suspension of US visas for immigration and foreign ministry officials

Dennis Kabatto Sierra Leone Telegraph: 15 September 2017 Sierra Leone’s presidential spokesman, Abdulai Bayraytay confirmed on Wednesday that the United States has placed restrictions on business and tourism visas on Sierra Leone immigration and foreign affairs ministry officials. The Trump administration visa restrictions on four African and Asian countries – [Read More]

Politics & Law

More accolades for Sierra Leone’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice – Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara 

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 11 September 2017 Sierra Leone’s Attorney-General and Minister of Justice – Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara yesterday Sunday 10th, September 2017, joined Chief Justice Abdullai Hamid Charm in celebrating the Annual Judicial Service Day at the St. George’s Cathedral, Freetown. And on Saturday, 9th September 2017, the Attorney-General and [Read More]