Politics & Law

Sama Banya – Pauwui is back

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 28 March 2014: When Sierra Leone’s most formidable and prolific octogenarian political commentator and opposition SLPP party grandee – Dr. Sama Banya – alias Puawui (Photo), announced his retirement from public writing over a year ago, hundreds of thousands of Sierra Leone Telegraph readers were saddened. His [Read More]

Politics & Law

Was Sierra Leone parliament wrong footed by ‘two foot arata’?

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 27 December 2013 A week ago – Friday, 20th December 2013, president Koroma opened the second session of the country’s parliament, marking the beginning of his second year in his final term in office. He did so with a speech that raise more questions about what [Read More]

Politics & Law

Yes APC declared winner – but lost the elections

Yusuf Keketoma Sandi: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 2 December 2013: The ruling by Sierra Leone’s High Court on the election petition cases for both constituencies 05 and 15, has raised fundamental questions on the application of the law. The outcome of this court ruling appears to have undermined or conflicted with [Read More]

Politics & Law

Sierra Leone’s presidential hopeful – Maada Bio weds in London

Yusuf Keketoma Sandi: The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 November 2013: Marriage is an institution blessed by all religions. According to the Bible Proverbs 18:22; “He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour of the Lord”. That same message is mentioned in the Quran Chapter 30:21: “And among [Read More]

Politics & Law

President Koroma is NOT a champion of freedoms

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 October 2013 Sierra Leoneans old enough to remember former president Siaka Stevens’ modus operandi and political Machiavellianism, would see similar traits in the dictatorial tendency and extremist methods being employed by president Koroma today. (Photo: Stevens). Both presidents share the same philosophy and ideology, which [Read More]

Politics & Law

Zimbabwe’s Elections – Mugabe’s Last Stand

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 31 July 2013: The people of Zimbabwe go to the polls today. They will either decide they no longer want Robert Mugabe’s continuing dominance of the political scene, or endorse his economic and social agenda for moving Zimbabwe forward. But will they be able to exercise that [Read More]

Politics & Law

Sierra Leone government reacts to Transparency International’s findings

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 16 July 2013 Sierra Leone is the most corrupt country in the world, according to the latest report of Transparency International. The report says that over 80% of people questioned in Sierra Leone as part of their research on corruption in the country, admitted to have [Read More]