Kabs Kanu: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 October 2023:
The concerned Sierra Leoneans worldwide travelled all the way to New York Tuesday to present a complaint to the U.N Secretary General at the UN Headquarters in New York , against the human rights abuses and extrajudicial and politically motivated crimes committed against the people of Sierra Leone by President Maada Bio, since he came to power in 2018.
They provided graphic evidence of the killings and maiming of innocent Sierra Leoneans and called for punitive action against the embattled junta leader Maada Bio.
The Concerned Sierra Leoneans were led to the UN by their Chairman, Human Rights Lawyer, Dr. Alfred Vinod Fullah , who was the man who also presented the same complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague few months ago.
Dr. Fullah and team initiated the engagements with the UN and the U.S State Department, and both events were facilitated and made possible by Ambassador Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu, former Minister Plenipotentiary to the UN . Also in the delegation were firebrand human rights advocate, Imran Turay, famous journalist and Editor of the ORGANIZER newspaper in the UK, Abu Shaw, activist Ishmael Hedd, Fatmata Turay, Salamatu Turay, among others.
The reception given the delegation by the UN was very good, empowering and a vindication of the fact that the UN is very interested in the case and the situation in Sierra Leone.
The session was held in closed doors and the complaints were read by Dr. Fullah, the Chairman of the Concerned Sierra Leoneans Worldwide, while the team assigned by the Secretary General to receive the petition keenly listened in over one breathtaking hour of presentation of the 16-page petition, after which the Concerned Sierra Leoneans got a commitment that their complaints will be looked into by the UN Secretary General and principals.
In the petition, Dr. Fullah told the UN Secretary General: “Sir, we want to emphatically state that since President Julius Maada Bio assumed office on 4th April 2018, he has engaged in a series of systematic, widespread and wanton destruction of our fragile democratic fabric and national cohesion by dividing Sierra Leone along party, regional and tribal lines. Since President Maada Bio assumed office, he had sacked majority employees who mainly hailed from the north and north-west regions of Sierra Leone.”
“As true believers in the Rule of Law, Democracy and Human Rights, we felt vehemently obliged to formally petition grave offences and particularly draw your esteemed attention to the 10th August 2022 peaceful demonstrations by Sierra Leoneans who continue to endure tremendous pain and sufferings under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio since he assumed office on 4th April 2018, for which he has not accounted to anyone to date.
“The demonstrations led to a disproportionate use of force by armed government security officers, which led to the painful loss of lives of scores of our precious citizens. The nation of Sierra Leone is reeling with pain and outrage from these killings, which also occurred in other towns, like Tombo Village, Mile 91, Lunsar, Tonko Limba and Makeni on diverse occasions during peaceful demonstrations.”
“We the Concerned Sierra Leoneans Worldwide are submitting this petition paper and/or complaint to Secretary-General of the United Nations against President Julius Maada Bio, the current President of Sierra Leone, his wife – Fatima Bio and his government / state actors regarding these and other systematic, targeted, widespread and gross human rights violations committed against the people of Sierra Leone, which we believe constitute crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute.” We will bring you the full petition later.
A member of the delegation, Mr. Imran Turay, stated that “We are very concerned that the opposition APC party has lost its focus on defending the rights of citizens but instead colluding with the illegitimate SLPP regime to undermine the interests of the voters.” He said he had been prevented from visiting his country and seeing his aged mother before she leaves this world. He broke down and wept during his contribution and the scene moved the UN team.
Journalist Abu Shaw admonished the UN to take action to stop President Bio, who is also misleading gullible citizens that Sierra Leone’s election to a Non-Permanent Seat in the UN Security Council for 2024-26 was an indication that the UN supports him against his countrymen and women, who are weeping and gnashing their teeth under his rule.
Former Minister Plenipotentiary Kabs Kanu reminded the Secretary General’s team that when he worked there, the UN set up the EARLY WARNING SIGNS system to gauge if a country was heading to war. He said the early warning signs manifest in Sierra Leone presently portend a return to another war for the post-conflict country and urged the UN Secretary General and all concerned to act swiftly to nip the situation in the bud. “President Bio must be stopped, ” he warned.
The Concerned Sierra Leoneans delegation to the UN consisted of the following personalities: Dr Alfred Venod Fullah, Madam Salamatu Kamara, Mr Ahmed Imran Turay (Imran T), Mr Abu Shaw–all based in the United Kingdom ; Ambassador Leeroy Wilfred Kanu aka Kabs Kanu; Mr Yusufu Conteh, Madam Esther Sesay, Mariyatu Jalloh, Mr Ishmael Albert Hedd and and Mr Egerton Davies , who live in the U.S. Many of them are members of the People’s Power in Politics ( PPP ), led by the world-renowned radical social media anti-government campaigner, Adebayo, who raised funds to make the ICC and UN trips possible for his members.
I write to hail the heroic venture embarked on by Dr. Vinod Fullah, Ambassador Kabs Kanu, Imran T. and others to report President Maada Bio to the United Nations and the U.S State Department. It was overdue and about time. Our people are suffering a lot in our own motherland. Somebody had to take the bull by the horns and these heroes did what the cowards in our country are afraid to do. Whether sycophants of SLPP understand that this was an important national assignment is however the other question. Nobody expects them to understand. Condemning Maada Bio depends on where you stand. Those who feels it knows it. For We, the people of Sierra Leone, who are experiencing Julius Maada Bio’s domestic power abuses and bloodshed first hand appreciate what our heroes have done to take our complaints for us to the UN. Hopefully, the United Nations have now heard it from our own people . Hopefully, Dr. Fullah and Ambassador Kabs Kanu will be celebrated in Sierra Leone and all over the world one day when Things change. Maada Bio will be kicked out. Thank you, our heroes. We are the sufferers and appreciate your effort.The UN have Maada Bio’s record now. Let him continue killing.
Kabs Kanu of all!!! What a man and what a life full of hate, malice and divisiveness!! Mr. Coleman my respect!
Anthony Moiba, where is the hate, malice and divisiveness ? To file a complaint against Maada Bio to the United Nations ? Don’t you see pictures of the dead bodies in the media ? Look how some of you becoming a part of the problem. Maada Bio, the killer, is not our president,hence the decision by Rev/ Kabs Kanu and Mr. Fullah to make his complaint to the UN was correctly done. By the way, tell me where is your Bank Governor Kelfala Kallon ? He ran away with our money. Where is Lahai Lawrence Leema who kill for Bio? Bio already killed hundreds of our citizens.Your fake president will face punishment for crimes, Allah willing.Kabs Kanu and Dr. Fulah are right. Anybody who can kill his citizens like dogs must be complained to UN.You being the one defending Bio are the enemy. Prophet Mohammad ( Peace be upon him ) said that truth will stand. You will face justice.
“A life full of hate, malice and divisiveness” ? Have you lost your mind, Mr.Moiba ? So, fighting to redeem a suffering country from wicked hands like Bio’s is a life of hate, malice and divisiveness. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. May God save our country.
From the Commonwealth Secretariat to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to the United Nations, this thing is becoming a comedy of errors for a bunch of APC activists who are desperate for political power in Sierra Leone. I was even wondering why Santhkie Sorie did not make the trip to the United Nations. Is he not APC enough to fight for power through the back door?
Frustrated by their rapidly dwindling chances of ever winning national elections in Sierra Leone, APC activists are now embarking on plan B, which involves prevaricating about the trajectory of developments in Sierra Leone. Their ardent hope is to get the ears and sympathies of bilateral and multilateral organizations. But in today’s world where international organizations are present in every corner of the world, Santhkie Sorie and his party comrades can only delude themselves. International organizations on the soil of Sierra Leone have the technological capacity to ferret the truth about developments on the ground and quickly relay their findings to headquarter offices in the West.
It follows that if President Bio was the murderer that Santhkie Sorie has often claimed him to be, there would be no need for Sorie’s APC comrades to make the trip to UN offices in New York. UN offices would long have received that information from their credible staff in Freetown. Additionally, if President Bio was a murderer, why did Samura Kamara not make that an important issue at the recently completed dialogue in Freetown? The answer is simple. Kamara is smart enough to recognize that he cannot bring APC lies to a negotiating table where United States, European Union, Commonwealth, ECOWAS, and African Union personnel are present. He risks being backlisted internationally. Oh these APC trouble makers! Would they ever change?
This is so sad, yet so funny. Funny because It seems as if some people can be so arrogant that they do not know what SHAME is.
Kabs Kanu, Did DAVID the shepherd boy win the battle against GOLIATH because he (David) was a man of “sound academic pedigree”? Did he win the battle because he was in an “impressive parade of intellectuals”?
In your photo labeled “DR. FULLAH MAKING HIS PRESENTATION TO THE UN NO UN OFFICIAL IS SHOWN” It seems as if Dr. Fullah was talking to an empty space. Maybe UN protocol was brought to your attention after the picture was taken because someone did not want to be seen talking to a group of not-so-wise people.
All this is happening now because the APCs are scared of the upcoming 2028 elections, and the outcome is going to be a victorious for the ruling party again. The UN Assembly, ICC knew and understand their jobs, likewise the US State department. It has started again; APCs have no agenda for comes 2028, no, nada, nothing. This is the same APC party demanding for a huge sum amount of money, to pay their elected officials that totally refused to serve their tireless constituencies that voted them in, such a betrayals looking for free money. Man, don’t you have a little love for this country?
Have a wonderful time folks.
But every thing works with time
Let keep on praying for our
beLoving myght Sierra Leone.