Abdulai Mansaray: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 5 January 2020:
It is a new year, the end of a decade and the beginning of another.. It is the time to take stock of life in general, mark new beginnings for a better future, as resolutions come and go. This is no different from politics. The last decade would be remembered among other things, as the era that saw democracy take a detour, that democracy became a desktop job and can no longer be taken for granted.
Now we know that “democracy substitutes elections by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few” (G.B. Shaw).
Just watch how America, one of the greatest democracies is shredding the very foundations of democracy. We have seen the rise of populism, fascism, protectionism and jingoism disguised as patriotism. But closer to home, we witnessed the SLPP took the reins from the APC; thanks to the people’s mandate.
Sierra Leoneans therefore expect a changeover, not a hangover. Better changes to the system, changes to people’s lives, the cost and standards of living for all – would be the minimum requirements.
The Bio led government has been in power for nearly two years. If we were to provide a balance sheet of President Maada Bio’s brief tenure, what would it read like? Don’t answer that because I know that your answers would largely depend on which side of the political spectrum you are sitting. Nevertheless, if you speak to a green leaning supporter, the answer will most likely contain a noun, a verb and superlatives. And if you try one with a red hat on, it would definitely contain a noun, a verb, an adjective, and loads of “isms”.
Notwithstanding this, Bio’s reign has seen a new wave of additions to our local parlance. While the late Sheki had “Usai den tie cow” (that’s where it all started), we now have “de grun dry”, “De game don big” and “Ar nor dae o – Ar travel” etc. It is very tempting to dismiss such phrases as loose talk. But for any politician to dismiss such will do so at their peril. They say that a day in politics is a long time; just like a phrase in politics is enough to make or break a political party’s chances of victory.
Maada Bio came to power on the crest of the people’s disillusion with the APC party which had fast become synonymous with corruption. He vowed to fight corruption, which led to the inception of the Commission of Inquiry (COI). I don’t even remember when last I heard the words ‘Commission of Inquiry’ mentioned.
Donald Trump cannot even spell “politics”, but his “Make America Great Again” was enough to present him as a pure distillation of accumulated white grievance and anger. Even his staunchest supporters would struggle to show how he has made America great again. Trump has been accused of being a racist, but Trump did not make Americans more racist. Rather, he normalised it and let out a lot of the long suppressed demons out of the box.
Against such a backdrop, one is not surprised to see that his Republican Party has rather been transformed into a political cult; steeped in the paranoia that dark forces threatening America can only be saved by “True” Americans who are white, Christian and conservative. That is the driving force that has made his Republican Party become selectively blind, and afflicted by amnesic syndrome. It is no wonder that the party has gone Machiavellian, become drunk on a political potion, just for the acquisition and maintenance of power. It is no wonder then that the party now has as its sole purpose to protect and promote its leader by any means necessary and at the expense of political sanity. Does that sound familiar?
Coming closer to home, the SLPP Party came to power on the back of unrivalled levels of corruption under the previous APC government. It has not missed the opportunity to ram down the throats of the electorate about the massive corruption; the fight against which has been the SLPP party’s sing song since taking the helm.
No one is disputing the issue of corruption. However, there will be many wondering how long this narrative is going to last; blaming everything and anything that has gone wrong on the APC party.
Bio’s reign has seen the exchange rate of foreign currency and its corresponding rising cost of living, and the price of basic food items threaten air traffic.
But there have been some smoking guns already in the fight against corruption. The ACC and the COI have unearthed a lot of cases of corruption. But again, we saw and heard the First Minister speaking about the retention of 1% of public contract value; and then came the yet to be concluded allegation of $1.5M bank deposit.
These stories are now dwarfed by the exposure of the disappearance of over One Hundred and Forty Billion Leones by the Auditor General’s 2018 Report which the ACC is looking into.
With such a bad smell in the air, is the Bio led government at risk of losing its moral authority as the High Priest in the fight against corruption; or does “New Direction” means “More of the same” in Yoruba?
Many are really wondering why the country appears to be either stuck in 1st gear or in reverse. One of the apparently successful areas for this government has been the NRA, which continues to raise cash beyond its targets. Many say that the revenue generated has been used to fund programmes and largely fund wages. Bravo and good home economics. The notion is also that a lot of leakages have been cauterised to stop the blood sport. Good. But that is where the paradoxical irony of corruption comes in.
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of people in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that glorifies it. So when Lansana embezzles thousands or millions out of government coffers, the chances are that his secretary, his driver, his side kick and his family and friends will get their cut. This new pay day means that the driver’s girlfriend will get a new smart phone, the phone seller will make money and pay his rent, the landlord will pay his children’s school fees and the Principal will repair that classroom window. Lansana’s wife will send money to her father who is sick and the money will be used to buy medicine. The pharmacist will pay his children’s lesson fees and that poor teacher will have something to “manage” until the government decides to pay his wages. Catch my drift? Some will say, the world must go on. The lack of employment opportunities and the creation of a tertiary industry of hangers on, has lead to most of these unfortunate scenarios.
Those are the leakages the government claims to have plugged which will obviously support Bio’s Quality Free Education. There have been a lot of initiatives like free school buses, maternity help, new clinics, and many more positives undertaken and in the pipeline. They all require money.
There is talk of linking Lungi to the capital with mortar and steel pipes. Against the backdrop of all these, the government has been signing loads of Memoranda of Understanding, reportedly received loads of aid, grants, and loans from our international partners and especially the Chinese.
Many projects like the Pineapple plantation and the Tormabom Rice are long term projects, the benefits from which cannot be realised overnight. The tourism industry is slowly getting some oxygen transfusion.
Sierra Leoneans are renowned for their patience, with their all too familiar – “how for do” mentality. There is need for patience from all to see these projects come to fruition – thanks to the visionary approach of the government. But the latest offering of a fleet of million dollar limousines from our Chinese life support machine raises more questions about the government’s priorities.
In the face of “de grun dry” and “de game don big”, is this what we really need now?
I know that you cannot look a gift horse in the mouth; (if it’s a gift), but could the government have asked for something else instead? Could we have asked for solar panels for schools to operate computers for example? Does the Maada Bio government need a reset? Is this a case of misplaced priorities or society for self preservation? Is this becoming a case of all animals are equal (March 2018) but some are more equal than others (2020)? I hope that Mr Jones is not smiling in Makeni.
The APC is no longer in power. The SLPP came in on the audacity of a “NEW DIRECTION”. But as we enter a new decade, the hope is that Sierra Leoneans will not replay this scenario: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” (G. Orwell).
Will it be a case of “Sierra Leoneans outside looking from APC to SLPP, and from SLPP to APC, and from APC to SLPP again; but still find it impossible to say which is which? (Photo: Abdulai Mansaray).
With the ACC and COI in situ, how long will the people continue to swallow this narrative that the SLPP inherited empty coffers?
The government needs a reset, a rewind and to reverse current trends to avoid a rebound. The people can take so much explanation, theorems and theories from the professors, but the woman in Dove Cot only understands the price of rice, cassava, and Panadol. We know who are in the majority here.
The APC was corrupt – so, get the money back if you can. If not, using the APC as a smokescreen or scapegoat is losing its appeal, and cannot be a substitute for government inefficiency.
Remember that leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next generation.
Don’t forget to turn the lights off when you leave the room. Happy New Year to you all.
This is a considerate piece, and I want to say that the current administration should start examining some of the highlights mentioned herein as a guide for future course of action. The political history of our country shows that both parties have had turns in governance but the APC the longest, until it was forced from power. Whenever APC are removed from power, the state of the national economy suffers considerable strains, not to talk about the collosal decline of our educational standing.
By the time the 2018 elections were held, the country had already been fractured alone ethnic lines. Many con men rose quickly from grass to grace over night. This social differentiation rested to this very day where truth is flung into the back burner, societal valves shredded.
Therefore, to pull back from this situation takes not just 5yrs. Lots of hard work is required. That is why this piece should be seen as a wake up call for the current administration, as they have been elected by the people to turn things around. Continuous procrastination as time runs out could ruin the people’s patience, no matter how well intentioned one might be in politics.
What a comprehensive and salient piece encompassing the true reality of Sierra Leone current government’s dispensation, bearing the perfect trade mark of the indomitable Abdulai Mansaray, Succinctly presented. Thank you for shedding light on national issues back home.
Well said.I was shocked by the luxury cars given by the Chinese. But I believe it’s compensation for their refusal to undertake the Lungi bridge project.
What are you doing to help in rebuilding the country you are lamenting for? Have you published the billions or dollars squandered in corruption by your APC regime used to build houses and expensive fences, whiles the people wallowed in poverty and starvation under the APC rule?
If you have not, then stop being fake. Did your APC feed us, put money into our pockets for 11 years? Tell us a single American who just rely on fake propaganda about his/her country whiles their Presidents worked for them.
Do you expect President Bio to go to the farm and feed us or put money into our pockets? Do you really understand the role of a President of a country? You have been used to living on brown envelopes, now you are not getting it, you are like mad dog.
You are one of the insincere and unpatriotic organism that condemns the fight against corruption. Damn! Unpatriotic folk!
Are you blind enough to see the tangible structures President Bio is putting in place for generations to come in this country? Why una Salone man lek boku tok ba? Una too fake but nor get natin wae una dae do even na una ose for improve una pikin dem, less tok about future plans. Una go frustrate oo. Sadist and Tobalats, Sambalats.
Tell us a single plan your APC Government left for a single child in Sierra Leone that will benefit them in their old age or even their children. Just the corruption, tribalism, nepotism and all sorts of cosmetic roads.
Just the day results were announced in 2018, the city went into absolute dark. Shame APC! Your government did not initiate a single project for the country, but initiate theft projects to build houses and expensive fences.
Are you blind to the revelations made at the COI against your APC godfathers and politicians? How much is Ernest Koroma worth? What about Samura Kamara, Balungu Koroma, and the rest of Ministers in the APC Government then? Show us any publications that condemned corruption in the APC Government. Fake journalists!
Tell us your contribution to your country. Stop the propaganda and hate. Be patriotic.
Hi Chase. Although you are exercising your right to free speech, you must try not to be discourteous to others. No war of words or personal attacks. So, please mind your words. It seems as if you are new to this platform. Because of that, you will get an advice to make you aware of how we approach others. Again, no war of words or personal attacks. Thank you very much Chase for your co-operation and contribution on this platform. God bless you.
The typical rambling of a delusional die-hard SLPP supporter. Pathetic indeed!! Lol
Kindly control your exuberance. Thank you.
“The APC was corrupt – so, get the money back if you can. If not, using the APC as a smokescreen or scapegoat is losing its appeal, and cannot be a substitute for government inefficiency.” This is Mr Abdulai Mansaray at one of his best articles. The layout of the arguments and the inbuilt logic surrounding the story make this an enjoyable read.
Of course, it was just a matter of time for this ‘new direction’ SLPP outfit – which mainly comprises of a bunch of stragglers – to show their true colours as the most corrupt government in the history of Sierra Leone. The unprecedented level of scrutiny targeted against the erstwhile government through a somewhat bogus Commission of Inquiry (COI) was just a trick designed to disguise the real intentions of this clique of paopa cowboys. An inquiry that was slated for six months, is now approaching its first year – and for these poor opportunists, they wished it would last forever so as to cover their seedy activities and as well as act as a defence mechanism.
Outstanding deliberation on the numerous issues affecting our motherland. Thanks for your time sir, definitely a good read!!