ECOWAS urged to speed up promotion of development and trade in the sub-region

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 27 July 2024:

The 4th Annual General Meeting of the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) Network ended on Thursday, July 18, 2024, in Banjul, Gambia, with a series of resolutions designed to further boost trade in West Africa.

To ensure better promotion of trade within the community, the participants decided to organize regular trade fairs to boost intra-regional trade. ECOWAS member states are encouraged to take an active part in these fairs, in order to foster collaboration and economic growth in the region.

They called for the inclusive selection of value chains with the potential to stimulate economic development, create jobs and improve competitiveness in West Africa.

The resolution also proposed the implementation of measures to improve infrastructure and logistics services in the region, with particular emphasis on reducing trade barriers, streamlining customs procedures and improving transport networks to facilitate trade operations and make them more efficient.

In addition, ECOWAS is asked to support its member states in their efforts to strengthen trade and economic integration, and to offer technical assistance, policy advice and capacity-building initiatives to help them achieve their trade and development objectives.

On the financial front, the meeting identified potential partners and donors to secure the necessary funding for initiatives, and to strengthen collaboration and support for various projects.

ECOWAS was called upon to focus on identifying cost-effective activities whose implementation should maximize the efficiency of resources; support collaboration with the East African trade network to strengthen integration and support on a continental scale; and the payment by TPOs of their $5,300 registration fee following registration and account opening were also among the meeting’s resolutions.

In terms of communication, it was decided to design logos to ensure greater visibility for the Network and its Initiatives; to develop a collaboration platform; and to create a blog space on the Network’s website, to publish relevant information and periodic press releases. Like the website, this platform should be user-friendly and regularly updated.

These various communication media are intended to highlight the Network’s activities, and achievements, with the aim of fostering synergy and improving communication and data sharing between Network members.

Regarding trade policy, it was suggested not only to adopt mutual recognition certificates to reduce non-trade barriers and facilitate transactions, but also to work with the relevant authorities to standardize and accept these certificates in all ECOWAS member states.

Participants recommended the development of specific strategies for priority products in each ECOWAS member state, to enhance trade opportunities, and the establishment of platforms and initiatives to directly link suppliers and buyers, with a view to facilitating trade and market access.

Other resolutions of the meeting include the participation of Network members in international conferences to acquire knowledge; the optimization of the budget to ensure efficient use of resources; definition and achievement of set objectives; and organization of quarterly meetings to review progress, discuss challenges and plan future activities.

On behalf of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr Omar Alieu Touray, and the Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Mrs Massandjé Touré-Litsé, the Director of Trade, Kolawole Sofola, expressed his gratitude to the participants for the adoption of these resolutions, whose efficient implementation should help promote intra-regional trade. He congratulated the new President and Vice-President of the ECOWAS Trade Promotion Organizations Network for the period 2024-2025, and wished them every success in their term of office.

The new Chairman is Modou Mbene Gueye, Director General of the Senegalese Export Promotion Agency, and the new Vice-Chairman is Ousainou Senghore, Director General of the Gambian Investment and Export Promotion Agency.

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