Sierra Leone Telegraph: 27 July 2021:
Last Friday, five pupils graduated from the Freetown City Council’s (FCC) Early Learning Adventure-Congo Water Market, in Wellington – first of the FCC’s pre-school centres for children of market women.
A few months ago, at the start of the academic year, FCC enrolled 40 children that had never been to school before. They could barely call out their names; they spoke no word in English; they had very poor social interaction skills and they were quite unsure of how to express themselves publicly.
But there has been a 360-degree turnaround for these graduating pre-schoolers. They are now curious and craving to learn new things daily; they have developed high levels of confidence; they have learnt numerous nursery rhymes (they knew only one nursery rhyme, “Johnny Johnny, yes papa” when the centre opened); they can now trace all their letters; they can communicate in English.
For the centre staff, it has been such an exciting year during which they have watched these children grow to a point where they are ready to excel in primary school and make their parents proud.
Present at the certificate handing over ceremony for the pre-schoolers were their proud parents, Councillor Agnes Marah, Chairman Abubakarr & Chairlady Mariama of Congo Water Market, Ariana Oluwole (Consultant Narnia Educational Group) and Staff of the FCC Early Learning Adventure- Congo Water.
The FCC Early Learning Centres are funded by Ms. Sonia Gardner, an American Philanthropist. The Centre is set up and managed by Narnia Educational Group, an educational consultancy that is accredited by Network for Teaching Children (NTC) and Mensa.
The second centre is scheduled to open in September 2021 at Kroo Town Market.
Gentlemen – First things first, Our sincerest thanks and gratitude to a kind and thoughtful Philanthropist Ms Sonia Gardner, the Mayor of Freetown Madam Sawyer, Councillors and the parents of all these adorable, little children for helping to making such a laudable initiative a success. Indeed, the Midas Touch of Madam Aki Sawyer never ever disappoints or fails to transform even base metals, rusted steel and iron into pure Gold. She is a priceless asset; A
National Treasure – one of the most innovative leaders Sierra Leone has ever seen seen – She is thoughtful, pragmatic and decisive; I think it will serve our nation very well if the Corrupt old khaki wearing soldier would seek her advice and expertise on how to BUILD DREAMS TO LAST.
Children – This is your finest moment; Keep on striving, believing, and excelling; The sky is only the beginning – There are heights of success that only education and hard work help you attain with great ease. Teachers we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping to inspire,nurture and groom a young generation of dynamic future leaders to come.