Sierra Leone Telegraph: 9 January 2019:
Sierra Leone’s former head of the military regime which overthrew the APC government of president Joseph Saidu Momoh in 1992 – Captain valentine Strasser, is seriously ill at the Aspen Medical Hospital in the capital Freetown, where he was visited last Saturday, 5th January, 2019, by president Julius Maada Bio..
According to report from State House, president Bio assured the former Head of State that his government will do everything it takes to help Strasser regain his health.
The president has instructed and given executive clearance for Strasser to be evacuated for medical treatment in Ghana.
The Commanding Officer at the Military Joint Medical Unit – Lt. Col. Dr Stephen Sevalie told president Bio that the former Head of State suffers from Peripheral Artery Disease which is affecting the left leg.
Dr Sevalie said that the former Head of State will require a surgery by a vascular surgeon to re-establish blood supply.
Sierra Leone does not have a vascular surgeon and as such the former Head of State will need to be flown out. “I want to thank the President who has shown great care and support to his comrade and former Head of State, since Strasser was first admitted at 34 military hospital three weeks ago, until his transfer to the Aspen Medical Hospital,” Dr Sevalie said.
The Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr Alpha T. Wurie, who also accompanied the president to the hospital, confirmed that government is finalising arrangements for the former Head of State to be flown to Ghana for medical treatment as soon as possible.
Good work Mr President for helping the retired soldier and former head of state. But Mr president there are also other retired soldiers out there who are suffering with similar problems. Please find the war wounded.
It is good to know that the former head of state Captain Strasser had a successful nine hour long surgery on his left leg a few days ago. Get well soon. God bless.
This is statesmanship of the highest order and a fine example to the rest of the world to look forward rather than back and to remember that we are all fellow human beings. Sierra Leone has a fine leader.
It costs hundreds of millions of dollars to do what you’re saying. I pray it works out sincerely.
Good leadership ability Mr President. Thanks very much for your humanity. God will continue to guide you in leading the country in a positive direction.
Thanks to President Julius Maada Bio for your help and support towards a colleague and friend Rtd capt.Valentine Strasser. May God bless you!! Wishes of a speedy recovery for Rtd. Capt Valentine Strasser
I remember far back in 1992, in a town called Blama Small Bo Chiefdom, when we stood in line for the whole day waiting for Strasser to pass. Things change with time. Wish you speedy recovery.
Good job Mr President, it could be you tomorrow. This great Capt did his part in the history of our country let’s accord him that respect.
Job well done Mr President: that’s how a leader should respond to his people, and people in general. Proud of you,keep up the good work.
Captain Strasser ran the country well, when he was President.
Jeff Greenblum
I am a Ghanaian who once lived in Sierra Leone. I had met Mr Strasser on one occasion and his condition was very deplorable, I decided to channel my request through some few people in the APC to let Mr Strasser to be treated as as former living president of Sierra Leone by then, but my request couldn’t go further. Now that president Bio has intervened, I think it is a success story.
That’s great work done Mr President. You have at least thought of him. He is your brother, don’t forget him.
Please let captain Valentine Strasser come and receive medical treatment in the UK.
Thank you very much Abu Rhoda for reminding us about Medical Service in the country. President Bio has promised to construct a national medical diagnosis centre of excellence for all Sierra Leoneans. He said that he is going to use the money recovered from the corrupt officials to build the centre. The money is already there. That will be hyper-super.
I am pretty sure that this center will be second to none in Africa. It will also have all the departments necessary so that Sierra Leoneans will never be sent again to Ghana for treatment. Instead, people from other countries will be coming to Sierra Leone for treatment.
It’s a shame that we still lack an ultra modern hospital in Sierra Leone (The Athens Of Africa). Let us all pray day and night for the construction of this centre. Thank you president Bio for building the peoples medical centre.
Get well soon.
The government of president Bio should just treat Captain Strasser as a former head of state. What will the president gain if he does not do that? Let bygones be bygones and send the captain for treatment overseas Mr. President. That’s it. Many people including myself have echoed a long time ago that Captain Strasser should be given a former head of State status.
As I always say, the office of the president and our former heads of state must be respected and taken care of. No matter what. We should always respect our heads of state. Some will cry foul or argue their grievances against captain Strasser. But what will that achieve? This man once sacrificed his life for the country. The country should continue to heal and come out of revenge and hate.
President Bio, Will your government please book a hospital in the UK to treat captain Strasser on humanitarian grounds or as a goodwill gesture on your part? He was once in the UK. So, it will be better for him to undergo treatment there. If he returns home safe and healthy, I will please ask the government to put him on a very good pension if not already done? God bless you captain Strasser for your sacrifice to the nation.
Book a stay in the UK? Are you okay? Do you know how much it costs to receive medical treatment in the UK? Who will pay for this? Second of all. Plus the costs of transfers and visas. Also just because he previously received treatment in the UK doesn’t make it any better for him to receive treatment there. They only keep their records for 6 years so if it was longer than this there will be no additional benefit.
I am a Liberian. I got to meet and know Captain Strasser along with President Bio during the Liberian civil war. Captain Strasser is a good man who loves his country Sierra Leone.
Thank you very much President Bio for your brotherly and good presidential leadership. Presidents must be treated as president regardless of politics. Bravo….
This is what is expected of the president. He must work hard to see things go through. This medical service could have been done in Sierra Leone. APC government did nothing but corrupting and wasting the wealth of the state and trying to build an airport which was nothing but indebting the country to the chinese. It is time now for the country to stop borrowing money for everything which can easily be done in the country.
How can you hate Maada Bio? His sense of gratitude and forgiveness is unmatchable. I remember during the 2012 elections when Strasser under the influence of APC was making false accusations and attacks against Maada. Wish you speedy recovery Strasser.
I would like to commend all those that are praising the President for his kind gesture on the Ex-President’s health. Once again, thank you Mr. President. Do not be like Papa Sheki when it comes to Albert Margai. Papa Sheki almost did not allow the remains of Margai to enter the country. If we can’t forget about the past, how can we move on with the future.