Sierra Leone Telegraph: 7 April 2021:
Sierra Leone’s former president, Ernest Bai Koroma, departs Freetown today to lead the ECOWAS Observer Mission to the Presidential Election in Benin, scheduled to take place on 11th April 2021.
The eighty member observer mission includes experts from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Member States, ECOWAS Ambassadors accredited to ECOWAS and based in Abuja, members of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, members of the ECOWAS Parliament, representatives of the electoral commissions of Member States, civil society organisations, media and other experts from the region.
Extending the invitation to former President Koroma, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Mr. Jean – Claude Kassi Brou, said that the decision for President Koroma to lead the Mission was for the Commission to once again benefit from his rich experience, diplomatic skills, and leadership demonstrated over the years.
According to the provisions of Article 14 of the Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance, the objectives of this Mission include: (a) to engage all key stakeholders to engender consensus for peaceful election and acceptance of the outcome thereof; (b) Establish co-operation links with Non–Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) and other election observer teams to build synergy and work together in the overall interest of the country.
“I am committed to ECOWAS’s aspiration for peaceful, smooth and democratic elections across the Region and will continue to do my utmost in support of the provisions of Article 14 of the ECOWAS Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance,” said former President Koroma.
During this Mission, President Koroma will hold consultations with the various stakeholders, including government officials, members of the electoral commission, political parties, civil society groups, the media, members of the diplomatic corps and other international observer groups.
I personally believe that this mission will give the lifetime leader a break from the consistent attacks from our former “darling” of this newspaper Dr. Slyvia Blyden. The ECOWAS must have realized that “Satan” is spending most his time with the lifetime leader of the APC since they lost the 2018 presidential election and that “His idle mind has been the devil’s workshop”. Fortunately, Dr. Sylvia Blyden’ has joined the “born again” group within the APC which was initiated by former Vice President Victor Foh to speak the truth. Some people are even speculating that Dr. Sylvia Blyden was vaccinated with the “truth serum” while she was in jail.
Now that the people of Sierra Leone know who has always been financing and orchestrating all the “terrorists activities” in our beloved nation, I hope and pray that the lifetime leader of the APC will soon be held accountable. I also hope that most of the news media will lift the “News blackout” on Dr. Sylvia Blyden so that the world will learn more about the implosion caused by the lifetime leader of the destructive APC party.
Mr Kamara – The debilitating stupidities and gross inadequacies of these Criminal SLPP imposters are the usual inflexible triggers that have been causing me to always ” laugh out loud” whenever I am writing with ink on paper. You see stupidity and clumsiness can be truly defining and entertaining when those in office equipped with all the tools that are needed to succeed have been unable to seize and use them efficiently enough in order to achieve maximum results in the interest of our fragile, nation. Imagine having a flat tire in the middle of nowhere and not knowing how to use a hydraulic heavy lifting car Jack even though there’s one lying unused in the trunk of your car – now that sounds stupidly funny to me.
It leaves me with no viable option but to laugh in utter surprise. Trust me,If this uninspiring lackadaisical incompetent government is ever able to get their acts together and stand on their own feet by arranging their priorities in perfect order, then that settles it – there will no longer be any logical reasons to have a smile or smirk of mockery and ridicule on our faces and no motives whatsoever for anyone to be roaring with laughter at their efforts no matter how paltry and clumsy they may be.(lol) Clear enough?
Always laugh out loud (lol). This expression is long outdated!!!
Now we know that Eanest Koroma is a completely free man, able to transverse the world at will – invited or not. All foreign travel ban on him by the Bio government occasioned by the result of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) and subsequent White Paper has faded into the depths of history. Future generations would have trouble pinning down what the noise of investigating the regime of Earnest Koroma was all about. Those of us who do not allow our intelligence to be dimmed can clearly see that our nation is doomed for as long as we keep alternating APC and SLPP in power, there’s no difference between them beyond current events, which put SLPP in the lead in the merciless thievery and plundering of our resources.
We have all heard the saying that an empty vessel makes the loudest noise. Bio is an empty vessel. His “new direction“ slogan is an efficiently drawn out map indicating the course to follow in robbery. The map is for the benefit of a future APC government. “Wear gloves in your criminal activity to avoid detection“, the map is saying. All the monies which Earnest Koroma and his gang had to return to the nation can now be kissed goodbye. The whole purpose of COI has totally collapsed. Those members of the the former regime who fled the country to avoid arrest or being dragged before COI can return home and keep their loot. When will we as a people come to understand that APC and SLPP are the medicine we have been taking for sixty years without a cure in sight?
In 2023 fellow Sierra Leoneans, let us vote with our brains, not with emotions, to give NGC a chance or else the succeeding sixty years will be the same or worse. A child just delivered this second will be nearing retirement. Let’s think about it. Are the corrupt leaders of ECOWAS trying to rehabilitate one of their own by sending Ernest to Benin?
First of all, the way we read, see, observed and think is quite different. I am happy that these powerful African leaders have come together and handed over a responsible position to our former President, H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma. Well according to my understanding, all this is happening to indirectly tell EBK, how “DEMOCRACY” works. I hope that Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma embraces and accommodates this added experience as a former leader of Sierra Leone. We all know what happened in 2018 polls in his own country Sierra Leone. I wonder how someone will become a peace maker, working to improve DEMOCRACY in another country while yours is in limbo. We all aware what is happening in his country, I believe that the subject is well understood.
I am personally happier to see the ECOWAS colleagues demonstrated wisely for his personal invitation. This is not the first time for him to be invited in an election ZONE. He’s been to both Ivory coast and Gambia for the same situation. This is the man that I have full respect for, but I can’t hold up my mind and believe what he did to democracy in his own country my friends. Look what I am saying, he’s still the life chairman of the APC party, it is unheard of. Can we take an example from the developed countries like USA, none of their former presidents, whether you served for 1 or 2 term, will ever become a life party chairman, even our neighboring brothers, Nigeria and Ghana folks.
Our noble readers in this platform, one thing we lack in this country Sierra Leone is telling the truth. We know how to insult, attacking one another, but we have little respect for our leaders, and that is wrong. Three months ago, I visited a village where the former late president was born – Gbolon – that is the name. He left unfinished house, can you believe that? May God protect this country for us. Amen
Gentlemen – I once saw a pack of wolves on a wildlife documentary surrounding two Lions in Tactical Battle Formation style that aptly resembled what the malicious Criminal SLPP Cabal did to our former President Ernest Bai Koroma, albeit without any success at all.(lol) The wolves stealthily assembled themselves and stood next to each other in perfect order and waited for the command to unleash Hell. It was clear that they were going to attack with lightning quick speed that originates from the precision that always comes with the strategic execution of line formation.
The two Lions that resembled EBK and Paolo Conteh lifted their heads and started showing their teeth that looked like a butchers knives to the enemy; Battle lines were already drawn. Then their leader a very mean-spirited wolf that looked like Mr President growled the signal of attack and they all bolted into action.
The young lion resembling Paolo was easily overcome by the wolves…the old majestic lion was too strong and shrewd for them to subdue so they finally conceded defeat by running way,tails between their legs. The former President EBK is a true warrior the deserves all the accolade, rewards and honours that are usually bestowed upon all peace loving and Great men – Atta Boy! You go and do your thing and make our Sierra Leone Proud Sir.(lol) Your Excellency we thank and appreciate you for your efforts all across the globe.