Sierra Leone Telegraph: 23 January 2016
Supporters of the embattled opposition leader in Sierra Leone – Dr. Alie Kabba, who has in the last one month, been the victim of ruling APC political venom, are today protesting in London.
Today’s protest they say, is a precursor of much bigger protests to come in central London.
They are calling for the Koroma government to immediately and unconditionally release Alie Kabba, who yesterday was placed under new bail conditions, after magistrate Seray Wurie decided to send the case to the High Court for hearing.
But supporters of Alie Kabba continue to protest his innocence, and say that he is a political prisoner of conscience, held hostage by the Koroma government.
Today’s protest is taking place at the meeting of the opposition SLPP UK & Ireland Branch, whose members have converged in the Bacon’s Community Sports Centre, Rotherhithe in South East London, to receive an end of term report from the SLPP UK retiring executive officers 2013-2015, before they are officially dissolved.
The outgoing executives, whose term of office has expired, will today hand over administration of the SLPP UK affairs to a Council of Elders, until fresh elections are held possibly in the next three months.
The members of the party will also appoint members of the Electoral Committee, who will supervise and oversee the free and fair conduct of those elections, when they are held.
But today, supporters of the Free Alie Kabba Movement, who are also members of the SLPP UK Branch, are calling upon the national executive committee of the party in Freetown, to wake up from their slumber and join the groundswell of supporters that are demanding the immediate and unconditional release of Alie Kabba.
While the government is saying that Alie Kabba is going through due legal process, charged with the criminal offence of bigamy, supporters of Alie Kabba – a presidential aspirant of the SLPP disagree.
Today they outline ten reasons why Alie Kabba’s civil liberty has been taken away by the Koroma government, and his human rights being trampled upon. This is what they say:
👉 Alie Kabba is fearless and publicly speaks the truth. He speaks about the burning issues which other opposition leaders are afraid to speak of.
👉 Alie Kabba has become the most powerful opposition leader in the history of Sierra Leone.
👉Alie Kabba stood up against APC dictatorship for sacking the elected vice president chief Sam Sumana, by organizing peaceful demonstration in the U.S, Continental Europe and UK.
👉 Alie Kabba speaks for the voiceless, marginalized and less privileged Sierra Leoneans who have been left behind by people they elected to power.
👉Alie Kabba fearlessly condemns president Koroma’s MORE TIME agenda, live on state TV and radio stations.
👉 Alie Kabba is unifying the SLPP to kick the failed APC government out of State House by involving everyone. He says: “No one should be left out, everyone should be up, and no one should be down” – a mantra that resonates with the majority of people in Sierra Leone.
👉 Alie Kabba never accepted the request to attend closed door, personal meetings with president Koroma at State House.
👉 Alie Kabba criticised the granting of further funding for the Ebola Recovery programme by the World Bank, because of the mismanagement and poor accountability of the first disbursement by the Koroma government. He wants proper systems to be put in place prior to any new funding being disbursed.
👉 Alie Kabba fearlessly exposed APC’s abuse of power and dictatorship to the international community to help save the poor marginalized Sierra Leoneans, who wake up every morning thinking about where the next meal will come from.
👉 Alie Kabba sees the suffering of ordinary Sierra Leoneans as mere wickedness from the people in power, that have failed to provide job and wealth creation opportunities for the majority of citizens in the country.
It is needless brainstorming over Dr Alie Kabba case; it is a politically motivated reaction by the APC cabal. There has never been a case of bigamy taken seriously in this country until now.
Alie Kabba is embroiled in a politically motivated lawsuit in order to intimidate and scare him away. And the court of justice’s swift move, despite having too much on its plate left unattended, yet prioritizing this case, signals a downturn of social justice under this APC government.
Sierra Leoneans must speak up together to denounce attempts that violate the tenets of democracy, the rule of law and human rights in the country to the international community which rescued Sierra Leone from a civil war that threatened the very survival of its people. Why will you keep quiet about this?
The Alie Kabba case is raising some serious questions about the independence of the judiciary in Sierra Leone , if the argument holds that politics, more than anything else is now driving the case, giving it some ugly dimensions.
If the claims of Mr Kabba’s supporters , that he has effectively become a political prisoner are true, I wonder why his lawyers have not placed that argument in front of one of the international institutions like the African Union or the United Nations to bring unwelcome attention the Koroma Government.
Withal, I understand that Dr Kabba also holds American citizenship. Why has it not occurred to somebody to contact the American Embassy in Freetown to ask for help ? If nothing is forthcoming from there, supporters can telephone the State Department directly. As I said in an earlier piece, I have spoken to people there at the Sierra Leone Desk during the Momoh era to protest any arms shipment to the country until a multi-party system was introduced.Although my telephone bill went through the roof, because I was calling outside of the States, I was pleased with the response. And they were exceedingly polite.
Kandeh Yumkellah has been going all over the country to campaign, stating what he would do for the country if elected president. Nothing nasty has been done to him. Why? Is it because he quite simply states his case without offending anybody or stepping on the wrong toes ? I believe if he becomes the flag bearer for S.L.P.P., he will give A.P.C. the devil of a time. Can someone tell me what differentiates him from Alie Kabba ?
There is an important element in the A.P.C. make-up which most Sierra Leoneans have not come to grips with, and that is to win at all cost.They will hit you on the way down and on the way up. If no one steps in to help you immediately, they will beat you to death.
To counter them, one must be equally ruthless, moving the goal post all the time. S.L.P.P. exist on theory and day dreaming, which is why they are being decked for count all the time.
To effectively fight for Allie Kabba his supporters should stop using emotions as a tool. Brain power is what is needed.
True, true,true. Alie Kaba has stood up on behalf of the people.we pray for him