Sierra Leone Telegraph: 18th February 2019:
As part Freetown City Council’s (FCC’s) Transform Freetown Sanitation Initiatives, 500 fixed street bins are being installed on key streets across the city.
The street bin installation process started on 23rd January, the eve of the Transform Freetown Forum and will continue over the course of the coming weeks.
The street bins are emptied daily, and residents are encouraged to use the bins for their intended purpose.
“A clean city is a healthy city. Let’s all play our part,” says Mayor Aki Sawyerr.
Corporate institutions and residents should contact FCC on +23276404979 if they wish to support this initiative by donating additional street bins.
#HealthyCity #JobCreationWithTourismFocus #TransformFreetown
The appearance of a nation’s capital says nearly everything about the nation,even to new arrivals.A clean capital city demonstrates exemplary class and dignity despite the presence of extreme poverty.
For decades Freetown has had the appearance of a rubbish heap whose stench is suffocating enough to force people to hold their breath in some cases to the point of almost fainting.And the fact holds that where there is filth there is disease or the potential for it.
A filthy environment does its own bit to shorten people’s lives; no wonder then that in international indices Sierra Leone ranks quite high in low life expectancy.
Some would argue that life and death is a matter for the Almighty.This is very true to the extent that death should come only when all human effort has failed to reverse a fatal illness.This is the point at which we can use the old cliche:”nar so god say”[it’s a divine decision].
In other words,as a nation,we should harness all the intelligence the Almighty gave us for free to make our brief life on earth meaningful not only for ourselves but for posterity too. For example,with all the abundant rainfall we get every year we still struggle to have safe and healthy pipe borne water in the country. Where is our collective head located? Or do we expect the Almighty to come down to tell us what to do?
Both local and central governments have come and gone, and they have never bothered to clean up the city and the country in general.Their major priority is how to enrich themselves in the shortest possible time.
Now we have Mayor Aki-sawyer who does not expect the Almighty or one of His angels to appear to tell us how to keep our city clean. She is using unrefined intelligence to do the job. Being human of course she is fallible and this where she would need divine intervention. We must all help her to pray for the Merciful Hand of the Almighty.
Is Mayor Aki-sawyer the most popular woman now in Sierra Leone these days? She is always getting praise for whatever she does or participates in. She seems to be excelling in the eyes of the Sierra Leonean public in my view.
I am one of those who always not only praise her for what she is doing, but also for her welcoming smiles. She just looks smart. Is that not COOL?
To that note, is it time for Sierra Leone to have a female head of state? Why not? Talking to myself.
Continue your good work Mayor Aki-sawyer. Who knows what the future will bring for you?
Now Sierra Leone has elected the right City Mayor who care for the people and country’s health. If Her Worshipful the City Mayor is not undermined, Freetown City would be transformed to a clean and healthy city by 2021. Madam Aki Sawyer should be honoured with all due respect unequivocally in her own right as the rightful elected City Mayor of Freetown, Capital City of Sierra Leone.
Her initiatives in bringing health check to all corners of the city is genuine and phenomenal, no questions about it. Her Worshipful please continue your fantastic work and fear no foes. You will be rewarded with blessings and history will tell.
During the first half of 1974, I presented three papers/reports documenting 1. – the reasons for continual failures at King Tom Power Station detailing rectifications – HOW TO; 2. – the probable adverse effects of rampant deforestation(- resulting in the fatalistic mudslide recently; 3. – the glaring opportunities for converting Freetown’s etc. combustible refuse to electricity via steam generation boilers-to steam turbines-to electricity generation based at an incineration plant at Bomeh behind King Tom Cemetry.
Now that The Chinese Govt. has donated 30 refuse collection vehicles, how about reviving my idea which will require £$Millios funding and sustainable apolitical maintenance management and maintenance.
Please comment and advise.
Seton During
UK Assessor of Mature Candidates for Chartered Status of The UK Institution of Plant(Engineering) Engineers.