Ghana leads the way at the UK-Africa Investment Summit 2020 in London

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 20 January 2020:

The President of the Republic of Ghana – Nana Akufo-Addo is leading a ministerial delegation of several Cabinet Ministers and key officials at the UK-Africa Investment Summit in London today, 20 January 2020.

The Summit, hosted by the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP, is a major milestone for the UK, and for its enduring partnership with African countries.

It brings, for the first time, UK and African leaders, businesses and entrepreneurs, alongside international finance institutions, to showcase new partnerships that create jobs and boost mutual prosperity.

According to a press statement from the Ghanaian High Commission in London, “the Summit will strengthen the UK-Ghana partnership that is building a secure and prosperous future for all our citizens. Through economic development, trade and investment we are increasing jobs, addressing security needs and meeting global challenges. Ghana is driving discussions at the UK-Africa Investment Summit.

“President Akufo-Addo will address world leaders on the importance of securing sustainable finance for Africa’s infrastructure, discuss investment opportunities, and how we can mobilise future partnerships that meet the needs of modern African nations. In the margins of the Summit, President Akufo-Addo will hold talks with the Prime Minister and meet UK Government Cabinet Ministers, including the Foreign Secretary and the Development Secretary.”

Leading the Way: The UK-Ghana Partnership

“The UK-Ghana partnership will be at the centre of the Summit discussions on how we are building enduring economic ties. Through our government-to-government UK-Ghana Business Council (UK-GBC), a six-monthly ministerial dialogue co-chaired by Vice President His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, we have harnessed the UK’s clear offer to achieve long-term prosperity in Ghana. (Photo: President Akufo Addo of Ghana). 

“Together, our governments have agreed on six priority sectors (agri-processing; financial services; textiles/garments; pharma; digital; and extractives); and we are working side-by-side on critical areas: infrastructure development, tax and the ease of doing business.

“Together, we are making a real difference. Global finance, through The City of London is crowding in more investment; and supporting innovative finance opportunities such as the first London-listed ‘Cedi Bond’. UK firms are major investors in Ghana, bringing state-of-the-art technology and supporting thousands of skilled jobs for Ghanaians.

“On the margins of the UK-Africa Investment Summit 2020, President Akufo-Addo will be the keynote speaker at the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre hosting the Ghana Investment & Opportunities Summit, a Government of Ghana event focused on the theme “Accessing the African Common Market through Ghana: Technology, Digitisation & Industrialisation”.

Speaking ahead of the Summit, the British High Commissioner to Ghana – Iain Walker said:

“Ghana is at the forefront of the UK’s trading relationship with African nations. The UK-Africa Investment Summit will create new mutually beneficial partnerships that move Ghana – and Africa – beyond aid, by attracting quality investment to drive growth and create jobs. As we look beyond the European Union, my priority is to create an even closer partnership between our countries and for the UK to be the investment partner of choice for years to come.”


  1. Ghana is a shining example of how ascending the intricate, demanding steps of Democracy has to be properly done. I have been in Ghana countless times and what I saw there, was refreshing, fascinating and truly inspiring.

    They are a Nation of peaceful, prayerful people that thrive on equity,and morality – a single minded people they are, that cherish,and embrace the rule of law, while at the same time greatly revering the powers of Heaven, over those here on earth.

    What a delicate balance! Ghana is a nation now solidly grounded in Peace and Stability, and those two things my friends, are like the sweetest music being played in anxious ears of investors. It is a place with many credible institutions, standing beside each other on pillars of efficiency and transparency.

    A whole new generation of well behaved, calm and honest and industrious people is what Ghana has now become and all that lawlessness, tribalism and barbarisms you are witnessing in our country presently can never be associated with or even be glimpsed in today’s ever progressing Ghana.

    Patriotism, diligence and accountability working hand in glove together are the most workable, basic tools that can be used for any nation desirous of achieving sustainable progress and for empowering leaders in a quest to achieve their ultimate goals.

    Investors love Ghana because of the genuine warmth they feel there – it is a place where the legendary founder of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah (Heaven’s gift to Africa), once preached on pulpits, podiums and crowded stadiums of people, packed like grains of corn in a bag – Yep, staggering crowds, listen to his words of Hope, that all Africans are only one people, and that all men,regardless of race, nationality and ethnicity are all brothers.

    Now, that’s the enviable, admirable, historical roots of the massively spreading Ghanaian tree you are seeing today – that’s where Ghana is coming from. To our brothers, sisters and friends in Ghana, Great Sayedna now humbly kisses your hands and salutes you! Bravo! Rising Sun Will Rise Again

  2. The present UK prime minister is determined to help Africa. But at the same time, he wants to make sure that African governments respect democracy, human rights, good governance and accountability. I don’t see the UK under Prime Minister Boris Johnson extending his massive development grant to countries that are involved in unlawful incarceration of their citizens, violence and barbarity against their citizens, stealing the rice from China meant for the poor, the arrest of the President of an institution because he held a legitimate election, news about $ 1.500.000 million dollars transferred from a bank to a bank I don’t know, no investigation into corruption because of missing password and the list goes on and on.

    I believe that, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is not going to start giving massive grants to African countries straightaway. His no nonsense administration is going to make sure that certain conditions are met before any African country can pass the test for grant.

    I reckon that, Sierra Leone will pass the test when APC comes to power in 2023. If the APC comes to power, whether with Chief Sam Sumana or any other compromise candidate, all this tyranny that is now happening in our country will stop. No barbarity, vengeance for wrong doing, tit for tat, “this EN that”, “so so EN so”, “congosah” will stop.

    God bless the no nonsense Administration of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. God bless Prime Minister Boris Johnson. God bless the UK tax payers. God bless the people of Sierra Leone.

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