Junior Doctors Association: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 7 September 2018:
We are delighted to submit to you the Junior Doctors Association of Sierra Leone (JUDASIL) – General Assembly Report 2018.
JUDASIL expresses its profound gratitude to all members, sponsors and those who may have been involved in one way or the other towards the success of the General Assembly and this report.
There can be no doubt that 2018 will go down in history as the remarkable year which led to a remodelled health care system for all Sierra Leoneans.
This report gives comprehensive attention to the vulnerabilities of the Sierra Leone health care system, including the present deplorable state and poor conditions of service for health workers.
They include dilapidated health infrastructures, poor service delivery, insufficient health financing, poor health workers welfare and poor health research.
The report makes the case that the challenges faced in the system is multifaceted and merits a serious and immediate attention involving all sectors.
The report urgently recommends new policies, institutional reforms, and more equitable access to health care services so as to address these major imbalances.
We hope that this report will generate dialogue and debate on the challenges identified, as all previous Human Development Reports have done.
You can read the full report here:
Junior Doctors Association of Sierra Leone – General Assembly Report 2018
They are overpaid and let them not take undue advantage.