Sierra Leone Telegraph: 22 June 2020:
Recalling a major security incident that took place on Friday, 12th October 2012 – a month before elections were held in Sierra Leone, right in the heart of the business district of Freetown, involving the heavily armed motorcade of president Ernest Bai Koroma and the convoy of the then opposition SLPP presidential candidate – Retired Brigadier Julius Maada Bio, which could have led to catastrophic loss of life on both sides and another bloody civil war. It was a day few will ever forget.
President Ernest Bai Koroma’s motorcade, flanked by heavily armed soldiers and police officers were travelling along Goderich Street away from the capital. The Retired Brigadier Julius Maada Bio’s equally heavily armed convoy was approaching from the other end of the same Street.
Both convoys came to a halt, facing each other along what is a very narrow street, with a heavy morning traffic in a densely populated part of the city.
There was a dangerous standoff for a few minutes as the nation watched with disbelief at how State security and strategic communications could have gone so badly wrong for a nation of 7 million mostly poor, worrying each morning about where their next meal will come from.
There was about to be a bloodbath. Weapons, including machine guns, pistols and Kalashnikovs were on standby with every tensed second that flew by. The lives of both the president and opposition presidential candidate were hanging on a thread.
Also at stake were the badly bruised egos of both leaders. Who will blink first? For the thousands of onlookers – pedestrians and commuters watching the ugly carnage that was about to unfold in front of their eyes, that was the moment the world stood still.
At that moment, someone had to show strong leadership, think wisely and fast, about the consequences of making the wrong judgement based on suspicion, party political expediency or paranoia.
Thanks to the foresight, fortitude and cool-headedness of president Ernest Bai Koroma, and his quick decision to avert a bloody and catastrophic shoot-out between the heavily armed State security personnel and Maada Bio’s personal guards, the police successfully negotiated the traffic, bringing the standoff to a satisfactory end without a single shot fired, nor was Maada Bio arrested.
How was such disaster allowed to happen in the first place? Was this a systemic institutional failure on both sides?
What if the State security had mistakenly assumed that the intention of Maada Bio and his heavily armed men was to assassinate the president by staging a traffic standoff?
What if, based on this suspicion president Koroma had ordered the arrest of Julius Maada Bio and his security personnel, and have them charged with treason?
What if – at worse, president Koroma had ordered the shooting of Julius Maada Bio and his security detail during that standoff on grounds of pre-emptive self-defence?
Could president Koroma have used that traffic standoff as an opportunity to eliminate the opposition SLPP’s chances of contesting the election, by planting trumped-up charges against Julius Maada Bio and the SLPP leadership?
What if president Koroma had used that incident to declare the SLPP party a terrorist organisation, would the SLPP have been allowed to contest the 2012 and 2018 elections?
Would president Bio be alive today, or spending life imprisonment at Pademba Road, had president Koroma made the wrong judgement in the name of retributive justice and political vindictiveness?
The answers to these questions, we may never know, simply because someone in authority – a leader, made the right judgement.
Fast forward to 19th March 2020. Retired Major Palo Conteh – a former minister of defence in the Koroma-led APC government that was unseated at the last elections, walked into State House with a shoulder bag containing his personal gun, licenced for his own protection.
Retired Major Palo Conteh had business being at State House on that fateful day. He was invited by president Bio to State House for a meeting to discuss how he could use his experience in managing the Ebola pandemic, to help Bio’s government draw up a strategy to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
Palo Conteh (Photo) walked into State House with his shoulder bag carrying his gun, wrongfully bypassing the security scanner at the entrance, just as Maada Bio in 2012 wrongfully – and some may say foolishly, drove his convoy straight into the direction of the oncoming motorcade of the sitting president – Ernest Bai Koroma.
It is in moments like these that common sense, though usually in short supply, is desperately needed to avert catastrophe and wrong judgement being made that could lead to national disaster.
Was Maada Bio wrong in deciding to drive his heavily armed convoy into the oncoming motorcade of the president in 2012? Yes he was.
Maada Bio may have been able in 2012 to plead mitigating circumstances or ignorance of the president’s route of travel, but there is no doubt he made the wrong decision, just as Palo Conteh did on the 19th of March 2020 – carrying his gun into State House.
Realising his mistake, Palo Conteh immediately handed his gun to the State House security desk before anyone could ask him to do so. Despite the security personel telling him to take his bag to the meeting with the president, Palo Conteh refused.
Is this the action of a man intent on going to State House to kill the president, who was sitting upstairs protected by heavily armed presidential guards?
Was Maada Bio’s decision to drive his heavily armed convoy into the direction of president Koroma’s motorcade, thus causing a dangerous standoff – be construed as an attempt to kill president Koroma? Of course not, and president Koroma gave Maada Bio the benefit of doubt, and chose not to arrest Maada Bio for treason, or worse open fire on Maada’s convoy in pre-emptive self-defence.
Palo Conteh on the other hand is today in solitary confinement at Pademba Road prison, charged with treason. He is fighting in court for his life.
If found guilty by a justice system that is polarised by politics, he will face the gallows where he will be hanged until he draws his last breath – just for mistakenly and foolishly walking into State House with a gun which he handed over to security for safe keeping before his meeting with president Julius Maada Bio on the second floor.
Just after the 2012 elections which Maada Bio as the opposition SLPP presidential candidate had lost, there were allegations of a cache of weapons found by security forces buried on a land belonging to Maada Bio. What became of those investigations? It is understood that president Ernest Bai Koroma called them off to avoid instability in the country. A wise decision by a leader who thinks beyond political expediency.
Also, in 2007, it was alleged that president Koroma himself was questioned by police who stopped and found a gun in his car. What became of those investigations? President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah (Photo) called them off to avoid instability in the country. That’s what good leaders do. They put the interest of the country first.
Will president Bio use the same fortitude and good leadership shown by his predecessors to ensure that the charges of treason brought against Palo Conteh are dropped in the name of justice – if not out of common sense?
The whole world is watching how the Palo Conteh trial is proceeding. Civil society groups in the country may be showing indifference to the case, the local media may be too timid to call out the justice system for what it is, the opposition parties may be feeling reluctant to collectively call out the unfolding injustice, but such silence must not be taken for granted or abused.
Mr president, today in your quiet contemplation, please think carefully of what could have been the consequences of your minor traffic violation in 2012, which led to a potentially deadly standoff between your motorcade and president Koroma’s convoy.
Without a single shot ordered to be fired or decision taken by president Koroma to have you arrested on treason charges, today you are the president of Sierra Leone.
It is very easy for a president to pick up the phone to sanction the arrest of any of his citizens, but let the weight and burden of truth tilt the scale of justice towards mercy.
Let commonsense prevail.
As a veteran of the US Army, we have Military code of conduct: uniform military code of justice. Palo understands that. I reserved my opinion at this point. May God and the Justice system save Brother Palo Conteh.
This article, in it’s entirety is just a calculated story to play on the minds of either President Bio or those bearing responsibility to pass justice. But let me tell you all, there is no way one could compare all those seeming encounters, because none of them called for any negative reactions. How did opposition candidate Bio in the first place get the authority to have armed men patrolling the city in convoy, to the point that his convoy and that of the then president had met unexpectedly? That authority to move around with armed men could have come from President Koroma in support of the constitution, given to Bio one month ahead to facilitate his campaign for general election. In that light there was no way the then President could have ordered an arrest or a shoot out. Besides the then opposition leader and candidate for election did not go with his armed men to unauthorized areas, let alone State House. Lets stop these mind games because they are not going to help in anyway.
Please, let’s be reminded that the Judge and the prosecution team are not looking at whatever could have happened outside the law that warrants any gentleman’s understanding similar to the above narratives. What is important in this matter is the “intention” to assassinate which needs to be proven. “Why did Paolo lock his weapon in his car on the first day but on the second day refused to do so because he wanted to wash his car? Is the washing of his car more important than to up keep the laws, was he expecting an armed battle in State House and therefore, he could not afford to leave his weapon behind? Taking his weapon to State House just to leave it with reception is not really logically important, except if one should let others know that he carries a weapon with him. Is a weapon for self defense something to be left with another for safe keeping? I have never heard of that. Anyway, let’s pray that the lawyers show mercy on him. If that be the case, should other people reach with their pistols to State House?
Alieu Kamara says—“ Secondly when the president is to use any route then as it is now, his CSO informs the IGP for the route to be cleared at least some hours before the convoy take that route. On that fateful day there was no such information and the road was opened to other road users. Bio was coming from the provinces and his convoy was not stopped or diverted, nor were other vehicles travelling into the city that day.”
I am sorry Alieu, but do you really think you are talking to a bunch of villagers in this platform? How many contradictory statements do you have to make within your comments to realize that you are just flatly making up things? Like you admitted in your statement, a presidential convoy will never traverse a major route inside the capital without prior engagement with traffic and security forces to clear out that particular route. If all vehicular traffic were openly traveling the same route, how on earth will the presidential convoy only have issues with vehicular motion of then candidate Bio? Why didn’t the president’s convoy have issues with the number of private citizens traveling the same route? Does any of this makes sense to you Alieu Kamara?
Now when it comes to impromptu visits by EBK, yes, he sometimes did so, but never, never, on a convoy; so stop fooling yourself. In fact, whenever the president is going on those impromptu visits, he drives himself and only have one or two personal bodyguards. Please remember, this platform is not the typical garbage where you could just spread FAKE NEWS without being held accountable Alieu Kamara.
Young4na while I come here once in a while, I am not here to peddle fake news because I do not like a public figure or because I want to loom my political party or tribes man. If that was the case, I will be towing your line of argument. I want to believe that you have been out of Sierra Leone for a long time. Me, I am and I had always been. If I can ask you, can you name where the incidents happened in 2012? Can you tell how many police officers were assigned to the candidate Bio in 2012? For your information the incident took place along Goderich street close to Circular Road Goderich street junction.
Now if you are familiar with how presidential convoys move in Freetown, you will know that there are at least three or more sweep vehicles in front with additional security cars in between the sweep cars and the actual car carrying the president.
The convoy is atleast 100 or more meters long. How many vehicles were in the candidate Bio’s convoy, nothing more than 4 one of which was the police vehicle Infront. Now, think properly. Take off your Red lens for once and argue as an academician and not partisan. If the president CSO had informed the police IGP or his representative that the president was scheduled to travel on that route at that time on that day, the police would block the route starting from Up Ground Roundabout all the way through Kissy Street, police Eastern and Goderich street. So if Bio disobeyed the police at Up Ground Roundabout as you are shamelessly spinning here, he would not make it to Goderich street without being intercepted. What about the police vehicle that was leading him, have you ever wonder why the police officers were never reprimanded?
Mind you Bio did not pick which officer should be assigned to him. It was done by IG Francis Munu through AIG Operations Al Shek Kamara both men who would crave for thier casket to be made from red wood to show thier love for our beloved party. Facts are facts and no amount of spin could change the facts. I still remember the police on that day disgracefully releasing a press release condemning candidate Bio but did not State how they failed to protect the first gentle man because of thier security lapses. This is my last on this topic.
Comparing the situation in 2012 to what happened at state House in 2019 is like comparing a fish to a rat. First Bio’s entourage was not heavily armed as erroneously stated in this article. In fact in 2012, there was still a ban on ownership of personal arms. As elected flag bearer of the SLPP then, the state assigned few State security officers to all presidential candidates. Secondly when the president is to use any route then as it is now, his CSO informs the IGP for the route to be cleared at least some hours before the convoy take that route. On that fateful day there was no such information and the road was opened to other road users. Bio was coming from the provinces and his convoy was not stopped or diverted, nor were other vehicles travelling into the city that day.
President Koroma was known to sometimes surprise his admirers by just appearing unannounced. He did the same that day. He was traveling to his hometown Makeni. We all know how the central Freetown streets are narrow. Other vehicles as well came face to face with president Koroma convoy. This created more congestion and when the sweep car in the president came Face to Face with Bio convoy, they created a scene. At the end Bio convoy was made to pack on the side until the president had successfully gone through.
My comment is short: God is Watching the International bodies too.
As one human to the other, I would give the defendant the benefit of the doubt owing to the circumstances, for the security too would need to be questioned as to why they let a man go into a room with the bag in the first place. Let God be the judge and set this man free.
The incident detail above though very different to the Palo case is seemingly constituted a wise judgment of leadership. However, if we the masses have been yearning for the separation of institution accountability and none interference in the separation of governance, then the Palo case should be left for the Judiciary to deal with. I’m of the opinion that the state has limited evidence to prove intent. Hence, they will lose the case. Though I also think that Palo’s own defence is less worthy to prove innocence. Lets allow the Court to prevail in Wisdom and LAW.
The outcome of Retd Major Paolo Conteh’s case had already been decided behind closed doors, long time ago before even the deliberations started. As usual, the proceedings are just an exposition of drama in an attempt to adhere to statutory norms in a ‘democratic setting’. In the UK, before a verdict is given in a case at the High Court, the jury has to come to a unanimous decision – and that means a hundred percent vote for a ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ verdict. Even a one percentage dissent amongst the jury is sufficient to make the case non-conclusive. And if this situation persists, it will be left to the Judge to make the final decision.
In this treason case, it is highly unlikely that the jury will carve out a unanimous decision of guilt; unless they are all substantially bribed, or they have all lost their individual rationality and morality. It will be an uphill battle for the prosecution to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that Paolo Conteh had the intention, motive and opportunity to kill the President as required in a treason case. Which means, other things equal, no form of interference in the case – there is a high probability that the case will be eventually be decided by the judiciary.
And with the present political situation in the country, SADLY and unfortunately, one is inclined to say that Paolo Conteh will be unjustifiably found quilty. The case has been a set-up all along; and it will be a massive loss of credibility on the Bio-SLPP government if the outcome is anything other than a guilty verdict. The punishment for a treasonable offence in Sierra Leone is death by hanging. Since Maada Bio came to power 2-years ago, over 40 innocent lives have been sacrificed, presumably to enhance his credibility or relevance. How long is this madness going to continue?
Indeed. I hope and pray that Bio will free Palo now. Pa might have been one of the money doctors in the last APC, but that particular state house incident is out of character, and worst of it he was very honest in th entire episode.
Thank you Mr. Editor for taking us back to MEMORY LANE! I hope this article will be read by President Maada Bio. Mr. President, Fountain of Honor, please use your good heart to bring Paolo and Sylvia’s issue to an end. Do not allow SABOTEURS to derail your good intentions for Mama Salon! This will not take anything away from you but will make you a stronger and a good leader!! Please THINK!!!
Salome people, it is like you people never learn. Neither of the two are doing well. Sierra Leone has only 6-7 Million population with so much huge mineral resources. Let them transform the country’s infrastructure, it’s economy, it’s educational system, hospital needed to be upgraded, schools reform, standard of living… For God’s sake these people were all living or traveling abroad. Don’t they have eyes to see what development is?
When will the country have stable electric supply, water, better public transportation, better market places. Can’t government build a city with low cost housing to rent out to civilians and companies somewhere else, other than Freetown which is too over crowded. These are what we want to see, not trying to gain support from people by dividing us apart while Strengthening your hold on power and using others as victims to achieve your desired goals.
Mr President or whoever is commander in chief…we need to see results not revenge or retaliation. Try to learn from other African countries like Angola, Rwanda, Mozambique. They all had their worst but look how their leaders try to transform the lives of their people. In politics, please my people don’t take sides. Salome na we all Yone ….Thanks
The differences then of Brid. Bio in 2012 as opposition leader of the SLPP and Maj. Alfred P. Conteh as a senior member of the APC party without any known/designated current opposition political position of the APC party. And Maj. Paulo Conteh’s previous political/executive positions in the 11 years of the APC party from 2007-2018 both as Minister of Defence and Minister of Internal Affairs are very sensitive/POWERFUL positions he had held then, backed with his previous/recent education to become a solicitor/Barrister before ever earning those political/executive positions during their reign, all testify the seriousness/gravity of these charges levied against him
One thing that the author of this article failed to tell us was the attack of APC hooligans/thugs/vigilanties on the SLPP stronghold in Bo district of Brid Bio and his entourage/groups/supporters when he was elected as the new SLPP presidential candidate/party leader that met stiff/volatile resistance from the SLPP members. After that THE APC SUPPORTERS inflicted serious/GRIEVIOUS HEAD INJURIES ON Brid. Bio. He had to go to Ghana for private medical treatment relating to his injuries. And the International community had to intervene to settle the feud was not explained/narrated by the author
Finally Freetown is the administrative/financial capital city where all the major/minor political parties have their headquarters and administrative heads from where they execute their day to day political programs. And not forgetting that the parliament buildings which is the legislative arm of government is located in Freetown, and all the political parties elected members/teams/administrations meet there. And it is permissible to take pictures in public streets but not allowed to do that at strategic locations like law courts BUILDINGS, State House and Parliament building without permission from the state’s authorities.
Despite a lengthy list of violent incidents and unlawful actions that were directly tied to the leadership of then citizen Bio, PAOPA,delusional, extremist supporters are quick to deceptively paint a picture of him being a law abiding citizen, ordained by our creator, for the restoration of peace and development to our dying nation. Now, in regards to the 2012 candidate Bio’s blockage of EBK’s presidential motorcade, even a 5year old is aware that, prior to a presidential motorcade plying a particular route in the nation, with a minimum of 30 minutes or so, state security personnel in collaboration with traffic police officers will always clear that particular route way ahead of time.
By all indications, on that fateful day, candidate Bio’s convoy defiantly disobeyed multiple attempts by traffic personnel to alter their route with clear instructions that president’s Koroma motorcade is enroute, plying the opposite direction. With an arrogant mindset along with a mentality of feeling equally important as the sitting president, Bio ordered his drivers to openly challenge decades of established security protocols bestowed onto only our sitting head of state albeit the national security risks involved.
Notwithstanding this breach of state security, president Koroma took the leadership role, patiently waited on traffic, allowing Bio’s convoy to proceed illegally without any major incident. In comparison to what has been happening to opposition figures during the past 2 years, it does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that peace and tolerance are not part of the current regime’s mantra of operation.
Gentlemen – arrogant people do not consider kindness,empathy,and consideration for the well-being of others. Nope they don’t. Instead they shamelessly wear the despicable attitudes of pride, self-conceitedness and greed for all to see like musty garments made of rags of filth that roaming, raving lunatics and beggars wear to prevent themselves from going totally naked. This President is a coward without a spine, that doesn’t merit the office he is currently holding. Their criminal cabal have now completely belittled, disparaged, and tarnished the name of our little, beloved, struggling democratic country abroad by their mindless barbarisms, and authoritarian style of governance.
Tricksters in their truest forms they are. Con-men, scammers, and swindlers using power as a weapon, and tribalism as their shield to promote unchecked anarchy, and lawlessness. The former President is a perfect gentleman, someone the Spaniards will proudly call a “Perfecto Caballero”. A fine, highly respected, thoughtful individual who is deeply considerate of the feelings of others. EBK and Maaada Bio are like day and night – Bai Koroma represents the amazing, dazzling, refreshing splendor of daylight, of course. So lets move on folks and leave these grudge-bearing, maleficent monsters behind that love to mock, lurk and stalk the innocent in eerie dark nights overcrowded with noisy, nasty, squawking bats that are known as the closest friends of the notorious SLPP. Listen, y’all – EBK represents the glorious light – are you now answered?
Stargazer – I suggest you go easy on the insulting language please. Thank you.
Historical facts are important, so we learn from our mistakes. This I’m afraid to say is what I call the “SALONEMAN” problem. We as Sierra Leoneans we never learn from the past. So we keep repeating the same mistakes and scratch our heads wondering why our country is not developed. According to Tito’s confidant Milovan Djilas, “No, politician is neither an angel” nor “a demon,” neither instinctively good nor evil. He cannot be so if he is to negotiate with courage and skill on the razor’s edge between victory and defeat, life and death.” What transpired in that Traffic Gate in 2012 was two politicians that are similar in their approach to calm things down.
I suspect EBK – the president at the time saw the danger, if he hadn’t taken the high road and diffuse what could have been a disaster in our country, and insist PAOPA on his right of way, then we will be having a different debate today. Today, President Bio has taken a different approach, because the people around him are trying to infuse a cult personality around him. The “YES MEN” of State House. Its dangerous to have those types of people around the president of the country. Effectively, our president has been taken hostage by people who see politics as blood sports, instead of supporting him in his new direction agenda for change. And there are few of them. The president should ditch those people, and concentrate on the big picture – how to develop our country.
It is boldly written in the constitution that no civilian will take firearm to State House,and it is also prohibited to take a firearm in a public place. The incident that happened at Goderich street was not Maada Bio’s or Ernest Bai Koroma’s fault, but it is a blunder on the security side. Also by them Maada Bio was the flagbearer for the SLPP, so he had the right to have security by him.
This is what we always said, one man rebel is another man’s freedom fighter. If the former president, H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma you praising giving all credit today calling him, as a fine commander I chief?, brother with all broken promises to run Sierra Leone as a business concern?. One thing I believe and confident about, even the worst man on earth must have a friend, so I see no reason for you to criticize someone who supported Bio.
I don’t know why he left office empty handed bro, and I believe all the people that EBK treated well while he was in office, are in good positions right now. I wonder what he left you. People just hate this man because he is the president, why some of you guys are totally against God’s will? Ernest B. Koroma you are praising today, he was there for 11 year, and trust me Bio would never go beyond 10 year limit, neither request another term or a party life chairman.
Yes of course Sia N’yama the former first lady is an iron lady, you know why?, because she totally blocked any other Sierra Leonean professional from opening another DIALYSIS CLINIC in the country except hers. Is that what you call AN IRON LADY?
I am right here in Koidu town, brother we knew all what was going on. Is Koroma a blessed person? That’s why I am happy that Bio was capable of rooting the corrupt APC in power twice, that’s why Paolo came in revenge. But time will tell.
There are too many ‘what ifs’ in this article. The world does not work in “what ifs” or hypotheticals. The world works on real issues that influence human behavior at any given point in time. Comparing the Paolo Conteh criminal behavior to a minor traffic standoff between two presidential candidates in 2012 is tantamount to comparing apples to oranges.
In the 2012 traffic standoff in Freetown, Julius Maada Bio was not an ordinary citizen. He was the presidential candidate of a major political party and was entitled to gun-carrying bodyguards. Also, Bio was not the driver of the vehicle. He was relaxed in the back seat of the vehicle with no gun in his possession. Moreover, presidential candidates in chauffeur-driven vehicles do not dictate what route their chauffeur/driver should take when they are heading to events. The driver uses his initiative. Thus, if someone was to be frivolously charged with treason for that minor traffic incident, it should have been Bio’s driver and not Bio.
The argument that Paolo Conteh should be released for the sake of peace in Sierra Leone is untenable in a court of law. Peace will prevail in Sierra Leone in spite of Paolo Conteh. Further, a former soldier and lawyer does not have to be told that it is criminal to carry a gun to a meeting with the president at State House. Citizen Bio had meetings with president Ernest Koroma at State House. But unlike the thuggish Paolo Conteh, citizen Bio, who was also a former Brigadier-General, did not carry a gun to blow off president Koroma. It is important to point out that it sets a bad precedent to be waving off criminal behavior for the dubious purpose of national peace and cohesion. Let the judicial process take its course. If Conteh is acquitted, so be it. But if he is found guilty of treason, then he must serve a long time in prison.
Thanks millions. Ernest Koroma’s life was never under constant and sustained threat by Bio and his political party. Koroma and his family, were never subjected to a sustained barrage of insults, most of them to pornographic levels, while in office. Paolo Conteh’s APC have never accepted Bio as President. There have been open threats to get rid of Bio. So it follows that if a senior APC man with a loathing for Bio goes to him with a loaded pistol, knowing fully well the act was illegal, what other motive could there be?
This is a great article. Sierra Leone needs great leadership – not corrupt, tribalistic, and Caligula-type leadership -especially at this point in its economic and political development. I am sure that many Sierra Leoneans are saddened by what is going on, because they know that what is going on right now will keep Sierra Leone backward and they don’t know what they can do to help without risking their lives and freedoms.
In addition, world history tells us that systems of the sort that prevails, in practice right now in Sierra Leone, usually end catastrophically. The leaders of that country still have a chance to improve the socio-political-economic system, in an orderly and rational way, rather than wait for some painful process to emerge to do the job.
Common sense with President Bio and the Bio SLPP? Tu parles. God bless the former Commander in Chief of the Sierra Leone Armed Forces and Sierra Leone’s most fine and descent President ever, Dr Ernest Bai Koroma, for his foresight and human rights record second to none. God bless the former First Lady Sia Koroma, for helping the indomitable former President achieve that humble and noble blessing in his political career. Behind every successful man, there is always a strong and determined IRON LADY like former First Lady Sia Koroma. Did they hear that?