Anthony Kamara Jnr: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 31 March 2020:
The numbers coming in from around the world are daunting. Reading the news is frightening. Even worse, are the disturbing pictures we see on TV about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic around the world.
As the world careens into another week and numbers increase in Africa, in Sierra Leone, one Member of Parliament is at work doing his part in sensitizing his community as the world turns upside-down.
Accompanied by all the councillors of the four wards in his Constituency, Hon. Kandeh Yumkella of Constituency 062 – Samu Chiefdom in Kambia District, engaged the Paramount Chief, section chiefs, elders and youth leaders in small groups to enlighten them about the COVID-19 disease ravaging the world, the State of Public Health Emergency in the country, and the actions each individual MUST take to prevent the spread of the virus including hand washing, social distancing and avoiding large gatherings.
Over the last two days, the Samu Chiefdom MP has toured several border crossing points with Guinea along the Mapotolon-Bubuya Road. At each point, he and the councillors presented buckets, chlorine, soap and other materials to the communities.
Reports already indicate that Guinea has 8 new cases bringing the country’s total to 17.
The elders and security personnel requested support from government to cover the remaining 12 crossing points which remain unmanned.
Based on their experience from the Ebola epidemic, the section chiefs and elders stressed the critical need to set up Taskforces of gallant youths to complement the thinly spread military personnel.
The communities along the border seek support to incentivize and facilitate the establishment of these task forces.
They expressed serious concerns about the remaining unmanned areas including river crossing points, the lack of thermometers and other supplies.
Hon. Yumkella also used the opportunity to inaugurate the recently rehabilitated solar water supply project in Moribaya which provides drinking water for almost 10,000 many of whom live in the Islands of Yeliboya, Kortimor, Muabul and Kirigba.
Over 50 water wells have also been dug in various communities of Constituency 062 over the last two years with the support of the Water is Life Sierra Leone Evangelical Mission. The event was attended by less than 50 people to comply with government rules.
In his role as MP, Hon. Yumkella instigated the parliamentary hearings on COVID-19. It is therefore not a surprise to see him in action, walking the talk in the frontlines of his vulnerable community.
At the height of Ebola, while still a senior UN official, Yumkella visited Sierra Leone three times raising global awareness of the epidemic on CNN, BBC, Sky News, being an advocate at global meetings around the world and helping to raise funds.
We can only wish Hon. Yumkella well as he continues to support national efforts to keep citizens in Sierra Leone informed about the potential catastrophe lurking around the continent, should predictions become a reality.
Sierra Leone needs Kandeh Yomkella,not the other way around. The man is supremely qualified to hold any job anywhere in the world in his field, but he decided to part company with the U.N and return home to be of service to his nation. There are not too many of us that can do that, especially when the poor state of the country is a primary consideration.
We must find it in ourselves to give KKY a stab at the presidency. For nearly 60 years power has only shifted between APC and SLPP and we wonder about the lack of progress . These two parties are one and the same. Now APC are in opposition and all they think about is how they can sweep SLPP out of power for them to pick up where they left off in 2018,which would include turning the nation’s bank into their personal property.
In KKY the nation has a chance for a clean start. He rubs shoulders with his people, he knows what their problems and predicaments are directly. As President he would not need the advice of anyone to fashion policy to help the below average Amadu, Joko, Nyakeh, Baindu, Sorie etc . Let’s give KKY chance fellow Sierra Leoneans. He most certainly cannot do worse than APC and SLPP.
Once again a public official not social distancing; what message does this send to the people. 2 meatres please. Save Sierra Leone – save yourself – save your family – save your neighbour.
Dr. Kandeh Yumkella always on the GO, when it comes to protect Sierra Leone. Thank you very much Mr. Anthony Kamara Jr for your brilliant article, which will be appreciated not only by Sierra Leoneans, but the more than 26000 people worldwide, reading this globally respected online Newspaper every blessed day. Look at how one of our greatest politician ever, no other than Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, is using his political and diplomatic skills to show the world diplomatically, how Sierra Leone is preparing coping with Coronavirus.
I appreciate and respect how Dr. Kandeh Yumkella is trying to do it diplomatically and with the gentleman principle. I am not a politician or diplomat yet. Maybe in the future. But for now, I’ll say things the way I see them. It does not matter how others might see it. The way I interpret his actions with the video he took is this – “World, don’t sit down and forget our “Land that we love Sierra Leone. A land not worth living in our Sierra Leone. Can you imagine?” See World, we don’t have anything to prepare our people against this disastrous Coronavirus pandemic. Just see the lineup of “Five Gallon Rubbers”. That is the only means our people have to reserve water in this age of innovation and technology everywhere.
The people are just happy with waterwells for their water supply needs. At least, the only preparedness our country has made, is giving information to our people on how to wash their with “Soda Soap” or “Black Soap” if they can afford it. Other than that, there is absolutely nothing. Don’t count on the Bio Administration for any serious preparedness. So world, on behalf of my country Sierra Leone and its entire people, is asking the international community not to forget Sierra Leone. We are asking for everything as you could imagine for fighting Coronavirus. What we immediately need is millions of Test Kits, followed by thousands of ventilators, protective gears for our frontline health professionals etc. The Coronavirus TYPHOON from China has now developed into a Coronavirus HURRICANE. Scary and serious stuff.”
Frankly speaking, that video is shocking in my view. People still struggling to get water in the most difficult circumstances in present day Sierra Leone? Disgusting stuff. I believe, the International Community will come to our aid and help. They know very well that we do not have a serious health system, that could resist any serious landing of this deadly Coronavirus TYPHOON. With that, hopefully and with God’s Grace, we will surely get the help we need when “push come pa shub”. May the almighty God bless the wise and diplomatic Dr. Kandeh Yumkella and Mr. Anthony Kamara Jr. May the Almighty God protect our country and people from this deadly Coronavirus TYPHOON. Amen and Amen.
This is what patriotism is all about; serving your country and people irrespective of the insurmountable impediment that exist within your peripheral vision. Keep it up Dr. KKY, your style of politics present a beacon of hope for us the younger generation.
If diasporans could vote in Sierra Leone, it would have been a landslide in the last elections for him but unfortunately we are an outcast of the community despite the immense interest.
Thrilled to hear him speak a Sierra Leonean language even though I don’t know which tongue it is. I am a great admirer of this personality