Sierra Leone Police: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 16 September 2020:
Management of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) would like to inform the general public that on Thursday 10th September, 2020, at approximately 1400 hours, personnel of the SLP and the National Revenue Authority attached to Rogberay check point, Rogberay Village, Kambia District, arrested Alusine Kamara of Ropolon Village, Rokupr and Ibrahim Kamara of 5 Mama Lane, Kambia 2 check point with ten cartoons of 10 x 10 x 25 boxes of shotgun (hunting) cartridges totalling two thousand five hundred (2500).
One Private SLA 18181488 Sankoh attached to the 11 Infantry Battalion, Kambia District, an accomplice to the offence unfortunately escaped from the scene.
Official protocols are being engaged to access the said private soldier.
The public will be informed of further developments as the investigations continue.
Author: Media and Public Relations Unit, Police Headquarters, George Street, Freetown, September 15, 2020.
Contact Persons: Superintendent Brima Kamara, Head of Media and Public Relations – (+23277361070)/ ASP Samuel S Conteh, Deputy Head of Media – (+23277507955)
I hope these ammunitions weren’t meant for hunting purposes? I can remember those days when my uncle used these single barrel rounds for hunting in the forest. But rightly used by Taylor’s forces in 1989 to enter Nimba County. This really needs proper investigation.
We the people of Sierra Leone, have to learn a lesson from the past long period of unrest. The security should be everyone’s concern, not only those in the uniform, but every Sierra Leonean, because when unsafe climate overtakes the country, everyone will feel the pain regardless of who you are or where you are in the country. The people should not sit looking at things going going wrong around us.
Some people just care about their personal interest and not having any concern about the masses. People of Sierra Leone, we should not fold our hands without voicing out concerns pertaining to our safety. Thanks to the officers for taking care of this situation. Everyone should participate in the safety of the nation, or else if things go wrong, everyone will definitely pay the price. Sierra Leone needs peace and we do not want to live in such as unstable situation.
Well, let this matter be investigated properly, of what purpose are these animations in Sierra Leone? We all knew of hunting guns, they can also use it to kill people or other dubious games. Some of us know what war means during the 11 senseless years rebel destruction. So we don’t need that again Mama Sierra Leone.
Seriously, my 14 years in Freetown, Sierra Leone, as we pray for the peace of the Nation of Liberia and Sierra Leone, I see people running here and there from fear of war and rumors of wars, others kill innocent people they suspected to be rebels, while many innocent people out of fear was caught in stride bullets, but I stayed in Freetown from 1990, through 2004, and was never moved by any of those rebel incursions, juntas invasions. I remember being falsely accused three different times, during which, if it was not God on my side, I could had been a victim of false accusations.
We just continue to pray and do humanitarian work amongst the displaced people within the city. I realized the enemies use intimidation and fear, to cause great panic among the people in order to get them confused and frustrated and then they strike. During the S.K. Doe issues, I was in Monrovia and many Gio and Monoes lost their lives unjustly. Some of us had to leave Monrovia by God’s directive to be in Freetown Sierra Leone. Leaders who overdo things, without proper investigation to get to the root of the truth before taking action, have caused loss to lives and property to a nation.
As a democratic Country, despite the resolved rebel war, Sierra Leoneans still have the democratic rights to hunt in their bushes, and to do the dried meat trade legally. Unfortunately some might be doing it illegally, but this should not cause fear and frustration of the country’s peace. Right now as this kind of news circulates people will be psychologically traumatized and could even cause investors to hold on, or change their minds. Proper security investigations should be carried out, before such news is broadcast publicly. Best thing to do, is to pray for the country’s peace and quietness as it is written in Timothy 2:1-10). Let us trust in God in Christ’s peace, rather then always in ourselves. Let us trust God to keep the peace through us, and let us us not give the devil the chance to start chaos!
The arrested Alusine Kamara of Ropolon Village, Rokupr and Ibrahim Kamara of 5 Mama Lane, Kambia 2 check point with ten cartoons of 10 x 10 x 25 boxes of shotgun (hunting) cartridges totalling two thousand five hundred (2500). Is it illegal to hunt in bushes of Sierra Leone now? Was it not anticipated by these men to hunt bush meat to kill, dried and to sell ? Was it for any criminal reasons? My thought, can we really find out what was the purpose of those cartriges before passing judgement?
Anyone that is trying to disturb the peace in Sierra Leone, we will go hard on them. Period. God bless Sierra Leone
Yes it is true Mama Salone is our only legitimate home.
Good job by the security forces.
This is the only time that the SL Police has ever come out openly to report an incident of national concern. Several incidents of grave concerns that took the lives of innocent citizens were never, ever given this publicity by the so-called Police Media. I wonder! It’s a shame to the integrity of the force and the leadership to sweep under the rugs, news and reports of grave national interest, therefore making room for lots of “Fake News” to be the main channel of propaganda.
Just as one commentator said, “when it’s a real story, it will not be reported publically by the official government media. Alternatively,when it’s a made-up story, just to discredit someone or some groups, it then becomes a headline news”
It is now time to bring out ideas to benefit and defend our beloved country Sierra Leone. I always say it, Bio is a real military man, he was trained for it and not a scout soldier. Shake up the tree on him and fly to Guinea, no!. I do not want to say something here but I beg you in the name of Jesus, there is no second life for sale. Don’t be fooled.
Huh! Ten cartons of hunting cartridges? Definitely sounds suspicions and a matter of national security concern. With an optimistic approach however, I hope the smugglers intent is connected to personal business with local hunters, who purely utilize such cartridges for recreational hunting activities. Nonetheless, we at least know local hunting guns in Salone are not automatic rifles. So, I personally see no major reason for panic.
Well said bro. I support your statement 100%.
When you hear these stories of arms caches intercepted or impounded in Kambia District,you really have to ask yourself what in the world is really going on in Sierra Leone? Is our country sleep walking into another armed conflict? I pray not for the good of our nation. Or has president Bio’s policies of confrontation,and division, finally start to manifest itself that war mongers within our country feel the need to respond by taking up arms aganst the state? More than any other time, this is the time we need adults in State House.
This case should not be dismissed for a disgruntled famer or a local hunter.For the past few months, if we’ve learnt anything there are war mongers on all sides. Now more than any other time we need cool heads and a proper investigation of what happened. We all recall how Charles Taylor and his hundred NPLF fighters entered Liberia on Christmas day 1989 through Nimba county. His fighters were lightly armed. But what happened next changed the course of history for both Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Samuel K Doe seeing enemies everywhere sent mostly Kran soldiers in areas mostly dominated by tribes he assumed are opposed to his dictatorship. Mainly the Gios and Mano tribes. As a result of his brutal over-reaction,they fell in the hands of Taylor and his band of fighter’s for protection against Doe’s brutal forces. Mr president there is a lesson for you to learn.May we have long lasting peace in Sierra Leone.
I hope those ammunition were for hunting purposes.
My dear we have to pray every day for that country. I am still thinking of a few days ago when the Ghanaian president mentioned about hoping not for another war in Sierra Leone, especially as we have some war crimes people being released among our society. God help Sierra Leone.
My problem is with the private police that escaped the scene immediately after the hunting cartridges were confisticated. AS for the hunting cartridges, there is no need for panic. You just have to be vigilant.