Sierra Leone Telegraph: 13th January 2021:
Yesterday, the National Director of NGO Affairs in the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Eric Masallay along with World Vision International conducted field monitoring visit of the Sustainable Water Project in the East of Freetown, Sierra Leone.
The site visit was to inspect the construction of solar panel boreholes in three separate communities – in Ward 402 (Calaba Town), Ward 399 (Upper Allen Town) and Kissy.
The visit was to also engage communities on the importance of the project. The construction of the boreholes is targeting over 6000 beneficiaries in schools, markets, hospitals and communities in each of the wards.
The National Director, Eric Masallay, said the essence of the exercise was to monitor the installation of the water facilities in the communities, which is a key factor in addressing the water crisis in that part of Freetown.
He said, as a government their role is to identify the needs of the people and attract partners, such as World Vision to complement the efforts of the government.
Mr. Masallay advised World Vision to ensure that a management committee is established and well trained in administering and maintaining the project. He encouraged World Vision to replicate this project in other communities, using the same model.
Acting Country Director of World Vision International, Grace Kargbo thanked the team from MoPED for visiting the sites. She also said as an organization, they will continue to work with the government through their various intervention programs in the country.
She admonished the community to ensure that there is sustainability of these projects, as the model used is unique.
The reality of the situation in Sierra Leone and for its people, the delivery of water to their homes has always been a challenge. The failure of governments – both past and present, to tackle this water supply problem for households is one greatest dereliction of duties our country has come to live with. Sometimes even some government offices can’t flush their toilets. At the same time government ministers are riding in hundred thousand dollar vehicles in pot holes filled roads. Its no brainer. We should never have been placed in a situation where we have to struggle every day to get one of the basic necessities of life. WATER.
Water-borne diseases are the main killers in our country, especially for children in the Freetown area, and some parts of the provinces. Guma valley – the main supplier of water in the city, and lacking any form of competition, tend to ignore the citizens it serve. We need to invest in water treatment centers and underground pipelines that deliver water directly to people in their homes. What is the point of buying SUVs, or spending money on projects that only stand to benefit the few – not the many. May God bless Sierra Leone.
Sustainable water project should be pipe borne water supply from sustainable sources that will supply water for many and longer period- such source should be treatment and supply facilities that secures water from the Rokel river, the Great scarcies and the Taia or Jong rover not a bore hole.