Anthony Kamara Jnr: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 13 February 2018:
The National Grand Coalition (NGC) will today launch its 2018 Manifesto in Port Loko. The NGC Manifesto is the party’s “Agenda for Job Creation and National Prosperity and a Social Compact with the people of Sierra Leone.”
The manifesto and compact are firmly grounded in and guided by the party’s motto of “Putting Country and People First.” According to the NGC chair and leader, Dr. Dennis Bright, “when implemented, the manifesto will bring change to the lives of all Sierra Leoneans irrespective of their backgrounds. It will provide opportunities for all to participate in and benefit from the transformation of the country’s democratic and socio-economic processes.”
The Social Compact is a commitment made by the NGC to the people of Sierra Leone, to provide good governance. And it will guide the party’s approach to governance. It consists of a number of building blocks that seek to ensure that Sierra Leone becomes a country:
– with an expanding economy that will create jobs for all especially the youth, women, and people with disabilities;
– where the rule of law applies equally to the poor as well as to the rich;
– where citizens will actively participate in key decisions affecting their lives and their rights;
– where an efficient, independent and effective judiciary will be at the centre of the fight against corruption, abuse of power, and growing inequality;
– where public servants are accountable to all citizens and at all times;
– where natural resources are harnessed for the sustainable development of the country and the benefit of all its citizens and
– where there is transparency, accountability and timely access to accurate and actionable data and information.
Kandeh Yumkella, presidential candidate for the NGC noted that what the party offers the people of Sierra Leone is a vision of Hope, Opportunity and Transformation solidly backed by a robust commitment to seek the wellbeing of his people.
“Hope, because there is a new awakening to the need for change from the current pessimism of our existence to optimism for better things to come; Opportunity, because the leadership of the National Grand Coalition comes with knowledge and understanding of the international global system as well as partnerships needed to effect the kind of Transformation of our country that could create wealth and thousands of jobs for our people, particularly the 70 percent of unemployed young people.”
The NGC manifesto launch comes a week after the SLPP and APC launched their manifestos. Unlike these grand old parties, the NGC will launch its manifesto in multiple phases. This will ensure the inclusion and engagement of young people, students and the general public, so as to gain shared understanding and responsibility.
To underscore the importance of team work in fixing and rebuilding the country’s broken institutions and restoring the dignity of every Sierra Leonean, the NGC manifesto and social compact will be launched by the presidential and vice-presidential candidates and the NGC leadership.
The manifesto is superb but is it going to be implemented as specifield? We have seen these kind of promises before by former presidential candidates but we’re never delivered.