Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 July 2021:
Sierra Leone’s main opposition All People’s Congress Party (APC) is at serious risk of imploding, following last week’s fracas outside the party office where the leaders of the party refused to allow senior party grandees – Dr Abdulai Conteh, former speak of parliament – Ibrahim Bundu from entering the building. Ibrahim Bundu also reported attempts by thugs to attack his property to the police.
Early this year, the High Court imposed an injunction stopping the party from carrying out its adminstrative functions until a national convention is held where new leadership of the party will be elected and the party’s draft constituion adopted.
The High Court also told the current party leaders including former president Ernest Bai Koroma, that they cannot take part in voting at the forthcoming convention.
The party has now issued a statement saying it is preparing to hold its national convention soon in liason with the Political Party Registration Commission (PPRC). This is what the statement says:
Yeah! we have to believe that the next APC flagbearer for the 2023 presidential poll is going to be the former President, H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma period. That’s why we always advising one another, do not live on politicians pocket, you will never tell them the fact or the truth. Most of the good writers in this noble forum here today, were helped by the APC gov’t with scholarships to go abroad and study, come back and benefit our country which is good, but can someone tell EBK to stay out of politics? I bet you, if EBK can be quiet, stay faraway for the next 12 month without claiming any leadership, I guarantee you, there would be a change folks. Ok, let Ernest B. Koroma pretended like he doesn’t care, go abroad, have some new life, let APC select their new leader – who ever they want. But don’t act like “TRUMP”, you are not TRUMP, and will never be.
For God’s sake leave this party alone. Let the people bring in the choice they want to vote for. How many of you have come out and tell him “enough is enough”?. Folks we have to abide by the truth. Though J.S. Momoh was appointed after a vote of no confidence not by the constitution of the land, but yet late “Pop Shek” Siaka P. Stevens never made himself life chairman of the APC party, Tejan Kabba never did.
I wish EBK’s family could advice him with wisdom to wash his hands off politics from now. Forget about Bio. Focus on removing the bad leadership in the APC party, and you will see progress. Don’t you believe that the majority of voters are still mad at Ernest Bai Koroma? well, time will tell. Thank you.
Rigth now the APC, is looking every day like a pressure group, than a real national opposition party that wants to wrestle power of the incompetent, corrupt Bio led government for the 2023 presidential election. If the leadership of the APC party wants to be seen as a credible opposition to Bio’s mishandling of County’s fortunes, they need to offer the voting public real economic, social, and developmental goals,alternatives, that not only rescue our country from the effects of Covid19, and the ravages of Bio’s lack of direction on the way forward for our country but it can make a difference in people’s lives.
First things first. The leadership issues and infighting needs to stop. Nevermind the socalled “ONE DIRECTION” mantra used by Bio. The APC party needs to come up with its own slogans that voters can identify with. And one of the ways of doing that is to throw the question on the floor of tbe APC national convention and ask the membership what slogan the party should adopt.? And most importantly which one can the voting public relate to, after five years of economic mismanagement through corruption.” UNITY WITH PURPOSE “Maybe will rhyme with the voters. The word unity will suggest the party leadership have put their fights in bed, and is now ready to take the fight to Bio. And the APC party is a big family. And the tent is big enough to accommodate everyone, and anyone.Unity in Purpose, can be interpreted as the sole aim of getting rid of Bio’s corrupt government.
But that can only be achieved if the leadership of the APC party, are ready to embrace each other instead of pushing away each other. Because right now as its stands, the APC is leadership, are locked in an eco – chamber shouting and screaming at each other. And Bio has parked his tanks on APC lawn, waiting, adopting and stealing there good ideas for the country for his own benefits. And in the eyes of the voting public, everyday looking more like the leader. And despite all the damage he have done to our country. If the leadership of the APC wants to win both the presidential and majority in the parliamentary chamber, they need to stop antagonising the voting public with their little school grounds play fights. This is a country you are seeking to run not a school. Put your swords away and put your thinking hats on.
Now that he has joined that exclusive club of ex presidents, Ernest Bai Koroma should ensure henceforth to continually conduct himself like the Honourable man he has become.
The lack of democracy within APC has finally caught up with them. When they were in control the divisions, factions, acrimony and simmering recriminations were papered over rather than addressed head on. Autocracy within the party gained roots in the days of Siaka Stevens and has become a culture, a culture which Ernest Koroma has joyfully preserved despite the changing times. The party now has younger and bold elements who are not afraid to speak their minds openly – a tumultuous moment for the established order. The establishment headed by Ernest, now find themselves old and weak in the face of ruthlessness from people who consider them to be out of touch and lack the kind of ideas necessary to win the hearts and minds of the populace. To make matters worse, wrangling has broken out amongst the elders of the party with the Secretary General of the party, Osman Yansaneh, in the middle of it, and featuring one of echoes of the past – Abdulai Conteh. What a mess.
And where’s Ernest Koroma, the architect of the current mess? Characteristically he has buried himself in the shadows. He is supposed to be leader of the APC party for life, but on the face of things he is being led . He is trying to hold on but the forces against him seem to be gathering momentum with the background being the charge that he was responsible for the trouncing of the party in the general elections of 2018 because of the undemocratic way he chose the party’s flag bearer. Can the elderly lad from Makeni hold on or is he about to be permanently destroyed with ACC waiting in the wings to pounce once his main shield disappears. We leave it to the outcome of the convention. He may take solace in the knowledge that SLPP are not democratic either. All is quiet right now because they hold the reigns of power. Both APC and SLPP are not good for our country.
Party politics can sometimes be ungrateful, rough, tough and messy. But in the end, the delegates or party leaders will reason and sort their differences out. Anyway, as long as nobody is injured or killed, the party members will see the messy side of party politics. God help the APC party choose the right leader to defeat President Bio in the next general election.