News in Perspective

Guinea Bissau: Elections, but then what?

The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 April 2014 Guinea-Bissau’s elections are an important first step, but to address its economic and political fragility, the country needs strong international help, as well as political and military will for reform. In its latest briefing, ‘Guinea-Bissau: Elections, But Then What?’, the International Crisis Group [Read More]

Dr. Sama Banya - Puawui

Remembering Tejan Kabbah?

Sama Banya – Puawui The Sierra Leone Telegraph: 5 April 2014 I like the following story, which makes me chuckle every time I recall it. It was at the vigil or ‘wake’, held in memory of a deceased member of society. (Photo: Kabbah and Sama Banya). His widow, who was [Read More]