Sierra Leone Telegraph: 17 May 2020:
Parliament of Sierra Leone last Thursday approved several appointees nominated by president Bio for high office in the public sector, including his ruling SLPP party chairman – Dr Prince Harding, who will take over as Chairman of the National Commission for Privatization.
While many see the National Commission for Privatization as nothing but a failed institution that is led by self-serving officials enriching themselves and their connections, the question is whether Dr Harding will make a difference.
Dozens of state enterprises that rely on the government to keep them afloat, have been earmarked for privatisation or public-private partnership. But due to poor management and erosion of asset value over the last few decades, they have become unattractive to private investors.
Other presidential nominees approved by MPs last Thursday, are: Abdulai Ansumana – Deputy Director-General, SLRA; Mrs. Sybic Bailor – Chairman, Board of Directors, Sierra Leone Local Contents Agency; Trudy Morgan – Member, Board of Directors, Sierra Leone Local Contents Agency; Mr. Sheku Mattia – Deputy Commissioner, Insurance Commission of Sierra Leone; Mrs. Haja Mariama Fatu Myers – Member, Corporate Affairs Commission; Mr. Lloyd Hindolo Jusu (Esq) – Member, Corporate Affairs Commission; Mamoud Foday Sesay – Member, Corporate Affairs Commission; Mrs. Amy Elizabeth Green – Member, Corporate Affairs Commission; Mr. David Maurice Panda-Noah – Minister of Internal Affairs; and Mr. Paul Saffa Tapema – Deputy Executive Director, National Youth Service.
Commenting on their approval, Paramount Chief – Member of Parliament for Moyamba District – Fatmata Bintu M.K Koroma, called on the nominees to work in the best interest of the State, and asked the Minister of Internal Affairs to deploy reliable police officers in the various chiefdoms in order to enforce local bye-laws to help tackle COVID-19.
Leader of the NGC party – Dr. Kandeh Yumkella MP for Kambia, wished all the nominees well and encouraged them to deliver, especially in critical areas such as nation building and peaceful co-existence.
The Leader of Government Business – Sahr Mathew Nyuma MP, commended all those who contributed to the debate for the approval of the nominees.
Speaker of Parliament – Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu (Photo), wished the nominees well and asked them to keep safe by adhering to the enhanced measures aimed at fighting COVID-19.
In another development, the Parliament of Sierra Leone last Thursday ratified the following agreements that were presented by the Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr. Patricia Laverley:
Amendment to the financing agreement (Agriculture value chain development project (AVDP) between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, grant Number 2000002586 and loan number 2000002587 dated 27th November 2019;
Loan Agreement (revamping of aquatic environment in the Greater Freetown Project) between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, dated 17th November 2019;
Project Agreement (Revamping of the aquatic environment in the Greater Freetown Project) between the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and Guma Valley Water Company, dated 17th November 2019;
Dollar Credit Line Financing agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Export- Import Bank of India, dated 13th October 2019;
Framework agreement for Protection of investment between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, dated 17th November 2019.
Prince Harding is not a man for the people. At this point in time, June 2021, he is sending armed men to oppress an ordinary Sierra Leonean citizen by building an illegal road through her property to his home in the wetlands. The people voted him in not to make thugs out of them to oppress other law abiding citizens with his political power. This is the 21st Century and the world is moving ahead. Africa needs to catch up. Prince Harding, we around the world are watching the events that are currently ensuing, and we will not remain quiet about it!
More and more bloated bureaucracy for a small country like Sierra Leone. Is this in the interest of the people?
It sounds like a lowdown to many, for poor Dr Prince Alex Harding. From being disgracefully sacked from the lucrative position as Chairman of the National Telecommunications company (NATCOM) to what looks like a consolation position as Chairman of the National Commission of Privatization (NCP), does not fair well for this veteran SLPP politician. Is Dr Harding presently hard up, for him to accept such a fall? Does this move signal his subsequent removal from the position of Chairman and Leader of the party? What a pity for the Fall Guy.
Same taxi different driver will take us no where. By the look of it we are dealing with the same recycled politicians that have driven our country from one disaster to the other. Its like the Sierra Leonean public is sitting at the back of this car and the driver in this case the president Maada Bio is telling us to strapped on our seat belts, but he doesn’t know where he is taking us. Every one of us know the things that are holding us back: Tribalism, corruption and nepotism. If Dr Prince Harding is given the job because of his affiliation to the ruling party, it is not only wrong but he also denying our country someone else who might be better suited to do the job. If on the other hand he went through the interview process and the president thinks he can do the job, I wish him well.
Our country needs people like him who wants to work in the country’s interest not their selfish interest. The best way to sort out our political and economic problem is for this government to ask our international partners to train those people holding public office in the art of governing in the interest of every Sierra Leonean. Our country is rich in minerals and human resources, but we as a nation are not making full use of our country’s potential. Even a football manager or an NFL coach can manage our country and produce results.
President Bio can’t be recycling the same politicians and expect different results. We need fresh heads and people who really wants to put our country as title winners, not to be languishing in the drop zone – year in year out, fighting to stay alive. Right now this is the way majority of our countrymen and women are feeling. God help us with COVID 19 – its going to be worse in the months ahead.
Stargazer says—“ Instead of filling already empty holes, this President is on an extravagant, partisan spending spree wasting much needed, meager resources; doing the unthinkable – digging holes in such a poor, tiny country like our own, that could be run easily, and effectively by just a handful of smart people”
Couldn’t be succinctly put Mr. Stargazer. Our man at state house still has a lengthy list of party loyalists and supporters that need to be rewarded with government jobs. So he cares nothing about the detrimental effects towards our comatose economy. Like you alluded, they are proclaiming that it is “THEIR TURN” to enrich themselves, so no amount of wailing or weeping will convince these wicked greedy mammals. Despite the continuous bloated government, with exorbitant salaries and rewards, these undignified characters continue to lie to the public that, they inherited a bankrupted economy.
And who in their right minds wouldn’t feel compassion for this President that keeps on hopelessly sending reinforcements to salvage a losing battle, lost since the day he took the oath of office? Sending soldiers with the best weapons to reclaim lost territories, in battle fronts who are untrained, and unskilled will achieve absolutely nothing, Sir! The worrying truth of the matter is that Mr Harding is going to look out for his own interests and not those of the people of Sierra Leone. His fidgeting SLPP hands will always be deep inside the nation’s cookie jar. The game is already far gone – countless losses upon losses, incurred by this unfruitful government yet they have not learned their lesson.
Government is our nation’s biggest employer and is still insisting on hiring more and more inefficient, unproductive people. Does Streamlining mean anything to these clueless people? Instead of filling already empty holes, this President is on an extravagant, partisan spending spree wasting much needed, meager resources; doing the unthinkable – digging holes in such a poor, tiny country like our own, that could be run easily, and effectively by just a handful of smart people. Of what use, or benefit is a bloated, dysfunctional, overcrowded government? Well folks, here is another wonderful opportunity, for the SLPP to fleece, rob and exploit our nation.
It’s your time, Go right ahead and do whatever you can to ensure that you fail miserably and let us all down! Good luck to you ladies and gentlemen as you embark on an already fruitless journey, BE SAFE,out there…on a worn out, battered, sinking ship, in those rough, unnavigable oceans, in which you will never be unable to reach your final destination.
Oh my goodness. Goodness alone knows what this reinforcement will achieve. As Mr. Stargazer said and I quote “President that keeps on hopelessly sending reinforcements to salvage a losing battle, lost since the day he took the oath of office?”. I agree with you Mr. Stargazer many folds. What I would say though, is these new reinforcement/recruits, will not allow themselves to be killed in that losing battlefield. They will either runaway or take off their uniforms/boots and mingle among the civilians to exit unnoticed.
Wise and brilliant comment there from Mr. Stargazer. God bless you Mr. Stargazer and welcome to this glorious platform. Stay safe wherever you might be.
All I could say is this – Dr. Prince Harding is one of the SLPP Party Champions. I believe he would make a difference, because he would not want to tarnish his name for anyone. By the way, he is one of the SLPP party champions that has the capability and credentials to rule Sierra Leone in a very peaceful manner. God bless Dr. Prince Harding. ENJOY MAN!